Why did he do it?

Sky King: The Man. Yhe Myth. The Legend. What drove this man to steal a plane and take it for a joy ride?

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Just a few loose screws, user. he just needed a friend

He just wanted to be free, for once in his life.

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He decided to clown on the world, instead of letting the world clown him.

Fly forth, Sky King.

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skyking is my NPC litmus test. if they dont get it, they're properly programmed.

The tone of his voice, calm as fuck.

Fly high sky kang.

a true hero of modern times

I bet you anything he was smiling when the plane ride ended.

Impulse and maybe a glimpse of hero's glory

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Man his coms over the radio inspired the shit out me.

Rest in peace Sky King

He tried killing himself but kept chickening out, so he needed to put himself in a position where he had no other choice but go through with it.

Sometimes you have to prove things to yourself.

he could have blown off steam playing battlefield 3 and still been alive posting with us. some people just want to be known that they were here.

Should make a national holiday in honor of him


And I think it's gonna be a long, long time till touchdown brings me round again to find
I'm not the King they think I am at home
Oh no.. no.. no.. I'm a Sky King man.

SKY KING MAN! Burning up his fumes out here alone.

It was a Q user thing.

I think he wanted to die, but he wanted to live, to finally live just once before it was over.

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victim list

compare the descent


Do you think this guy pulled off those maneuvers first time in a plane? Do you think he'd be even able to take off? The plane and its descent has a 100% match with the plane of the crash of prominent dissidents.
"they won't give me a job I'm a white guy"

Where did it crash? What happened there previously?

>Haha just play videogames bro
Legitimately an NPC.

>he could have blown off steam playing battlefield 3 and still been alive posting with us.
And he would have been a nobody, accomplishing nothing, and being remembered by no one.

Fuck off new fag.

They did this to hide the real sky king eam stuff so that normies don't stumble upon it doing a google search.

Why do you White supremacist faggots on this board post about this dude? He was legit a normal dude that just wanted to fly a plane and had zero right wing affilations.

>He just wanted to be free, for once in his life
And do barrel rolls. Never forget the barrel rolls.

>Why do you White supremacist faggots on this board post about this dude? He was legit a normal dude that just wanted to fly a plane and had zero right wing affilations.
Hw was not a bleeding hole tranny for one thing =)

If you're asking why, it means you'll never understand.

wow stealing a plane and crashing into a island is so fucking based and redpilled i almost forgot thanks for reminding me faggot are you having a drink reminiscing about grandpa flying his zero into an aircraft carrier?

Fuck off you edgy expat

Not a arguement. You legit cling to someone that probably would've HATED every single one of you.

blue skies forever

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White man held down by the system. Smart enough to steal a plane and do cool maneuvers but was working baggage handling. Probably worked below some nigger that is half is IQ.


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>Not a arguement. You legit cling to someone that probably would've HATED every single one of you.
Hating me? For calling out discord trannies?
I doubt it.


Dying for something is better than living for nothing. He died to do what many people only dream about.

RIP to the king of the skies

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>*angry npc noises*

This but unironically. most people don't understand why they feel like they do. but look at the data.
He seemed like a based lad I would have been friends with.

I’m a nice person and I get along with everyone except niggers.

>would something PLEASE think of the plane!
fuck materialism

>Hey, pilot guy, think this thing can do a backflip? I'm,uh, gonna land it in a safe,uh, kinda manner yeah

>killing yourself is cool as long as you talk about the plight of the white man.

Some men are destined for greatness.
Others simply sieze greatness when the opportunity arises.

And once again we see the typical NPC response. This is what separates you from a truly conscious, thinking man, and like an ape trying to figure out how a man operates a tool, you can only stare in puzzlement, unaware of what you're not even missing.

>Normal conscious person hearing this story: Wow, what a tragic yet beautiful expression of the human condition, a moment of exultation yearning to break free from a life of pain that we can all sympathize with in our own small way. It is the story of our existence, at least in his final moments he truly got to fly and show the world something that will not be forgotten.

The guy was despondent, probably depressed and sick of his life ranging from the mundane to the outright awful, and being told that all the shit piled on top of him was 'normal', he just wanted to do something fun and end it.

I don't really care about what his political views were, but when he said "nah, i'm a white guy" after being told he would get a job if he manage to land; i felt that. Not because he was talking about 'muh white people' but because he spoke to a deep level of feeling like life wasn't in his control.

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Dunno why he did it....guess he just had a few screws loose...
>balling crying

Well said, bug bro

The fact he's white doesn't matter one fucking bit. He was crazy and got his dose of karma.

how in the fuck was he living in complete pain though? beebo was a total faggot and could have changed his life for the better but took the pussy way out. the memes aint worth it dog.

>*angry npc noises*

I made this from inspiration from a skyking thread. Printed it out and gave it to my old man for Xmas. It’s hanging above the fireplace now.
I don’t condone anheroing but fuck me, if a guy is going to do it..what a way to go.

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>crazy white man dies
>cop kills innocent people
Haha they deserve it

Yas Forumsfucks.

Karma doesn’t include learning how to operate/fly a Q400 then intentionally kill yourself in it.

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I literally said i didn't give a shit that he was white, i said that he expressed that his life wasn't under his control, he broke free.

Also, Karma for what?

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Fake and gay event


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Eat a bullet, kike.

he would have had just as much fun on a motorcycle.

>same crash maneuver
>same plane
>clearly remote drone flying
ok retard