What's it like in your city right now, as far as the "pandemic" is concerned?

What's it like in your city right now, as far as the "pandemic" is concerned?

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In a small town in Georgia, kinda dead here as no one cares.

it's okay now, schools are closed so zoomers are able to roam free during the day, people are kind of panic buying shit, they are afraid stores will close too.

I say, if this thing escalates, by 2 weeks from now army will be on the streets and there will be some sort of martial law

Im near the Italian border. Lots of italians cross it daily for work. Its going to shut down soon i hope.

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Jokes aside, first time in my life living in the city center and being able to go to sleep without hearing a single sound, not even drunk retarded tourists yelling and singing. I woke up this morning hearing birds chirping, not joking, that never happens. Plus I'm not considered a neet anymore, I'm a responisble citizen. People who go out and try to have a social life are hated here now!

Portland, OR. Nobody is panicking. Just talking about it

Rural Maine
Business as usual I spose.

Central Texas.
I've seen a shortage of hand sanitizer. That's about it.

What pandemic?

Brookline MA

People still walking around pretending shit is normal despite the beginnings of exponential growth here. A mask here and there. A vague sense of anxiety and fading denial at work.

Now I am going to watch this movie.

Lots of flies. Less traffic.

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Spain here, schools museums and all that closed shortage of some things because panic, kids with the grandparents without school but everybody is working, we will be like Italy on tuesday next week I suppose, Trump's ban could make us react faster i hope.

>hometown (NJ)
>people are panic shopping and obvious aisles are empty but still go about their day since our county only has 1 reported case, schools still open
>work in NYC
>nobody gives a shit and they’ve basically mocked me at work for refusing to greet people with handshakes and such the past 2 weeks

UK, no toilet paper in the supermarket. Only a few boxes of lasagne sheets in the pasta section. Tinned food pretty depleted. Plenty of fresh food though.

Otherwise everyone is just carrying on, there are people on trains and buses with face masks but not many and they are East Asian for the most part.

I don’t get the toilet paper thing, there are other concerns before wiping my ass. My garden is full of leaves and stuff and I have loads of old newspaper.


No cases in my area so far,probably will be in the next 2-3 days.

the grocery store was sold out of black beans and fresh basil

People are talking about it but everything else is normal.

Business as usual in south Florida

There's people outside bashing their heads into building walls and aimlessly walking around, responds to noise
Someone pooped in the street earlier and we're not even in India

>fresh basil

San Francisco?

Some dude working at a KFC got tested positive and the only thing they did was to close the KFC...not even testing people working in stores or restaurants next to it with the KFC being located on the main street of my city. So i can say with confidence that we are fucked but thats ok because i did prep over a month ago.

Lol no rich neighborhood

I live just outside of D.C. and people have gone from "LOL coronavirus, it's just the flu bro what are you being all paranoid about??" to "oh fuck this thing is super serious..." in the past week or so. I wouldn't know if it's empty out there though because I've not gone anywhere but the grocery store at 11 PM and then washed and wiped everything off for the past month.


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i need it to make ratatouille on saturday

>twf city is corona free

PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE: neckbeard.xyz/notice/9sv0pVZnfYLs4wJ8t6

Same shit different day in south Okanagan. I don't know how we don't have a shitload of cases...

Tucson Arizona
Seeing the beginning of panic buying, but most retailers have been keeping the shelves sort-of stocked. Kids in one of my engineering classes were talking about going on trips during spring break. We have one case in our county, someone in the rural BFE who works in the outskirts of Phoenix.. so far at least.

Lol the funny thing is i had a dream of the tribulation and its much worse than any zombie scenario, like 100 times worse. It was indescribable. Hope u ppl r saved.

I'm going to take a plane to Ediburger and then take a boat to Norway and trek through Sweden after I get the virus just to fuck with your country.

How do I join the army

don't worry bro it was a prophetic dream of what will happen when the weather cools..

lol you don't you have the reservist status right? they will call you up, probably to some low level trench digging or helping with unpacking shit

Business as usual.
However everyone is aware of the model for growth in cases so we expect to be like Italy in 6 weeks.

>the polish army still digs trenches
jesus christ

Did you find a nice place to put your pot of gold?

idk what they will call you up to, but right trench digging is not fitting pandemic scenario, so probably they will call you to some tent setting up,

It's a shit hole, people living on the streets, trash everywhere, dead people in the parks, riots every week, police can't get the city under control, the government has stopped caring and stopped trying to do anything about it, but its been like that every since Trump was elected.

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I just can't believe that Polish officers tell recruits to dig trenches. That's so fucking outdated.

traffic kicks ass, user. I love it.

I don't fucking know? What army recruits should do then? obviously they wont had them out guns, so no policing, they will be just clerks I guess

Huntsville, Alabama
We're hearing about more and more universities doing classes online now, including Anuburn. University of Alabama is doing online classes after springbreak.

Sorry, Auburn.

Sorry, Auburn. We're also hearing shit going down in Tennessee

I keep hearing about sick people in New York but I haven't seen them. All grocery stores still packed to brim only thing empty are sanitizer sections.

No panic yet. Grocery store still stocked, and my job told us that if we get sick and have to be quarantined we're SOL.


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Bratislava (capital city) fag here. Went for a short run in the park and quick excerise yesterday evening. Instead of hundreds of people I would usualy meet at that time I've seen perhaps 10-15 people (talking about center of the city). Despite being a small faggot ass country it was still very weird. Only sound I heard was ambulance rushing close by. Eerie is the word that would describe it the best. At least the gov is somewhat competent when it comes to corona chan and shut down practically everything a few days ago. Let's wait and see, anons.

>What army recruits should do then?

lol no, we got professional army from that, reservists are just cannon fodder

But for real, certain things have been empty in stoes for 2 weeks, and my college is closed until 23rd, that's only 10 days. Michigan "2 cases" yeah right. US isn't testing so cases are much higher.

No one is saying "it's just a flu" now, but a lot of people are saying "no point preparing because we're going to catch it anyway".

Digging trenches is the most basic and effective form of defense for infantries. US infantries do it too.

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seconded but that may change soon

damn nigga if this was a final fantasy game we'd all be fucking dead from those numeros

Literally nobody cares, I live in a small city with

We just got our first case and our gay mayor is telling us not to panic I'm thinking about quitting my job

bruh, it's called controlled explosions

New Jersey, panic shopping, people frightened, schools closing, etc.

it begins

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>munich germany
no difference exept subways are not as crowded as usually.
even shops arent as empty

> Dallas
Most people still not taking it seriously, over hearing lots of durr hurr Coronavirus jokes & downplaying.

I’ve successfully convinced 2 co-workers to stock up for a possible 3 month shutdown, it took a few weeks of them thinking I was crazy.

Some prepper items becoming harder to find, local Sams club out of rice, powdered milk, canned meats. Still not totally cleaned out, still no long lines or fighting.

That's just cope, m'eight.

What’s the job?

Oh those guys must have been stocks traders then

chandler here, went to the store a bit before midnight saw lots of people already stocking shit up. I reckon theres only a few days left before it gets wild


At least your people aren’t stupid and can see it coming

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Do you have a stockpile of four leaf clovers?

I thought Yas Forums was blocked in gookland.

Meant to add:
I did see greeters at Sams wearing latex gloves today. That’s new. A few masks worn in the store as well.

gulf coast, Alabama
everyone is oblivious to the world, as usual.
stores are stocked, no one is panicking.