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What is the difference between Denmark and Netherlands?

basically none
but Netherlands is the more powerful version

hold din kaeft vestysk stoed, ge oss var sprag tilbag
t. engelsk

danelagen snart

>das Gefühl wann unser Wort für Gesetz ist von DRECKIGEN HEIDNISCHEN SEEMÄNNERN entlehnt

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you laugh now anglo-scum, wait till we come rollin over the waves next year as post-apocalyptic vikings.

deal with it
not only did you get raped in the viking times
but anglos where a danish tribe that got raped and subsequently had to flee to the br*tish isles
Saxons too, although that was in G*rmany

Oh how I raugh, my little rapebaby

Hamster time boys

dutch use an alphabet
danes use borg symbols

I thought you guys went into hibernation. What gives?


Both had their spoken language ruined by Frisians.

How are you holding up, danebros?
Show me your pandemic-face!

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Denmark = Germany's hat
Netherlands = Germany's backpack

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What is the grocery situation there? Just bought $300 worth of groceries ahead of time, cause lockdown panic scares the shit out of me.

G*rmany = Denmarks toilet

What is Poland then?

Markets are running as they should, havent seen anyone prepping here in that sense.

Only thing I noticed is a no handshake policy has been instated country wide in all institutions with hand sanitizers everywhere.

Danes have much better genes and better humor. Danish are basically demigods and Dutch are rat people. Danes are also much richer, the wages are about 30-40% higher.

Metro and S-train no people. Nørreport literally a ghost town except a couple of dumb tourist Waking around doing nothing.

>havent seen anyone prepping here in that sense.
I just saw a guy walking out of a store with a full grocery bag and a bag of toilet paper on each hand

I'm about to head to the shops. I've already prepped but it never feels enough

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Memes aside, fellow Bjarne. How fucked are we really? At this point i'm mostly worried about older family members getting it, as i'm pretty sure my immune system can handle it (for now anyway).

Actually there are more people outside than I thought. A lot of busses are for some reason stacked with people and the metro towards the airport is also filled. Guess we never learn....

I’m a Daneboo and I want to visit copenhagen again. Also saw esbjerg. The danish girl I matched on tinder cancelled on me last second. Christiania was fun and tivoli was too. Went to malmo and saw literal shit the second I stepped off the train platform.

How is that prepping?
Thats pretty fucking normal


Germanys cock

Rude and quarantinepilled


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a fake country

Is it time to revive...

The techno-viking?

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I heard that beta faggot was angry and tried to sue over this shit or something

More like cock-sleeve.


Great thread everyone. Way to go...

Country will be shut down for two weeks. All public sector workers, students, teachers and officials will be sent home for this period. Only a skeleton crew of police and medical staff will keep up their regular schedule.
People began panic buying immediately after the prime ministers press covfefe where she explicitly said not to.

People are basically chimping out

Wouldn't that be Austria?

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>where she explicitly said not to.
Why would you trust anything Mette says? I have zero faith in them containing anything atp.

Where are most cases located here? I can't find any information

In fagmark. Sweden has always been better

Nah they're your asshole, all they ever did was destroy Germany.
Drag Germany into a useless war while being woefully underequipped for it. Their generals were literal retards and couldn't even beat Serbia without German intervention.
And then they send some short angry man over, that abused the defeat of the central powers to further destroy Germany.
Because it's not released to public for privacy reasons.

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Don't be so hard on yourself.

Thats not the point. Panic buying leads to shortages. which the leads to more panic buying etc..

We've seen it before.

Besides. If shit really does hit the fan. This short sighted attitude is unbecoming of a modern nation state.

God morgen.

I recently found rugbrod at my grocery store called Safeway. It is 25kr for 500g and is of german origin. When can we count on Denmark to begin exporting rugbrod og sild i Canada?

Can they only release the info once it's spread to a majority of the country?

I'll send you 2 packs of rugbrød and a bucket of herring for your sister

No idea mate
I guess it's the EU GDPR regulations coming into effect.
If they go out and say which towns are infected or from what places people can use the same kind of weaponized autism to track potential victims, which is against their privacy rights.
People have to go out to the media themselves and tell "Yeah I was the guy who was patient zero in Denmark, because I'm a dumbfuck who only cares about me, which is also why I'm talking to you so I get attention"


Am I not speaking truth?

Its true but I want to see some witchhunting it would have been fun

Meh my area seems like it always is. People are a bit more scared than usual but all I have talked to cope with it to some point saying "It'll be like this if I catch it". They seem releaved to hear when I tell them thsat it so far only has killed like one old german and a Swedish man and hits Asians 5x harder with their 5x more ace2 cells receptors which explains the whole China situation and why Italy reacts the way they do with the 1mill chinese tourists in Italy dropping like flies.

Luckily our gov havent shut down our production or retail sectors. Macroeconomic impact will be big, and so far we're still in the game. I think Denmark will weather the storm just fine. Meanwhile lemmings want to know fear, and they'll get their chance.

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You can always witchhunt the attention whores

People are panic buying because they have no hope.
They believe if they stock up on a lot of stuff they will have some hope in their things and their preparation to ride this out.
Jesus is my hope, his blood protects me :)

+you're white

Enjoy the show.

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Takket være jeres ynkelige reaktion imod Corona må vores Lagmand, som er den Danske regerings dukke, nu lukke landet.
Translation: Denmark sucks

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My favorite Nordic country. What's up Faroe bro!

I can read about 70% of that.

Skilur tú so tad eg fari at skriva nú? Eg havi goymt eina gull bar uppi yvir Kvívík, sum vigar uml. 1. kg.

I have friends in Denmark who are going to hamster now. It will probably be too late now, since all the toilet paper will be bought

>chinks are laughing at denmark going into lockdown

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do they live in copenhagen? seems like it's the only place where people hoard

Men færø broder dig kan jeg godt lide, vær nu ikke sur og bare hyg dig der hjemme min din kæle hval.

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K, fuck off yid.

Sorry, havfrue is kill, died of corona from chinky winky

It's a shitskin. All fields.

stupid danes don't stock on remoulade that makes you shit like diarrhea and need to wipe 1000 times. eat fiber and learn to use bidet

Fuucking chinks can't get away with this.

>but anglos where a danish tribe
Angles were always a German tribe, Björn.
The penninsula of Angeln is now and always German land.
And you are German rapebabies from the Hanseatic and WW2, still.

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