Wageslavery is the reason corona is so bad

>Wagies going to work 24/7
>Wagies go to work even if ill
>No one allowed time off in the United States of Advertizing
>Corona being spread because everyone is in fear of losing their job

You cannot refute this. This whole thing would be done with if everyone went into isolation for a month or two, but no, muh economy is more important right? Wagies bringing about doom and destruction through wagery if you ask me

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I hate wagies, they are evil and they ruin the world for the rest of us.

I'm afraid that if I start being hopeful about Corona that it will fizzle out like everything else.

I hope the virus persists for years in the offices causing always new wave of infections and wagie go RRREEE rree because cannot go to work, kek

Me? Soon going to get more canned food at the supermarket. I'm able to stay off work and public places for the next 8 months. Currently have 6 months worth of canned food and goods.

yo whatup
it´s 7 am in Germany. Im hammered as fuck and go to sleep rn. LOL have fun wage slaving focking faggots. I get my 700 dollars welfare check every month since 5 years.

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>I hope this is bait but -
how the fuck do you lead a healthy life on 750 a month?? Not only are you broke as fuck but you’re also an alcoholic so hopefully your liver implodes soon so the taxpayer can stop enabling your addiction. Until then, enjoy being malnourished and watching the world and all of the pussy in it forget you exist and pass you by, LOL
>Tl;Dr: Die

why do you think im broke ?
goverment pays my rent and healtcare.
i need like 300 dollars for food,drinks and cigarettes. i save like 300 dollars per month,

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Idk my company has really generous profit sharing, and I've got director tier share of it, so when I make those revenue gauges top out with a release I get paid a very significant chunk of money

I also love my work. But no I feel you, at past companies I way rather would have been a neet

who /neet/ gang here
woke up after 12hours of sleep, gonna get some fries and laugh at working wagies on pandemic

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There’s no way to convince NEETs like you that any other way of life aside from drinking yourself into oblivion and chainsmoking roll-up cigarettes until your lungs turn black will suffice because you’re stuck in a routine of instant gratification. You can’t keep up in the race, so you’ll be left behind, as will all of the other aspies in this thread.
>the government pays my rent and healthcare.
I don’t even want to imagine the shithole that you live in. I’d rather spend whole my life in an office than a day in the shithole you most likely live in. As for the free healthcare, your death will be premature regardless, so it doesn’t really matter but you can tell yourself it’ll cure every form of cancer you’re going to get.

I will abandon my low quality wageslavery the second my classes are suspended

You know we're still being wagies even under quarantine right? The difference is when this all blows over I'm going to buy a house, you're still going to ask mommy to make you teddies.

Who shits in the morning before work? Fucking uncivilized.

hahah this genius thinks his money will be worth something when this shit ends hahaha

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>Productivity has increased 10 fold since the 60s
>Still pretend you aren't being scammed by your job
>Can't even live off the land anymore
>Stuck in a suburb or a concrete jungle bullshit for the rest of your life
>Die knowing that only 10% of your life was spent on yourself, and the rest going to your bosses yacht

hahah this genius thinks the amber waves of grain, a quarter of the fresh water on the planet, oil reserves, vast amounts of space and the largest military capability on the planet won't keep the dollar meaning something


Stayed up all night smoking and catching up to some anime,gonna go to sleep when wagies are working hard for their corporate oligarchs new yachts.How's it going fellow NEETS?

>wagies seething

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>tfw make over $22 an hour to dip donuts overnight and listen to my own music

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Remember to tell them not to forget the ketchup.

It's such a waste of life.
Just to serve the greed of other men.

>everyone went into isolation for a month or two
No electrical power, no water, no gas for just two months. Some people might have 60 days of food laying around but the massive majority do not. On top of that most of our critical systems can't simply be turned off and left for 2 months and have any chance of restarting without any issue.

I work from home because I realized college and wage slaving was useless and pathetic in my teens. Start your own business or you're destined to be someone's little bitch for. the rest of your life.

It is over in China already

Communism will win

I take an hour long dump soon as I get to work.

SEETHING wagekek. Hey as long as your boss can buy that yacht life is good huh

Imagine wasting your life supporting and promoting globohomo and the synagogue of satan finiancial system and getting rewarded with worthless fiats, half of which is taken away.

>hahah this genius thinks he will be alive when this shit ends hahaha

All whine about working for a boss.
None as enough ball to create a company. Strong create economy and you think they're bad because you're ego is butthurt by your inability to acheive your dream.
I have 14 employes. They are happy to work for me. I try to give them descent pay. I fired moron like you everymonth because deep inside they believe in nothing. The world has always been rough, you're just weaker than your ancestor.

How do I stop being a wagey bros? What can I do as a business that has low startup costs. I am probably losing my job on Friday.

>go to job
>told to wear gloves and wash hands all the time
>today get told don't need to wear gloves
Please don't eat fast food anymore, at least until Corona-chan is sleeping. Out bosses are kikes and retards that honestly don't care about people, just how much money they can make, and having to spend a fortune on gloves for their workers works against their bottom line.

hahaha your largest military is now standing and watching dollar collapse. And what is the mightiest military worth when you cant pay for it?

What does Yas Forums think of my wagie oc?

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Based. If we all had self-respect, the world wouldn't look like this.

except wagies don't even have their cute little 4 day holiday anymore because of based corona

back to work now, big boss needs his lambo!

stfu you memeflaggot kike wagie stupid bitch take the neetpill

How can I become neet? Please help


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What steps should I take to get autism bux? Just go to the state website?
Seriously done with pajeet faggot telling me not to use gloves while cleaning or police my rectum.

Had a flu a few weeks back. Got over the worst symptoms over a weekend and didn't miss any days.

Kill the master wannabe, kill the willing subject.

Simple as.

I am having flu like symptoms. Have no money.
I had the normal flu I December. I work with the public, I have no vacation, no sick days, no time off.

Bruh, im trying my best but fuck man. It won't hit me too hard. I'm 31. But I will kill probably a buncha folks.
I have to eat.

And that's a good thing.

Wasn't Bukowski an alcoholic semi-homeless person?

This thread
>Bunch of retards arguing about if it’s better to sit on your ass or put in some effort and see where you end up
If you choose neet it’s because you are scared
Call it what it is and I’ll forgive everything else
You know you aren’t hard working or smart enough to climb the ranks so you’d rather just not participate
And again, I’m fine with this, neet lifestyle is comfy for sure
But call it what it is, you are scared because you have nothing to offer

he was a wageslave until his publisher gave him neetbux at age 60 something

how come one become neet in eu? doest it hel when i am a real schizo, but without papers?

Huh. I didn't know at-will employment was slavery

>quotes ((Bukowski))
>"i'm not promoting gommunism or universal income and just using corona for attention, promise"
for the record, there's nothing wrong with being a wagie to gather capital. you have to start from somewhere if your parents didn't think of it before. now its your turn to use your capital wisely to start a business rather than spend in on junk. if you can't do that successfully, then you were destined to remain a wagecuck, sorry to say. maybe your kids will have better luck, if you have any that is.

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>for the record, there's nothing wrong with being a wagie to gather capital. you have to start from somewhere if your parents didn't think of it before. now its your turn to use your capital wisely to start a business rather than spend in on junk. if you can't do that successfully, then you were destined to remain a wagecuck, sorry to say. maybe your kids will have better luck, if you have any that is.

I agree, I love work on my craft. but how to start with being a neet atleast for a year or two to start that biz? I am completly autistic when it come to buirocraci

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it's not really at will if you need it to survive

My brother and I are logical thinkers to the extreme. Between us, we figure we can save a lot of our money each paycheck.

one of the only based posts here.

being a wageslave is fine if you're using that money and your free time to build something on the side. wageslaving should be seen as a temporary thing, not something to do until 70.

>tfw NEET stocked up for Corona ready to resell TP at a hundred bucks a roll
We businessmen now

using the internets you can self study basics in spreadsheets, accounting, ecommerce, taxation in your country, business registration requirements, low or no cost business bank accounts and then look into how your local businesses operate since you'll know what you're dealing with. it may take a couple of years but you should save in the meantime. there may be small business associations in your vicinity that you can join up to network and lrn2biz.

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>save 300 a month
shit nigga. i'm a broke esl teacher in a poor country and i save more than you

Neet cucks don't understand the compromise you have to make in order to move out of your parent's house

You don't need it to survive.

It's infuriating that there is no government mandate that every employee who can do his work in home-office should be able to do his job in home-office.

Make your own brand of hot sauce

Yes but no one wants to live in a shithole or with their parents their whole life. By survive I don't mean live or die, I mean live a reasonably acceptable life.

Stupid worthless pieces of shit. Its because of the efforts of working people around the world that you get to enjoy the fruits of society. Plentiful food in the supermarket, safety in the street, electricity to power the very monitor your shitbrained washout eyes are mindlessly staring at. Please kill yourselves so you can lighten the burden we all have to carry. K thanks.