There's too many happenings going on. What's the most important happening right now and what's coming in the next few days/weeks. PREDICTIONS THREAD
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Flugaloo commences in 2 weeks
Martial law
Black outs
Chimp outs
General mayhem
It will be glorious
Economic Collapse
martial law disguised as "quarantine". Anything besides thew national guard trying to tell me i can't leave my house im not worried about
Tribulation any day now
this plague is exploding in Italy at a frightening rate. Observers here in Canada are saying in 10 days or so we're going to be in the same boat as Italy.
Well, it's been nice knowing you guys. You are my bros, even if we get angry and punch each other once in a while.
All these happenings means the (((media))) can't control the narrative
>Trump has China Flu
>Doctor says no more Big Macs for recovery
>Binge eats all Big Macs until glorious death
The most important happening hasn't even happened yet: The end of the US Dollar as a fiat currency.
When this starts unfolding, run as fast as you can.
Yeah yeah yeah "Mutts Law" whatever I know but who is she?
Is this a mirror edited photo?
Are Americans really electing this autist looking illuminate boomer over Bernie? How is this creep winning so far? fishy AF.
for president of
Biden wins.
He inherits a plague, crashed markets, War with China, Russia, and Iran.
They kill him and Hillary is sworn in.
Checked idk
LA Port is having a huge slow down. Many layoffs. Private operators are out of work and unable to provide. As time progresses, desperation will set it. Desperate people do stupid things. Also shelfs will officially now start getting leaner moving forward as of this week. Shipments coming in through the West being throttled.
Port of Los Angeles
Known as “America’s Port,” the Port of Los Angeles is an international hub just 25 miles from downtown LA on the San Pedro Bay.
2016 container volume: 8.8 million TEUs
2016 cargo value: $272 billion
Covers 7,500 acres along 43 waterfront miles
Port of Long Beach
Founded in 1911, 90 percent of the shipments passing through Long Beach can be attributed to east Asian trade. If the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles were combined, they would form the 10th-busiest port in the world (ahead of Tianjin, by volume).
2016 container volume: 6.77 million TEUs
2016 cargo value: $180 billion
Spans 3,000 land acres and 4,600 acres of water
that is it guys, it's been fun. I cannot in good conscious continue to live in this sick degenerate crumbling society. I want no part in the future coming NWO, nor do I want any part in any of this. This is why I will be leaving you all Friday. I'm cashing out my bank account, and cashing out my crypto. I will be heading deep into the mountains to live in solitude and isolation to become closer to God, and his Son Jesus Christ. This is the beginning of the end, repent and you will be saved. Read your Bible and all of this will begin to make sense. God Speed, and I will be praying for you all.
we had blue balls for a happening the past few years, now all the happenings are cooming all over us at once!
the middle-east is about to blow up
>China recovers from virus faster than everyone due to authoritarian measures
>Canada passes away due to small pop., USA declares martial law
>China invades through Alaska, crushes what's left of Canada and catches USA with their pants down
>Middle East/Russia/Eastern Europa gets destroyed by nuclear warfare
>Muslim extremists overthrow western Europa from the inside out. All citizens left to their own devices
>The Jewish Messiah rises, by grand design
What i expect? We figure out dayquil or a certain antibiotics fixes it. more people died today in car accidents than all of the deaths combined. its another politicized disease in an election year go figure.
One of the Dem candidates will get covid.
Biden dies,Bernie wins nomination then election and the dies
Its the faggot ass jew holiday purim. read up on it. redpill against the fagjews. you're welcome
>wish for years for happenning
>now multiple happennings at once, can't keep up
the virus is the only one that will be remembered
People I know that know people that are into divination, stones and weird shit like that all were saying 2020 was a year of primordial movement and transformation. Take that as you will. Apparently big changes coming up. We'll see.
joe rogan disappears for a week, announces he has corona, later dies.
Chinese chimera's escape from lab and go on monster rampage.
martian law
BD=ARE THERE! i hope trump & you are safe!!? im a little confused about what u said the other day ice age/solar etc..does this have to do with planet x/pole shift.when is the time frame/will all of canada be frozen out?
please BDanon im gonna be a grandma soon and dont want to see this happen!! is there any safe place for us to go to!! im in toronto area.. and will trudeau go down for his treason acts against trump/ canadians??? please sir need to plan for safe passages this shitte is getting pretty serious.i want a fighting chance for my family.. peace n love..granny..
>The men cannot find anymore those little things, they need and what they misplaced the night before the dawn.
(hint: car keys)
Coronachan is a slow burn and highly visible - so that's your misdirect. I think the no fly zones around Denver combined with whats going on in Iran and all those CEOs resigning last week... Lot of small stuff going on under the surface.
Nice pointing that out! People definitely should read up on this. It is weird always a major happening on days important to Jews. Remember they killed Epstein on a kike holy day too.
Things are getting pretty bad. I work for an electrical wholeseller and customers have been panic buying for weeks now. Some items are going to be completely sold out soon and supply will be completely out. I’m just happy that I can think of several people who will get fired before me.
NYC is going to be lost.
Then the Aliens land
Just a Cohencidence
This may be true, but Yas Forums needs to realize that Jews are the good guys. When it really comes to it.
Every fucking time Goy.
Then I actually kill myself
In all actuality, take away their little faggot secrets, jew are fucking stupid. Read up on their holidays first. Fucking trivial jews and their little shit tricks. Ugly little parasite people that live off the host countries. vermin.
Oy vey!
Oh god yes, I forgot about all the niggers your country has. Every city is going to be a mini Katrina. libs are going to get btfo.
>more shutdown of events, school, universities etc.
>countries closing borders
>minor happenings with looting and riots in some places
Oh and Trump will die from the virus in the next 6 month
Honestly, I want off this ride...
We should let them eat babies yes you are right drink our blood it's only reasonable
>t. coofs
how can you justify that?
ayyys and zero point energy
literally NOTHING has fucking happened you faggot
I TRULY hope there is grand punishment of rape by nigger for all prepper faggots after the media moves onto the next article of thought for braindead morons
we are now entire generations in of Western whites that have NEVER experience actual hardships of life, EVER, and freak out over the fucking flu and start hoarding toilet paper like sub-human retards with no rational to its lesser than animal instincts. not even an animal would mass hoard something so irrelevant to anything. Modern whites are the biggest fucking joke of a racial collective to have EVER existed in ALL human history
It's likely to get a lot worse than this.
>economy collapses from fears, even if it's a nothing burger the bull market has a huge knife wound in it
>entire communities succumb to draconian rules, tight curfews, potential disarmament.
>massive food shortages
I've heard talk that the Port of Seattle is considering shutting down all but the most needed supplies. That means many ships will go to anchor, or be sent back to their home port. Future shipping to Seattle could potentially end. The Port of Tacoma would be right behind, if not sooner, and the other ports aren't even worth mentioning. The Port of Portland is already reeling from economic sanctions after the longshoremen begged for too much money a few years back.
Either way, we're going to see a lot of new product from back east on this Pacific Coast for a short time. A worker at our local QFC said most of the fruits and vegetables are considered "emergency stock" from the suppliers if they came from the midwest.
Our governor shut down any attempts for public gatherings and events (including religious and personal) of over 250 individuals. More restrictions to come tomorrow. It's getting wild in WA.
Over 9 schools in Snohomish, King, and Pierce Counties of WA are closed.
Astatde indero myt nituurpu-thku iterna küta kalatyks kutak impéro nitytha
something fucky will happen on the Ides like it always does
Inshallah, DMT, Chimpanzees.
What is the SAUCE?!