Test results came back. COVID-19 positive

Test results came back. COVID-19 positive.

Been sick for 4 days. At first it began as a minor fever/headache. Then nausea and sore throat. In the back of my mind I joked that maybe I caught the virus, but I was probably just being paranoid with all the news reports. Once the persistent coughing began, my girlfriend convinced me to play it safe and go to the doctor. Doctor tested for several things including COVID-19 and it returned positive.

I guess ask me anything. I'm hoping it doesn't get worse, I don't feel like completely death at the moment.

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Show diagnosis

I was sick on late Sunday early Monday now just have barely a sore throat so I really don’t think it was the virus.

If you aren’t larping where did u get tested and what instructions were you given? Any unusual symptoms other than the general flu symptoms

I started feeling nausea today. I now have a sore throat. Hopefully I feel better in the morning.

Hope you die, have a nice day.



Something to dry yourself out like Mucinex, or an expectorant like guafenisen?

you have aids faggot

I don't have any physical evidence, all I have is a copy of my prescription that I already filled. I guess I could take a picture of that, it has today's date on it, but I would need to censor my name and Dr.

age and location?

What is your location? Do you have any pain on a scale from 1-10? When did you start showing symptoms? Are you currently in hospital or in isolation at your home?

F, fren . Take your meds to live.

So do it, faggot.

Are you being quarantined?

1. Age?
2. When do you think you came into contact with the virus?
3. How’s your pulse? And how well can you breathe?

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Mucinex contains guaifenisen

Do you have a rash?

how are you being treated?

What did you do to get it? Do you wash your hands?

what was prescribed? honestly user, are you fucking tarded? you literally have the awareness of an 8 year old boy. details for fucks sake.

Would you like to knock some traveling off of your bucket list? How about a visit to Israel?

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A glowing leaf

I've had nausea today. Nothing else. Temperature is fine. I think its just this sense of doom and anxiety affecting me. I've seen this coming for weeks, but seeing everyone act normal had a massive gaslight effect on me. I've been trying to subtly warn people. now that I see I was right I feel bad I didn't try harder

I'm not a doctor but if I were you I would wait until if/when you develop more serious symptoms to go see a doctor. It is still cold/flu season and it's still much more likely to be that. I'm kind of out of it, my girlfriend was with me and they told her a lot of the instructions. Basically stay self quarantined until further notice, contact them if symptoms get worse. I thought it was going to be a HUGE scene with people in hazmat suits and news cameras but no it was just like a normal doctor visit but one of the nurses did take us out the back exit

same, it's still cold/flu season, I would wait until if/when your symptoms get worse to see a doctor

What’s your favourite Haddaway track, and why isn’t it “what is love”?

What kind of prescription lasts 4 days? Lmfao you larping faggot.



>Gee golly gosh I guess I could take a picture of that, it has today's date on it, but I would need to censor my name and Dr.
>being this low iq
fake and gay

Order emulsified vitamin d and loads of lipsomal vitamin c now

False. You have something from your doctor stating what he diagnosed you with.

5 day antibiotic course if they started it in the clinic and they want him to start prophylacticly due to immune system weakness.

From reddit for sure

Breathe in some colloidal silver through a nebulizer and report back please.

You saw your doctor without a mask on? so now he is also gonna be dead like you?

I was exposed to 2 coughing thots on Saturday, today I have a mild to moderate headache that comes and goes, my body temperature is also fluctuating up and down.
I am almost sure I got it, I picked those whores in the general areas this shit is developing, if I have it is almost impossible not be noticed, I started getting symptoms almost 2 days after

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Retard who cant read.
Op never mentioned a 4 day prescription

good luck

I'm not a boomer so my odds are good.

I'm not sure what your question is but I did take mucinex and over the counter generic brand cold medicine before I got a prescription

the doctor didn't test for that so .... maybe?

new york. I'm a young adult. Don't want to give my exact age I'm not sure if they will release it I don't want to be identified on here

>they gave me anti-biotic for my virus
low iq fake and gay

op is a basic cunt and hopefully will succumb to the AIDS in short order.

A lot of that is out of your control user - don't waste energy stressing over it.

Do you have chills?

you will be fine its actually less deadly then the normal flu that you have already had countless times in your life. the threat and panic comes from how fast it spreads not how deadly it is.

OP does this feel like something your body can beat, or does it feel really bad?

>I'm not a boomer so my odds are good.
Oh that's too bad. I don't know you, but your death would be a good thing.

I thought I might have caught it. Got a sore throat on the airplane that turned into flu-like symptoms. But it was very similar to how I normally get sick and now 10 days later I'm back to full health. Guess I dodged a bullet, let's just hope I can get back into the country

LARP, on Yas Forums?!
Do you really believe someone will come on internet and tell lie?

I'm in the same exact position as you user. Make sure you get enough sleep.

PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE: neckbeard.xyz/notice/9sv0pVZnfYLs4wJ8t6

You got the flu nigger

I started feeling sick on Sunday so it was 4 days ago. The symptoms started slow I thought I had a slight cold but they progressively got worse. In terms of pain I don't have any physical pain like body aches or things like that. I'm being isolated at home, they told me they didn't need to monitor me or keep me but to contact them if symptoms get worse

Thank you, from my understanding the meds don't "cure" me they will just help alleviate the symptoms until my body fights it off

Yes I was told and agreed to that under no circumstance can I leave my home


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Can you take a picture of your meds? Do you maybe know the name of the prescription?

I’ve had nausea too user. Download some games on your phone, get the kindle app. You’ll find when you shift your attention, you feel better. Also start doing push ups and sit ups, anxiety and panic is expressed through the muscles and release.
>hypochondriac, I have anxiety over the heart. I get symptoms of heart disease with NO actual problems. (Got extensively tested) anxiety does a lot. Mind over matter

Enjoy your last few days my man, stage three is when things get ugly like the blood vomit and toxins. Godspeed


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>new york
So youre quarantined? how many people do you think you spread it to?

>my body temperature is also fluctuating up and down.
boom thats it
thats the kicker right there not even trying to panic you user.
Stay very warm. Start loading up on vitamin C. Drink whiskey from white oak barrels. No bare feet. KEEP YOURSELF WARM. Drink hot fluids constantly. Stay hydrated.

>let’s just hope I can get back into the country

You’ll have to dodge several more than just one bullet if you try that, I’m afraid

When do you suspect you cough it, we need a general direction where you at.

show fucking proof asshole. my assumption is that you're just another larper on this board filled with genetic incel waste

your doctor doesn't test for it.
only the cdc.


Yeah but what dose and how long?

I know cunt, that's why I said I dodged a bullet
This guy gets it.

You'll be dead within 15 days. If not, you're fucked for the rest of your life. That is, unless you get reinfected; then you'll certainly die.

Fuck me man I thought I was going to survive this shit longer, I even bought a fucking gas mask for fucks sake

You'll need at least some picture proof.

Chloroquine with Zinc seems to be the solution. Its been in use in China and South Korea. Dosage is about 500 mg daily.


Good luck to you user. Don't die to the kung flu.

I flew on a packed airplane from Anchorage to Seattle on Saturday. Plane was full of Asians and people who'd been working in the fish processing plants in dutch harbor, which is full of asians. They were already wearing masks in dutch in mid February and I was told by one of the cab drivers there that they had suspected cases at that time.

Anyway, lots of coofing on the plane.
Now I feel kinda funny. I feel like I have a dry cough coming on. I've sneezed a bit. Almost dizzy sometimes. Now my chest kinda hurts.

I had masks but none of the white people were wearing any and I didn't want to freak out my shipmates flying home with me.

I think I caught it. Don't be like me, bros. Wear your masks.