dirt water edition
Survival thread
Lot insects there
Why is the drinking tube so short, do you want to crawl up to it to take a drink?
do you want free soup or not?
It’s a survival tactic faggot. Make a longer straw if you want. Or while you’re at it why don’t you go down to Starbucks and get yourself, your wife and her boyfriend something to drink if your so thirsty.
If i would find this gau construction i would piss down the pipe and watch op drink while i laughed and had a sip of water from a bottel as i am not a fucking retard
I drink and smile, u get pranked instead
Sweden is the ultimate joke so sit down and shut the fuck up cuck.
Know your place swede.
If you haven't mapped out all the guzzlers in the Mojave desert and hand transcribed them onto laminated topo maps you're not going to make it, son.
>a dozen springs in the mojave
>10,000,000 thirsty people.
Good luck
fuggin saved
If it actually comes to this anyone reading this thread will mostly likely be dead or a sex slave.
How do you make the tube
intestinal tract of a non-white
just turn on the faucet retard
Survival is paramount. The universal gift of life creation and development is a responsibility. We are held accountable if we take life. Yet we allow abortionist to take life. I call it the privilege to kill human evolution. And that is reality. Justified or not. We could all justify death if it does not suit us personally that is why we have law based around survival. It’s the foundation that holds society. So division is the main objective when it comes to abortion rights and the privilege to kill human evolution development. The only difference in reality is the age looks and location. Now look at the battle lines.
Nobody chooses the Mojave in a crisis, user. The Mojave is the crisis. See you there.
You’d probably get aids though
Why would you want to live in a shittier version of the world already?
Just prepare to take what others have.
Boil it idiot.
hard part would be getting "green foliage" to grow down there, and in enough quantity to make even 1% of diggerence.
>wind blows dust particles on your net
>Insect get blown on it
>The rock holding it down adds 'flavor' to your water and moss
>id: CUQ
yeah, enjoy drinking brown runoff "water" from a pipe connected to the mosque
It's not growing. You put freshly cut leaves or grass in the hole before you put the tarp over it.
so the decomposition gives it the co2/oxygen whatever the fuck? thats neat.
but it seems like you would have to put a ton of it in there just to get enough for one person per day. why not put a bucket of swamp water inthere or something
that looks like a trans vagene
need to log off for a while buddy
I really must advise silicone or something else more heat resistant. That is unless you want to drink water that stimulates estrogen production, which I don't think you do.
why not just start a fire and boil the water you fucking retard
In a survival situation who gives a fuck
These things all probably work, but if one of us tried setting it up, having never set one up before, we'd just end up with a pond and a bottle full of dirt.
nigga where tf imma get charcoal in the wild
this, like nigga wtf
user charcoal is made from wood
Pee in the dirt around the cup every time too.
Make it.
LOL, you didn't realize the picture is a diagram of a vagina. Stupid cunt.
>trying to hit a moving target with a handgun while wearing a retarded WWI gas mask and carrying 10kg of shitty rope
>but muh optics
good luck bruce
>pile up wood
>cover with thick layer of mud
>leave hole at the top and 6 at the bottom
>set fire to wood
>close all holes once fire got high enough
>break open
>lurk moar
holy fuck lads
you are doomed
>wonders why no one does this on Naked and Afraid
Looks like ovaries
Dumb normies
Filtering water, starting fires, learning to get food off the land are all very useful
But one understated survival art is learning how to make cordage out of various plant materials
I have over 140gb of survival stuff from 8ch i need to upload it to a single mega someday
Is this a joke? You burn wood. You don't start a fucking coal mine.
Make a proper pickaxe retard, charcoal is just shitty coal
one of the components our body critically needs is Iodine, and it doesn't occur naturally in the world. most of the 'symptoms' of iodine deficiency are what americans consider normal aches and pains and normal problems associated with age. to combat this the US government added iodine to the Flour we baked with, and that worked for a long time. people developed insane cravings for bread and bread became the base of the food pyramid, which helped with farming econometrics too. eventually they stopped that and started putting the iodine you desperately need in Salt instead. this is actually why people have odd cravings for junkfood but never feel full, your body is searching for iodine and you don't know it. it thinks it's from the junk food, but it's just the salt. it's the trojan horse that gets the rest of the junk food into you, and of course without a decent salt table your blood pressure will drop and you will become permanently drowzy without salt, IODIZED salt.
Styx made a video reminding people about this, and then there were threads about him that got deleted today. i know those threads were E-celeb shilling and deserved to be cut, but the truth about disaster preparation is that in the wild your human body will DIE without iodine, and right now the US gov only puts it in salt. if that information doesn't reach you, then you'll die from iodine deficiency on a stack of toilet paper and ammunition the size of a couch. it's a damn shame.
you need iodine to function, it's like vitamin c, you need it every day and no one talks about it.
Grows on trees my dude
log off incel
jews are famous for contaminating water sources
Eagle Scout reporting in
1. Conserve items that will be of higher value during a supply chain shut down.
2. Obtain and store useful survival items such as the Saran Wrap and can in OP's pic.
3. Make a security plan to prepare for looters.
4. Figure out alternative locations to stay in the event of pandemonium.
5. Network with TRUSTED friends and family.
Do not panic. Just be prepared for anything. If we handle this Covid thing alright, we can solve the problem in a matter of months.
>Deprive your fire of oxygen entirely
Did you just never graduate primary school or what
>you need iodine to function, it's like vitamin c, you need it every day and no one talks about it.
You're exaggerating. It could cause braindamage in the rarest cases or birth defects in pregnant women, but it's not like you need to have it to survive. If you're worried, just eat seaweed.
if that were true bucko how in the fuck have humans lived this long without mythical iodine? oh i know because its pretty much poison and only retards eat/consoom iodized salt. buy kosher salt you fucking git
People already knows every spring there and most are owned and monitored by the government. The desert is the worst place to survive. You can get away from people, but that's because there is no water.
kike spotted
pls do it bro
actually no its just the jew doesnt poison itself so just buy the jew salt.
Shits called protein basedlet
You can't filter water without a filter supply. Boiling is the way to do it, but you need extra fuel.
Many humans already had it in their diet from eating shellfish. It is essential and you need it for thyroid function. The dose makes the poison. All nutrients are toxic in high enough quantities.
You’re retardposting about a technique used for thousands of years, cease manlet
This thread is literally how to filter water without a “filter supply” whatever the fuck that is. Yas Forums is fucking retarded