When does Yas Forums give up on this retard?

When does Yas Forums give up on this retard?

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4d chess


never because it pisses you off

Most of us have.
I don't even believe that most posters ever supported him, we just got flooded with retarded boomer shills for a couple of years.

This tard knows when to steer the ship in a different direction when it's about to hit some shit. Who knows if it'll work, but the nigga changes his mind pretty quickly.

after 2024

It's literally an excuse to fuck the EU, idiot.

q predicted this

Uhhh did Trump seem really off and possibly sick in his speech earlier tonight? I’ve never seem him so low energy and he was fucking up his speech left and right. Something is going on here that we don’t know about I think.

When his term is over in 2024

He completly and utterly botched this. It's his undoing.

>In both cases, it took the outbreak of a physical malady, a virus, to awaken the conscience of the world as to whether we ought to treat these countries the same as law-abiding democracies.
The Rabbi says the virus was necessary to fuck over Iran and China. Trump probably has to do what he's told.

When the only other option isn't suicide

Pretty much. I don't love him, but he sure beats the fuck out of whoever the dems will put up. He's not
>literally hitler
but I never expected that. He's just good enough for now. Jared Taylor 2024.

As soon as there is a non zionist running against him

NOOOOO LET IN MY UNCHECKED MIGRANTS FROM EUROPE. Fuck yourself. You fucking crybabies start with hes letting in too much so well get it to he wont let in anyone so we can't get it.

>implying he called it a hoax
shills trying too hard

When all of you trannies kill yourself and the USA is 100% right wing white people

Who is that gray haired shill who Trump occasionally retweets? The one who said to buy the dip last week?

It's ok.
You can still travel to the only country in Europe that matters.

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Who knows? Maybe the stress of having the whole country collapse under his leadership is dampening his mood. That's probably it.

I can't wait for to see you trannies cry in the streets when Trump wins again. Bernie is finished, and Biden is a shit dementia ridden candidate. See you in 2024, faggots.

He called the mainstream news media's narrative on his job a hoax not corona itself.

>Jared Taylor 2024.
Sorry, but there's not such thing as the H'white House.

He was using his “this is very serious and I’m reading off a teleprompter” delivery tonight. Not unlike other situations like this.

All the real Yas Forumslacks did a long time ago. All that's left are the Redditfugies. Hopefully they'll leave after the election, so we can have four more years of mocking this zionist retard. Trump may be an annoying moron, but his mindless cultists are insufferable.

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He banned travel from China, south Korea and Iran long before your out of context hoax comment.

Today was the day he realized that he's going to be a one-term president, and will be fossilized in American history as the guy who helped crash the world economy and served his last few years in a New York penitentiary.

you honestly think this month long astroturfing has worked.?

A travel ban is a good thing. Look at Russia. Closed 2000 miles of border with China, no Corona.

Jokes on you, I've been here since 2014. We made the_donald to sanitize our message. They've always been useful idiots.

One can dream.

drumpf is part of the hoax retards

Lol you mean like we thought trump would be? I don't know where it all went wrong, but abandon hope.


>from europe

>If we repeat an out of context clip enough people will believe it's true
and then the joke is people actually started to

How far up your ass does the deep state go these days?

This is the problem. What were you expecting? Literally hitler 2.0? No shit he's not like that. But how is he compared to Bernie, who wants to raise taxes, literally invite third worlders in, and take guns? Obviously much better.

As if europe doesnt currently just let in fucking anyone. Use your fucking head kid aren't you being paid to?

For someone who gets caught hook, line, and sinker for the red scare, one would almost think you'd know what the fuck a "third world country" is.

>we'll definitely get him this time
Kek at the cope

"climate refugees" aka all of africa. God they dont even try.

>people are walking from afghanistan and then buying a ticket without getting a passport to the US, somehow getting a tourist visa, all to be an illegal alien in the US
Maybe you should stop using your brain. It's defective lmao

? is obviously correct. Once they're in the west, they move to various other nations.

The walls are closing in


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It's not uncommon to encounter africans crossing the southern border of the US. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

I'd rather have Bernie at this point. I don't even give a shit. At least Bernie will crash the corona cruise ship so that some of us can take the life boats back to shore.

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You have to go back to Readdit

Never cause he makes you mad

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Trump never said it was a hoax but he did say dems were trying to blame it on him

This is mostly much ado about nothing. Society will continue on with minor disruptions, and if Bernie were in power, he'd implement all these measures I had mentioned. If history tells us much it's that these measures are not repealed easily. Unequivocally the worse choice.

Why are libshits so fucking retarded and act like Trump called the coronavirus a hoax? He referred to the DNC's politicizing as a hoax, not the actual fucking virus as though it doesn't exist. These people deserve to be killed unironically

Quick, tell me what you think Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 7 of the Constitution says.

A blind guy failed his citizenship test because he was refused braille. We had child containment camps across the Mexico border (who were denied proper hygiene, food, and sleeping essentials). If you're so afraid of mass migration, then maybe let's do something about the elevated CO2 in the atmosphere that's going to swing the climate in drastic directions all over the world. COVID-19 is just a tiny sample of what's to come if we don't get our shit together.

>It's not uncommon to encounter africans crossing the southern border of the US
Yes it is. And this has nothing to do with banning travel from Europe to the US.

then propose an actual solution if trump is so bad.

I don't give a fuck about a blind man failing his citizenship test, nor containment camps across the mexican border. Fuck them. The climate is such an immeasurably large problem, with the US and Europe playing an increasingly lessened role in it. I have no problem taking action on the climate in some ways, but I absolutely will not compromise on allowing more nonwhites into the US or the west more broadly.

>travel ban from europe
>market collapse accelerates
He literally can't do anything right.

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To be fair he only gets his info from feds like the CDC and the WHO and not mongolian basket weaving forums

I agree with the fact that banning travel from Europe does not address this issue, but there are undoubtedly Africans crossing our southern border.

>then propose an actual solution if trump is so bad.
There is only one solution kameraden.

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That's not an actual solution. If it's so great, then why don't you get started and we'll follow your lead.

But none have the will to carry it forward. Wonder why...

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bahhaha elevated C02 get fucked nigger stop shifting your goal posts. Those people have no right to be in the united states without our say so. as said this happens REGULARLY they get a ride to south america nad trek up in "muh hardship caravans" who are fed and supplied my multi billion dollar corporations .

>Follow the money

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Oh boy, you have no idea how deep that rabbit hole really goes son.

>literal hundreds out of 30 something million illegal immigrants

Can't solo a raid bro.

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Look around you. Did you start coming here because there were too many whites where you live? I doubt it... Now tell me, is your town any less brown than it was when Trump was elected? Because I really... really... doubt you can tell me that is with a straight face.. Maybe there are less Mexicans... But it sure isn't getting whiter.

Course, there's other options I suppose.

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He's disappointed because the libs handed him the election. He wants a fight by his nature and the libs were too retarded to put a decent person in front of him in 4 years.

Why would I blame it on him? All he did was:

• Fire the pandemic response team.
• Slash funding to the CDC.
• Slashed the complex crisis fund.
• Slash funding to the HHS Department.
• Have a low key scandal about the military base outbreak.
• Cut funding to other specialized offices to handle just this kind of thing.

He's been handling this swimmingly. No, fuck that.
This is the first real crisis he's hand to manage, and it's getting out of control.

Oh, I know you don't. You people wouldn't bat an eye if there were concentration camps down there — your pupils might even dilate. "We can't let more nonwhites into this country", says the guy living in a country whose indigenous population is all nonwhites.

I didn't know we let fucking necrophiles onto this board.
Why's this guy sucking Andrew Jackson's dick so hard?

>Surely Drumph is finished this time

You're in denial. Good news is, it's the first stage of grief. Next stage is anger.

Yeah, I noticed several times he repressed a cough. Trump might already be fucked.

>inb4 literally fix the problem yourself if you point out that trump is a faggot traitor
There isn't any less Mexicans at all btw. Nothing has been done.

He never said it was a hoax you retard. That's literally fake news. Watch the rally. He said the Democrat's response to him was a hoax.

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This recent shit isn't his fault. It may or may not cost him the election, but in the long run history will look upon him kindly.

Why doesn't he ban th travel from the UK?

It's politics, he doesn't give a fuck about healthcare.
UK has a lot of cases and growing.

He uses this to attack the EU.

>Guys, guys, he didn't say [insert dumbass thing here]. He said [insert different dumbass thing here].

See you in 2024 kek

>mfw when 1% black
damn it feels good to not be germany.

>This is the first real crisis he's hand to manage, and it's getting out of control.
Why contain it.

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You're a retard and you should kill yourself.

I have an actual solution.

1) No more immigration of any kind to the US. Not racist, but no more nonwhites.

2) Deport all illegals and institute a $5,000 cash reward to citizens for all tips leading to a deportation.

3) Voter ID and other voting measures like finger ink.

4) Free state-subsized abortions for low income people. Predominantly blacks and hispanics.

oh you know what i meant. They're given billions and rides to the usa by "muh common sense" groups to feed industry that and democrat politicians flat out walk over the border and let in pregnant ones. I'm fine with your life failing but not mine.

I don't recall him ever saying it was a hoax. Pic should say
>we went from believing that Trump thinks its a hoax, to us thinking that Trump thinks he fucked up lmao I hope we all die so we can totally own the conservatives!

if this "MUHGAWD CORONAVIRUS WERE ALL DED" is so bad why can't we just close all borders? You just want to survive right? Fucking low paid shills.

How did Obama handle ebola and swine flu like a champ (under a economy fucked up by Bush's wars and the 2008 recession no less) yet Trump cucks it with what is just "the flu" according to him?

Because trump isn't allowed to just shut down flights or borders because hes wacist. You knew this.

It wouldn't change anything.

Canada and Mexico actually have a lower rate of infection per capita, so why would we close the borders to them now?

>This recent shit isn't his fault.
See: I'm not saying the initial outbreak is his fault.
You can blame people who eat fucking bats for that.
What I'm saying is, he disassembled our fucking boat in the middle of a rainstorm.
And now he's acting confused when the deck starts swelling up with water.
He's a fucking idiot. I understand wanting to downsize government.
I understand classic Republican values, there's some rationality there.
But you don't have to throw your chips in for this guy. He's not /your guy/.

You know, even the Nazis just wanted to deport the jews at first.
Mind-blowing fact: Anne Frank was denied refuge in the United States.

I'll let you wait for the concentration camps, mein Kumpel.
Then you can kill me yourself in the firing squad. Deal?

Why are you spreading lies? Even your bias fact checking sites admit he never called the virus a hoax

>country whose indigenous population is all nonwhites
Yeah they lost it in wars. Just like they lost it to each other in wars. The Sioux, for example, were not originally a plains tribe- they were displaced via war. The west is not particularly culpable. It shows your western hubris that you highlight our faults yet literally all civilizations war and take from other groups. Always have, always will.

I'm a shameless self-advocate for people of european descent.

I said close ALL. if we don't close ALL < do you see that word >ALL< its ineffective.

>i love eating shit because you think its gross!

Well, he never called it a hoax, so...

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He literally shut down flights. He just denied that there was any potential problem associated with this exponentially infectious virus because he didn't want to slow the economy, which was his chance of winning the next election. It was his ego.

His somber tone in his recent speech reflects this. I am so very thankful it's him dealing with this and not Joe Biden, though. As much as I disgaree with Trump's politics, we could not have a senile man in office during this time.

You're a shameless advocate of people whose food was so nasty, they invaded the rest of the world for some spicy.

>Pretext to arbitrarily restrict travel from any country he so chooses
>Even though both statutory and Constitutional law already grant him this power, it makes it a lot easier diplomatically and no one can really complain domestically
>China is utterly fucked economically in the short and long term since companies all over the world are looking at moving their supply chain out of China
So when this blows over by summer and the media pretends like they didn't act like the world was ending, it will be a net positive for the US. Again I find myself going back to the idea that Trump is either extremely lucky, or a very cynical political operator.

>even the Nazis just wanted
That's a slippery slope argument and not much improved by your comparison to a single historical occurrence. That's my plan and it would work. Why are you so against us being able to live amongst people who are like ourselves? Ethnonationalism is the future.

Would have maybe made sense if the US had any hope of containing the local transmission clusters. It's don't. I guess it still technically gives a few days more time to ramp up testing. After which they will conclude yep shit is definitely fucked as we thought.

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people who form their opinions based on reddit posts and snarky tweets don't realize how obvious it is that they form their opinions based on reddit posts and snarky tweets
you're not the counter culture, you're a bunch of fucking squares and you'll never get it because you're pussies

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Because why would you attack countries with lower rates of healthcare and more effective means of dealing with the virus?

What we need is martial law for 2 weeks first to prevent ANYONE for leaving the streets for ANY reason. This is the ONLY thing that would save boomers. Too bad boomers live to consume dumb shit.

Stay delusional faggot.
He's not the best president, or even a really good one, but democrats openly hate white males so I will never support them.
It's really not hard to figure out why people support Trump.
If you have no problem with hating white people, then maybe this website is not for you

after being called racist for doing so and the BELOVED cdc releasing people infected with it.

Stupid fuck should have shut down all borders last month
We would be recovering right now


You lost. Should be happy we let you exist name one country that was founded that let the founders have individual like countries (reservations)

ive had enough of his malarky!!

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In what way shill? What should he be doing differently?

Holy shit you are so dumb.

Agree, people are just too retard. Fake news melted their brains.

He literally banned Travel from China in January. He never thought it was a hoax- he was trying to calm down the public

Lel you're entitled to your opinion, but europeans are responsible for nearly all scientific and technological innovation in the past 1000 years. You're even arguing with me on technology dreamed up by europeans, using a european language. Our civilization is unequivocally valuable.

>Why are you spreading lies?

It's all Democrats ever do. They are terrible people.

So we dont close the borders we keep everyone inside meanwhile we just let in flights? What the fuck are you saying you fool? We couldnt close the borders fast enough because some dumb fuck thought it was wacist.

Pretty much my view on the issue.

Anyone leftist enough to think Trump is a racist for restricting flights from China at this time is equally as dumb as people who are so right wing they think Jews engineered the holocaust as a PR spin to exploit guilt.

now we must let in mgirants from poorer countries? what the fuck are you saying thats even worse.