>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
How are things, pestobro? (((They))) are saying you hospitals are running out of resources, doctors have to pick and choose who gets to live and die for critical patients.
David Turner
how are things in Italy? do you have curfew nationwide? if yes, how do normies deal with getting food?
>half-nog himself >they find videos where he merely criticizes Germany's policy refugee, making the claim of "the guest taking the host's life" and prompting German's to wake up >he is FREE to say it >however... >gets fired >gets slandered >gets called racist and xenophobic >gets kicked off several other platforms >gets Wikipedia irreversibly changed to Hitler status
Ist "Wir haben Meinungsfreiheit, ABER" der Unsatz des Jahres?
Die Scheiße guckt hier hoffentlich sowieso keiner, aber eben leider MIllionen andere. Mal gespannt, ob der Bohlen einen Fetzen von Integrität hat oder auch noch nachtritt.
Is he bending over yet or telling them to fuck themselves?
Based. Never understood when I was younger why they told us we have free speech. We clearly don't.
Luis Mitchell
>2. die Menschenwürde anderer dadurch angreift, dass er eine vorbezeichnete Gruppe, Teile der Bevölkerung oder einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung beschimpft, böswillig verächtlich macht oder verleumdet, Aren't they doing this to right-wingers 24/7?
>America, first I would like to discuss with you your war strategies >'OK, well in that case, first we need to talk about cocaine and diarrhea. Taid's thinks she's super cool because she gives herself diarrhea, let that sink in first"
>What they did to the poor things they raped them, what do you expect from vodkanogs
John Morales
Here is a video explaining that chaos in warfare is just another version of warfare, and it more or less allows the environment and mother nature to decide who wins! youtube.com/watch?v=wSoEvLxAivY
There has been one confirmed case from a worker at my local daimler factory. If enough workers are already infected they probably have to shut down production further accelerating the collapse.
Well then, rolling for total manufacturing shutdown.