Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - The Early Worm Catches the Flu Edition

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>Election analysis 2014-2019

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>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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Guten morgen, Kraut/pol/!

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guten morgen
heil hitler

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NEEEIIIN aber wir brauchen doch Fachkräfte! Meine Wirtschaft! Mein GDP!!!

Gute Grüße. Morgenkaffee heil.

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Tfw when can no longer tell Amis to go home.

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>kein Fluchtweg mehr

Jagdsaison dieses Jahr früher eröffnet.

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Coom dispenser

you can still go from GB/Ireland/Romania/Croatia

Schönen Guten Morgen!

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Der Ösi auch schon wach. Egal wann ich einen Faden mache, du bist da. Ich ergebe mich, Omnipräsenter.

Die Morgenlatte kehrt zurück.

>teile und herrsche

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>tfw Pope is never under HRE in CK2 starts

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How are things, pestobro? (((They))) are saying you hospitals are running out of resources, doctors have to pick and choose who gets to live and die for critical patients.

how are things in Italy? do you have curfew nationwide? if yes, how do normies deal with getting food?

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>half-nog himself
>they find videos where he merely criticizes Germany's policy refugee, making the claim of "the guest taking the host's life" and prompting German's to wake up
>he is FREE to say it
>gets fired
>gets slandered
>gets called racist and xenophobic
>gets kicked off several other platforms
>gets Wikipedia irreversibly changed to Hitler status

Ist "Wir haben Meinungsfreiheit, ABER" der Unsatz des Jahres?

Die Scheiße guckt hier hoffentlich sowieso keiner, aber eben leider MIllionen andere. Mal gespannt, ob der Bohlen einen Fetzen von Integrität hat oder auch noch nachtritt.

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Warum ist dieser Journalist so eine elende Drecksau?

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Props an Xavier


I think he's half Indian or sth like

wir haben keine meinungsfreiheit PUNKT, die bloße existenz des 130er stgb ist beweis genug

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Is he bending over yet or telling them to fuck themselves?

Based. Never understood when I was younger why they told us we have free speech. We clearly don't.

>2. die Menschenwürde anderer dadurch angreift, dass er eine vorbezeichnete Gruppe, Teile der Bevölkerung oder einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung beschimpft, böswillig verächtlich macht oder verleumdet,
Aren't they doing this to right-wingers 24/7?

einer geht noch

>us american national security council press outlet
there's your answer

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Einer muss ja die Stellung halten. ;)

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yes but it's ok against germans

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Wie jeder Journalist?

hab gestern einen linksgrünen aktivisten propagandastand von greenpeace zerlegt, feelsgoodman

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Löblich. Der Diskussionsbedarf mit denen ist ausgeschöpft. Es heißt Fresse oder Schelle.

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hope it makes the news, some people were filming with their phones

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>Austrian Omnissiah
here we go again, manic phases goes on :D

god damn it... my grey cells are still stunned after yesterday.

>DAX (opening): 9.881,20PKT
>first time 4 digits since 2016

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I hope you didn't cough on them

coronachan bitte

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i'm not chinked yet

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>manic phases goes on :D

Yes!! Gonna run the Versuchsanlage again today ... and maybe caress the lathe a bit.

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>haha money printer go brrrrr

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Need some ... neurosurgery? ;)

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>maybe caress the lathe a bit.
be gentle with her! it's not vodka nigger crap after all! plox send vid... WIF SOUND!

Woke up with the shits and very light sniffles. 99% nothing, but you can feel death closing in on you.

Based brrrroomer

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shoo shoo! I'm still perfectly functional, this is only transitory

>Bitte - nicht so schnell!

Don't worry, I'll be gentle. :)

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Taid's trip got canceled.

half of my coworkers are quarantined

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I know this feel. At least I have kraut/pol/. Some semblance of normalcy.

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Do Germans give their opinion mere from observation or rather, emotions? Say
>American military and war strategy is CHAOS!

>half of my coworkers are quarantined
I wish. Work in a 5 man firm.

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>vodka nigger crap

Btw I googled the model and the vodkanogs looted a lot of these after the war. What they did to the poor things ... heresy!!

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>America, first I would like to discuss with you your war strategies
>'OK, well in that case, first we need to talk about cocaine and diarrhea. Taid's thinks she's super cool because she gives herself diarrhea, let that sink in first"

What a fine day

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>What they did to the poor things
they raped them, what do you expect from vodkanogs

Here is a video explaining that chaos in warfare is just another version of warfare, and it more or less allows the environment and mother nature to decide who wins!

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I have this window open on the side. Softporn disclaimer:

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>Softporn disclaimer
Already clicked before reading. Just cummins my pants

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What the fuck is this guy on about?

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No idea, man. Reads schizo, so better not reply.

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it's creatura de Kraut/pol/ and that explains everything

> ... going down! :DD

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There has been one confirmed case from a worker at my local daimler factory.
If enough workers are already infected they probably have to shut down production further accelerating the collapse.

Well then, rolling for total manufacturing shutdown.

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creatura on her nightly rant
absolutely checked and kino

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>fasten your seatbelts Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye bye!

>those lips

Damnit NOW I understand where that weird dream came from!! :D

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How am I gonna wipe up all that cum? I need to hoard the toilet paper for Corona-Chan. REEEEEEE

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