Ask a mexican anything

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Other urls found in this thread:ón_europea

how easy is it to get laid?

How do I grill beans?

will you mow my lawn

Corona or modelo?

Why is Mexico so shitty? You guys murder like 100k people a year, everyone gets PTSD, then sneak into the US. AND RUIN USA.



how much to mow my lawn?

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you cant


indio is the best beer along tecate red

we are not that violent.

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How are 1st immigrants treated in your country, and why are you so eager to let people south of you use Mexico as a gateway to the US?

Why do you cut people's heads off

I rather not.

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Why do all beaner woman try to get on my white dick?

>shithole countries
>nigger tier homicide rate
>not that violent, bro

>indio best beer

What a pleb. Seriously, get help because you have no taste.

they need the bleach

>and why are you so eager to let people south of you use Mexico as a gateway to the US?

we are your wall and you should be happy, if you start fucking with us again, we would be the next turkey with syrian immigrants in a free way to evrope

Quien es más indio, tú o yo?

who fucking cares. argie peso is $70 hahahaahahaahahahha

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which is it, ultra? kek

tu, paticorto. ni seleccion de basket ni oro en futbol olimpico hahahahahahahahaón_europea

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los dos son iguales de indios lmao
nosotros somos negros, por suerte
sus indecietas son re chiquitas y les gusta LA GRAN PIJA NEGRA URUGUAYA

Not a human in sight

Why haven't you crossed the border yet?

tenias razon yorugua, Diego rolan es una mierda, no es obdulio varela

Are Italy and China asking Mexico for advice about Coronachan? I mean you've only had 7 cases and apparently contained them...

La gente pobre acá siempre es india, a diferencia de mexicaca dónde todos son unos Tlaloc de mierda.

ah, te le dije hace meses, Rolan es un fraude
pero tiene una poronga de 37 centimetros

aqui tambien imbecil si nosotros inventamos el sistema de casas primero que vosotros jajajajajajjajajajajajajja

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>we are your wall and you should be happy, if you start fucking with us again
Huh? The whole reason Mexico started actually enforcing its border was because Trump threatened tariffs. Its BECAUSE we fucked with you that you became the wall. There was no motive for you to do it otherwise, since the Mexican government knows the vast majority would rather hike to the US than live in Mexico.

do girls fart a lot in mexico i mean you guys eat so many beans...

Que tan facil es para un cocalombiano follarse algunas "morras" (mujeres o jovencitas) en Mexico?
Por cierto, es verdad que si eres cocalombiano, corres peligro por alla?
Respuestas serias user

> we are not that violent.
Ummkay. Time for bed lupe

I'm British and not american so I see past the bias but some Mexican seem hot af. Are they really all ugly tramps?

how can I get a cute mexican gf?

This is satire correct?

no lo dudo, es negro.

pero nosotros tenemos la pija mas grande de todas , hahahahahahah a mamarla provinciano boludo

That one in the middle has a phat ass booty, you got her number or any naked pics of her?

thanks, yes, you nords loves meds and vice versa.

for us all blonde woman are the best.

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no lo se Rick, parece falso...

todas las mexicanas son muy putas al nivel sudamericano. No, solo si eres hambrientino. Pero si empiezas a hacer tus mierdas de gota a gota te van a matar los narcos de aca.

I only live near the border, not in Mexico (obviously, but I have been there), but the same pattern seems to appear in every Hispanic country. The upper middle class/rich and political elite look white or close to white, everyone else is a varying degree of indio.

How long until your culture succumbs to the progressive cancer coming from California? They're already infiltrating with the whole latinx stupidity and feminism

Promise her a visa and enough space for 27 of her cousins and you're good to go


dont get baited by the asses, they are as dumb as they are curvy. spics are worse than niggers.

please, dont send niggers, america is infested.

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we look spanish, portuguese, greek , turkish and arab, dont we?

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Like any race they have some good looking women, some not so good looking women. But yes the majority of Mexican women I've known (and fucked) have been some hos

>spics are worse than niggers.

any proof?

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Se que la mierda del gota a gota es exportada, pero que acaso los narcos mexicanos no se benefician de esa mierda? De lo contrario seria estupido ser gota a gota como tu dices

los narcos mexicanos actuan a veces como defensores del pueblo contra extranjeros vividores.

Whats the sentiment around Mexico with regards to Trump and Democrats?

Do you know any hotties willing to pay me for papers ?

no se de que habla pero no se peleen, mexicanos y colombianos, los dos son narcos asesinos y contrabandistas del mas alto nivel
deberían darse la mano yo que se, en vez de pelearse
es su única industria y su única exportación


Indias nacas

Ponte a mi nivel perra

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todos sabemos que la pacífico es la más riata alch ya cállense alv

everyone in mexico's gotten corona but we aint neither testing nor reporting

How white is Mexico?

one thing i can't understand is mexican beer
it's literal piss
do you purposedly craft it like piss to cater to Amerifats?
because they like piss and your beer is piss

why your women crave white dudes so much?

does it anger you?

bout 1/4. Spanish folk are a mix of arab and white; they then added indian to the mix

yo onions blanco al igual que ella, pero hay indias cogibles porque tienen mucha sangre europea, no eres mejor que mis gustos, perra regia culera.

viva chihuahua! el lugar mas blanco y rubio de mejico

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doesnt make me mad cuz im white lmao

What is it like living in a country that cannot provide infrastructure for providing potable water and sewage removal?

>tfw u will never have a qt latina gf
why even live

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our beer is top class.

no, we have more whites than you.

why are you still in that shit hole county nigger?

Is it true that Mexican society is racist against indios/dark Mexicans or is it just liberal bs?

Tits or gtfo

idiot, you have anglo saxon blonde blue eyed woman.

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Do you feel guilty when you have sex with your 12 year old sister, or is that just normal Mexican culture?

>What is it like living in a country that cannot provide infrastructure for providing potable water and sewage removal?

we are not india or the US

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if you're atleast a 9/10 I can pay you 100grand for taking your virginity and shitting on your chest. Comprende?

Should the wall be built?

Are you NEET or what do u do for a living

you would not get it

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When you guys are going to solve your feminist problem?

there is a fence, does it count?

how do i get a latina girlfriend specifically as a westernized pajeet?

Why did you make this thread and what do you hope to get out of it?

Why do mexican women always smell like burnt lard? Is it because they cook tortillas in lard all day?

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>When you guys are going to solve your feminist problem?

when we kill our fucking psyco feminazis orcs.

hey at least they can work and drive like mexican man! what are they looking for? equlity? they have it now.

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Is heroin cheap over there?

You’re right, Cousin Slowpoke, there are a whopping 15 shithole countries more violent than you. Not that violent at all.

Do you think pic related smells like burnt lard?

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Based, remember, no mercy.

here's what those 3 spicy latinas look like today

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hey at least we can afford free education and healthcare nigger

Not that white girl, but most mexican girls smell like manteca and you know it

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your race is inferior than ours, but you are more developed, explain.

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You do understand that education and healthcare aren't free and that you pay for it through taxes, right?