Why do we rank so low? How do we fix this?
Why do we rank so low? How do we fix this?
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This is inaccurate.
My two most frequented boards are /lit/ and /x/
There's no way this is scientifically valid in any way. Selection bias would be untenably bad.
First question: Jews
Second question: get rid of all the jews.
Big faggotry chart made by a reddit user.
>/lit/ on top
notice how there is no source, no mention of how the IQ testing was done
the infographic is just a poor attempt at "winning" arguments by saying "I'm smarter than you so I win automagically"
>frequenting /lit/
I used be like you, but I ditched /x/ for Yas Forums and Yas Forums. Would highly recommend, user
/lit/ is even worse of a circlejerk than Yas Forums. I bet anyone there who has ever memed on Infinite Jest or Thomas Pynchon never read either and simply copied what he saw from other pretentious lowlifes before him.
>Yas Forums that high
>/lgbt/ is smarter than Yas Forums
I assume this is bait.
Yas Forums and Yas Forums are certainly double digits, /sci/ has a lot of highschool LARPers that should be taking their number down, /lit/ has a bunch of pretentious faggots who have no clue what they're talking about
>Yas Forums
yeah no
It's just a troll image, but transpeople, especially trans lesbians, are know to have high IQ on average
Of course. High IQ and mental illness regularly go hand in hand.
Purge all the people that came from reddit.
Brb, going to shitpost on /lit/
The fact the people who made this chart felt the need to clarify that iq stands for intelligence quotient should be prove enough they are too moronic to not be biased.
Just go on there and tell them how much you enjoy reading John Green and J K Rowling.
Bonus points if you rip on Gravity's Rainbow or Blood Meridian.
This confirms.
Don’t know how accurate this is but people on Yas Forums have a low IQ for several reasons. First, they blame the jews for all of their problems (because Hitler did it 90 years ago). Secondly, they believe every conspiracy they hear. They believe that they are red pilled and have advanced knowledge compared to society, when they are some of the most blind. For example, believing Russian conspiracies that the US started the Coronavirus. Another good example was that they supported Trump because they thought he was racist. They listened to fake media propaganda and believed he going to go all out Hitler, when in reality Trump didn’t really care about someone’s race or religion. While there are some intelligent people on Yas Forums, most are just stupid neckbeards that believe in the bible and conspiracies.
>reading John Green and J K Rowling
There's already endless shitposts in support of those authors. If you really want to rile 'em up use this copypasta:
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.
I want to see this
>Yas Forums and /jp/ that low
Fuck off this chart is trash
Yas Forums would actually be lower, it's a few quad digit IQ hunterchads carrying all of the single digit shounen and moe fans
Your post alone demonstrates you get eaten alive on the board regularly.
Shonen fags are trash though.
If you haven't seen above 400 anime you shouldn't even be allowed to post on Yas Forums
I've seen 4 anime
the rest are trash
Yas Forums loses a lot of rank due to niggers, shills and leafs bringing down the average.
i also wouldnt rank /x/ so low, there are several talented cryptologists and investigators who were later recruited to be actual spooks for their incredible autism. that said, the board is also rife with nutcases and retards...
And this is the exact reason when you post on Yas Forums you get shit on you filthy fucking casual
>but transpeople, especially trans lesbians, are know to have high IQ on average
the shills bring it down.
Lmao i live in a deep blue state every faggot i talk to is female level retarded.
also i find it pretty amusing how Yas Forums made the list and /soc/ didn't
[s4s] didnt either but thats because they are on a higher plane of existence
I didn't say faggots though
back to twitter
tfw I visit /3/ every day as well as Yas Forums
biz is so shit now
the jannies only care about chainlink and transvestites
I'm banned for 2 more days because I made a post about race and traits which are related to business decisions and I guess it was too much for /biz
>doubling down
Mods are just fags, bro.
This isn't surprising at all even if the data is correct. It's not the fault of the normies or shills it's the majority of you dumb fags and your herd mentality, you fuckers instantly submit to any idea remotely right wing. This board lacks individuality and we can never literally entertain any fucking ideas or scenarios or anything anymore without some dogmatic shill fucking about for (you)s.
t. Faggot with a IQ of 143
>a IQ
There should be a study on leaf posters
Average is lowered by all the niggers larping on Yas Forums. Solution, final.
Ironically enough, I do the same and I once took an IQ test with the result saying that my IQ ranges from 96-127.
What the fuck
ok schlomo...
why are you using shitty reaction gifs on Yas Forums, it's seriously bothering me
bro shitposting about Dostoevsky is totally predictable.
Every board on this shithole is fucking retarded. That's what makes Yas Forums great, though
i post on /ic/
im good
Good, keep being bothered, I sexually identify as a boomer.
>Yas Forums & Yas Forums & Yas Forums are all stupid
>are also the 3 highest traffic boards
makes sense all the shills and normalfags who spam these boards
>I made a post about race and traits which are related to business decisions
fucking lol no they're not they banned you because you sperged out and exposed yourself
>Yas Forums
coomers are retards confirmed
kek, that's a bit of a huge margin isn't it? What's with that? I never took a test myself, but I am unironically very smart. Maybe not a genius, but so far there's nothing I haven't been able to learn. 3D modeling is one of those things.
Yas Forums has done the most damage globally. probably more than all other boards combined.
Yas Forums was the nail in the coffin before Yas Forums ever existed
But it's secretly shitposting about Nabokov user
Yas Forums has a sever lemmings problem last time i was browsing, also /diy/ is literally off the charts smarts.
Oldfag Yas Forumsacks don't participate in datamining threads.
>Yas Forums
>nigger pozzed boards are high iq
niggercoins are the glass pearls of the 21st century
This is so inaccurate, then what a fuck of test they used? I've tried 3 iq test, and I had 115/120/140
better to be a retard than some fag on /lit/
It's an entirely made up graph meant for shock value
>that disclaimer: Yas Forums is low iq so keep your ideas to yourselves
>b-b-but that doesn't mean that some people can have lower iq and they are less useful to s-society
How did Yas Forums get so high? we're we pretending to be retarded the whole time?