Tom hanks son

>tom hanks son
>alpha omega symbols
>medical staff
>3 suns/spheres with spikes (virus?)
>huge fucking eye of providence
Can any other user provide info on the other symbols visible?

Attached: IMG_20200312_004254.jpg (1080x1080, 278.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

can confirm he has BBC tattoo on his taint

>I am who I am
Confirmed fag


>"""medical staff"""
also known as baphomets penis

> Medical Staff
Caduceus uncultured fuck.

He's just a gnostic.

wow, a guy with a Greek mum has Greek icons on him? WOAH!!!!!

Attached: 1583995521289.jpg (1434x1080, 494.48K)

all luciferian

the tattoo on his left arm is a portrait of Everard Mercurian .

Big ups to ja learnin tha tat do ja
noe go we dat me dad poo poo pee pee bisumpdja


He's probably his father's sacrifice for more fame. Just like Stallone's son Sage.

is he jewish?

your middle age greek origin is actually post enlightenment black pope try again.

>snapback hat
Can you get any more nigger than this?

Yeah I know what its called, I had to dumb down the post for Yas Forums consumption

Just means he's a massive faggot. No must more to it op.


yeah? what a bout that giant fucking eye pyramid kike shit centre piece?

>ignoring that huge eye of providence
good job retard. And yes, I know the Eye of Providence is originally a Christian symbol appropriated by the jewish Illuminati.

123 tattoo beneath the virus symbols
Father reported infected with Corona on 12.3
Half Life 3 confirmed

tattoos are for trash people.

he looks fucking ridiculous
>imagine spending thousands on shitty tattoos but not going to the gym

Attached: 3682B8EE-9438-494E-A36C-84833CC68C7B.jpg (585x524, 68.45K)

He skipped abdomen day.

He looks like a fag

Is that a woman? Looks like breasts are removed wtf


Why are you obsessing over a brainlets tattoos?
He's the son of a low IQ person who puts on a show for a living. I can find people who flip hamburgers with more esoteric tattoos? What's the intention of your questions? Do you want to suck his dick or something? He looks like an average meathead with pointless tattoos behind his intellectual capacity.

The ony ones not mentioned are the hanging man and what looks to be ethopian jesus.

Your post/thread itself is dumb cocksucker.

The word Gnosticism got stolen and transferred to things it has nothing to do with, ;like occultism, to destroy Gnosticism. Even the Gnostic religion isn't Gnosticism.

Why does he have wrinkles under his tits?

wow he looks 10x more jewish than his dad

You may be on to something

It looks almost like a slice of pizza.

>ignoring the popeye quote

the hanged man on his left side. i think it's just a larp for him because if he was truly knowledgable, he wouldn't have the christcuck shit on his arm

He is obviously into kabbalah etc.... nothing big. He was spiritual, and then maybe not. He is not important

>Can you get any more nigger than this?

Attached: 852477.jpg (599x672, 79.64K)

>pink nipples
Well he's white at least

Harry Potter and the Medical Staff

The medical staff is called the Rod of Asclepius and has one snake the symbol hanks jr has is one of swiftness sometimes depicted with wings

>The Hanged Man (XII) is the twelfth trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination. It depicts a pittura infamante, an image of a man being hung upside-down by one ankle. This method of hanging was a common punishment at the time for traitors in Italy.

>twelfth trump
>punishment in Italy

Attached: IMG_20200304_205436.jpg (680x383, 24.76K)

It was originally a sign of wisdom and godhead. See Odin or any of the gods who hung from or were crucified on trees. It later had been heavily influenced by Christianity.

>has bitch tits from steroids
>plastic surgery pec muscles
>was/is a woman
seriously wtf are those wrinkles

^everyone look at this guy struggle to keep his chad obsession alive popping boners over some brainlet with tattoos

What is wrong with his chest? Did he have breast reduction surgery or something?

LOL you obvious don't lift

>thinking faggot tattoos mean anything

Wiggers get the rope first.

And his shits all retarded.

i want to beat the shit out of him for being so stupid

Probably a meme tattoo, but there's some dirt on Tom Hanks.

Just watch Joaquin Phoenix's speech at Golden Globes (I think ???)

Put out there to soothe the masses

under rated.

whoops I meant Ricky Gervais

123 million people, or 9 percent of the population, are over this age. A report released by a government think tank forecasts that China will become the world's most aged society in 2030.
People also ask

123 million people will die from the virus in china.

Ricky Gervais' monologue is probably what you're thinking of.

Guys why is reality slowly turning into Donnie Darko?

Did he have his tits removed or something?

damn its like the rich guy's son on boondocks

>Donnie Darko
do you want to know? do you have a open mind? if not do not waste my time pls. but i can give you the answer and evidence.

i remember the moment Donnie Darko ended when I first watched it, was the moment the 2003 blackout happened.

i want to know please

ok well astrology is the wheel of fate. predetermined fate. im sure you have noticed everyone around you going nuts starting in dec 2016 and progressively getting worse correct?

yes sir

dudes an NPC, full of ego, look at that dry beard. he believes in himself to be the best and greatest, better than all others but he has chosen the wrong side. the side of death. he hasnt identified his spirit and the plan of eternity. Can't blame him... being born into a famous successful family is a very challenging life. to escape the dopamine... almost impossible task.

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