Toilet paper case in Australia!

Australians are really buying all the available toilet paper. However those who are looking out for food at the markets still have luck: food is widely available.

Only toilet paper is out of stock.

Attached: australia-toilet-paper.webm (720x720, 1.39M)

Fucking pathetic

Every cunt its like 30-40% bodyfat, and we have an abundance of food.

Even if there was no food for 1 month nobody would die from starvation due to the high bodyfat percentages.


most of them looked like foreign cunts too..
fucking NPC TP 'preppers'

I seriously don't understand why normies dart to the fucking toilet paper and hand sanitizer to prep lmao, one pack of toilet paper can last you like 2 to 6 months, I don't get why they need years worth of it instead of food and surface cleaning supplies lmao

real chads don't mind a little shit on their ass to survive

should get on Finnish level and have a sauna on your house and fill the sauna with 3000kg of sugar

(1kg sugar packages x3000)

you literally do not need toilet paper. just have a shower

>all those muzzies

90% brownies and chingchong

you realise that for the npc it's not about survival right? it's literally that they lose their mind if they have to sacrifice any kind of luxury or comfort.
boomers can't even fathom the idea of skipping breakfast

The answer is easy to understand. People are using past disasters as a guide for this one. For example in Western Pennsylvania a winter storm warning means a run on grocery stores. People buy toilet paper, bread and milk.



Genuine question: why do people want to buy toilet paper in case of a pandemic?

Attached: splash_oscarspoll.jpg (928x523, 57.05K)

zombies buying tp... now what is the next step of their master plan?

Okay, serious thought here:
Is this an example of actual NPC triggering? Like sleeper cells going off. If so, do you think this is something that was deliberate or is this kind of an unintentional malfunction.

I get that the NPC ting is real, but this is fucking eerie.

If you're staying home, you gotta have enough toilet paper to wipe your shit or you're gonna have to start using socks instead.

what's with everyone stashing toilet paper? I mean of all things you need to buy to stay alive why is everyone obssesed with tp... you can just use old books or wash your ass in the shower if things get too ugly.

1) tp has lots of volume
2) people buy more than usual
3) toilet paper gets sold out faster than stocked up
4) people that didn't stock up can't get any more toilet paper, those who buy just in time are fucked
5) whenever there is a new delivery these people make sure to buy what they can get

Toilet paper equivalent to 10,000,000 calories worth of shit,
But only 10,000 calories worth of food prepped.
>Nigger logic

This is the weirdest shit ever.

i wonder about all the transmissions that occuring in this 34 second webm alone, im staying away from croweded places as of today; getting my last prep delivered too my door. whats everyother cunt doing atm?

Idiots think literal shit is going to hit a literal fan and they will need tp to clean it up.


A bunch of people bought toilet paper.

Big deal.

yeah things are getting pretty bad here

Attached: toilet paper gumtree.png (984x2110, 418.91K)

Food will never run grows and grows, farms aren't being shut down.


NPCs in happening mode. It's still fucking weird.

Playing cod waiting for my coles and wool worhts delivery might sneak out for a case of beer to a bottle o with not. Many peeps at.

It is outside the cities

Can confirm it is just TP and hand sanitizer and only in big centres. Regional and rural shops have settled the fuck down since no one knows anyone within 100Km that has the virus.
It's still fucking stupid it ever happens though and put the makes me embarrassed to be in the same country as these idiots

It’s chinks sending it home to their quarantined family

when are they going to stop? i havnt seen a single roll of toilet paper in the shops for a week. where are they storing it all, are they filling all their rooms with it?

>yfw the sauna would actually save you life by killing the virus, but your sauna is full of sugar.

When the Fed coerces all paper mills into halting all TP production, and start churning out disposable N95 masks and hazmat suits, that extra roll of Charmin might start to look like pure sex.

It’s the same as deal as our milk formula chinks are filling up shipping containers and selling it for twice the price in China

>you know you want it.

I didn't...

It’s being shipped to chayna

Not my poo sock!

This is exactly right, we even make 80% of our tp here, it's not that we are running out, it's just hysteria caused by the media. There was like a week that it was hard to get, ordered some from a office supply chain, then the shops were stocked the next day.

I'd sell all my toilet paper and buy a bidet attachment and learn to wash and dry...

Attached: rinseworks-bidet-attachments-abt-360-e1_1000.jpg (1000x1000, 48.19K)

>TFW, saw this coming from a mile away and bought a shipping container of cheap 1ply TP to price gouge Good Goy NPC's...

JK, I'm not a scumbag, but imagine...

You'd be the stupidest man alive

godammit I need toilet paper soon and I always buy a few packages of 48 rolls, not because of muh prep but because it's cheaper.
But if I go and can even find some then somebody will probably take my picture and make me out as some kind of manic herd-following prepper when I'm actually just an alcoholic that likes cheap rye

>Spray water up ass
>shit pants in Walmart
No thanks lardo

NPC goyim are easily manipulated by the MSM, this water and toilet paper retardation just confirms how abysmally dumb & pathetic most plebs are desu

Attached: 1488993746572.png (1100x1080, 1.04M)

well, he would be set for TP for the rest of his life, and with inflation the way it is... soon the value of the TP will be much higher even without gouging.

You underestimate the stupidity of the goyim.

Im thinking the same, if shit goes belly up i need some piss too soothe the sounds of upheaval. Stay safe bro.

Why do people buy toilet paper any way

>be Floridafag
>at Walmart a couple a days before Hurricane Dorian was slated to hit us buying some paint supplies for a small project
>no need to prep, my hurricane kit was set the month before storm season started
>have Kilz primer in my hand in hardware section
>30-something MILF comes up to me with a cart full of haphazard prep stuff dragging two young kids around
>she asks me if Kilz is good for waterproofing your house and if she needs it or the hurricane
>I ask her when she moved down
>a few months before the storm, from the Northeast
>ask her if she has homeowners insurance
>tell her not to bother with waterproofing, insurance will take care of it, just get 2 weeks worth of food and water
Normies from non-hurricane states really have no idea what to do in a situation like this. I would bet that the panic buying in Australia is happening in the south, rather than in Queensland, where people are used to being prepared for cyclones

>bread and milk
yeah why not buy two of the fasted perishing food items around. i fucking hate people

You don't seem to understand that not all of Queensland gets hit by cyclones. Brisbane, where most people live, gets flooding and bad storms and that's about it. House flattening happens further north.

That being said it's a mix between complete retardation and calm preparedness up here. I heard a person ask if their go card would still work during a national quarantine yesterday.

>all of the red.d*tors when someone starts a new /cvg/ thread

this actually makes me hope this virus is more lethal. god these people are so dumb. you dont NEED toilet paper like at all. just shower and adjust your showerhead to jet and wash yo ass.

haven't used toilet paper in months and my butt is fresh.

Notice how all throughout time normies have made up the bulk of civilization? It’s because they do have survival instincts, not good ones but ones that allow the bulk of them to pass on their genetics to the next generation of Untermensch.

Major happenings don’t kill off all the week. They just destroyed the current status quo and allow the new kings to emerge from the rubble, often the new king is the same as the old king.

Explain to me why of all things, the world is hoarding toilet paper?

I'm a fat fuck, totally own up to it, and had been doing sporadic three day fasts just to acclimate to not being able to eat whenver I feel like it in the event something bad happens. I started doing that last year (and actually did lose weight despite eating my regular trash when not fasting) and am able to get by with a lot less prepped food. I didn't stockpile toilet paper though because I'll probably be digging a hole and not using a restroom anyway.

also may i add

india is laughing at the whole world.

>NPCs in happening mode
At least their asses will be clean forever. They won't be taking the normal post-mortem dump because they didn't buy food and died of starvation.

back in the day the church was able to channel hysteria energy into harmless outlets like novenas, our secular society has no release valve. this is just carnival by other means