Which one of you faggots actually fell for it?

Come out. Which one you faggots think the coronavirus is some big, scary virus and not just another slightly worse flu? Who stocked up on toilet paper? Fucking morons. I can't wait to laugh at you idiots when this goes the way of the swine and bird flu LMAO

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Other urls found in this thread:


No one ever learns that nothing ever happens

The good thing is, idiots like u will die from coronavirus

15 times worse than the commom flu.
Peak hasn't happened yet.
Will go on for at least another 6 months.
Spread simply through the air, so masks or washing hands does not prevent it, unless the mask is a respirator. Simply being in a public space is enough to contract it (train, bus, street, shop etc.).
Highly contagious even before carrier shows symptoms.
Surviving a case of it will make you immune.
No vaccines as of yet and could take months or years.

Mortality rate is around 3% mostly effecting older people, fats and others with health problems such as immune diseases, smokers and peolle with lung problems. Infection rate among those under 18 is only around 2%.

Mate don't waste your time, people still being this dumb at this stage don't deserve to live, their genes need to be purged for the sake of the future. Let them die lol.

>I can't wait to laugh at you idiots when this goes the way of the swine and bird flu LMAO
What happened with these?

The best thing about this is that you and people like you are going to be dead in a year. Not even from the virus, you'll probably survive that, but you'll get sick from a secondary infection and there won't be anyone to treat you or any medicine left. Or you'll starve because you're a dumb nigger. Or you'll be shot during the looting or protests. You're literally already dead and the only way you could have survive is if you had listened, but it's too late to prepare. We've already got everything and we're armed.

I've never felt so smug. Scream away, corpseboi. I hope you enjoy the FEMA camps!

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There saying now that it is very aggressive and can penetrate through your skin

>flu comparison
This is so dumb, there are vaccines for the flu and it is a regular occurance, there's nothing really new with the flu, there's a new strain every decade, that's about it, still nothing new about what happens with it.
This is where the normies fail to think seriously about it. It also is counted at the end of every year, this wu-flu has only been deadly and highly infectious for the last 2 months and has infected less people as of far, compared to the annual flu. Flu is regular, happens every year, this is new. Hence it's hype, there are also no vaccines and this virus is unusual.
>hides in nerves like herpes
>attaches aggressively to cells like HIV and Ebola
>can cause encephalitis as it can penetrate the BBB
It's not a "nothingburger," even if it doesn't kill as many people as the flu, it's a highly unusual virus. Also, we are 2 months in, there isn't enough data to determine how dangerous this virus really is.

I was way late to the game. I have a semi auto .22 and 6 months worth of provisions for my family. Am I gonna make it?

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I didn’t need the toilet pper because of the virus.
I needed the toilet paper because of all the stupid niggers buying up all the toilet paper.

And I'll be sure to laugh when you fucking die.

Hopefully you stocked up on your meds, schizo.

You not knowing is the best part. Highlights how big of a nothingburger it is

3% mortality rate. You don't want to get infected, but you are still overblowing it. The majority survive infection. If you're healthy and below 50 your chances are almost guaranteed.

Mass testing will prove 15 time "worse" is nonsense.
Air spread is minimal and not verified by a second study. Droplets on surfaces vastly more likely to be transmission cause.
Surviving does not make you immune.

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That's a start at least. Get a better gun as soon as you can though.

You should try shouting that when a nigger is smashing your head in so he can get your TV. It might be more effective than writing it here.

The world is going to be a better place soon.

*Surviving a case of it will not make you immune, you mean?

The Spanish flu also started this way. What retards like you don't understand is that the more infected there is, the more mutations occur. It's not about the current strand, it's about the possibility for disaster.If a deadlier version starts to propagate, we'll see if you stay smug.

Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1919 that killed 50 million had a mortality rate of 2.4 percent.

This will be closer to .2 percent, in line with flu (.14 percent).

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once this thing gets to the brazil bat population its over

ENGINEERED sounds waaay scarier in caps. There are new strains of the flu all the time annually one billion people get it.
Most viruses don't have perfect vaccines ever because they mutate.

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well it seems you know nothing about anything from this very post. droplets on surfaces are the least likely way to be infected. maybe you should look at the viral load in the nasopharyngeal swab. oh you did? oh, you saw it was higher than we've seen for pretty much any virus ever? oh, you didn't realize the viral load peaked at 3 days post infection, before symptoms or just barely as symptoms begin? oh you didn't realize that? oh you didn't realize john hopkins discovered it literally is so high, that there is viral shedding in the breath of the infected, oh, you didn't realize that a mask was actually the best way to protect yourself, and washing your hands was a meme in comparison? sweeeeet.

>It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States.
>The pandemic mostly killed young adults. In 1918–1919, 99% of pandemic influenza deaths in the U.S. occurred in people under 65, and nearly half in young adults 20 to 40 years old. In 1920, the mortality rate among people under 65 had decreased sixfold to half the mortality rate of people over 65, but still, 92% of deaths occurred in people under 65.[85] This is unusual, since influenza is typically most deadly to weak individuals, such as infants under age two, adults over age 70, and the immunocompromised. In 1918, older adults may have had partial protection caused by exposure to the 1889–1890 flu pandemic, known as the "Russian flu".[86]
Your numbers seem off, retard.

this will pass over quickly, by april im guessing the heat will "kill it" in reality they will move on to next fake story. hence the 30 day restriction on europe.

what is crazy is how extreme they pushed this one. they never shut stuff down for ebola or zika. media is VERY powerful and they just flexed their power to everyone. very scary.

cant wait to post daily threads making fun of all the preppers and lunatics who think everyone is going to die

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See this fine lady? If you masturbate to her, your hight levels of schizo-ness will decline and you will feel better. Try it!

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OP is a faggot, disregard

Do you know her name?

It's "Johns" Hopkins, Dr. Salk.

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Why would I die even if I got the virus? I literally got swine flu and stayed at home for a few days in 2009. I'm in my 20s, not fat, and dont smoke. I don't think I've gotten sick more than some cough or runny nose in years.

>The findings contrasted starkly with those from the 2003 outbreak of SARS in terms of viral load. "In SARS, it took 7 to 10 days after onset until peak RNA concentrations (of up to 5x105 copies per swab) were reached," the researchers wrote. "In the present study, peak concentrations were reached before day 5, and were more than 1,000 times higher."

>The findings confirm that COVID-19 is spread simply through breathing, even without coughing, he said. They also challenge the idea that contact with contaminated surfaces is a primary means of spread, Osterholm said.

muh wash ya hands, it just er flu,
you are confirmed for a know nothing retard

The same reason why some people get it and don't have symptoms. Proteins and genes unique to each individual. Aka chance.

It's funny watching Trump lose his shit like this

No cites. Starts with a 10 percent mortality rate that is incorrect for that incidence (2.4). Calls others "retard."
Have sex doomer. Okay just jerk it to this chick...It's gonna be okay.

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I think that's what he ment. or immunocompromised

notice op cannot refute german study or evidence of high viral load and shedding in breath, he simply cannot. all he can do is be a russian jew and post pics of women and tell you not to prepare. wonder why that is.

I'm still in the process of de-panicking but the problem is every single normie is panicking and I will be damned if I starve or run out of supplies because some normie nigger bought it all up

>google for me or let me beeeee!!!1!1!
No. The ones I hate more than panickers are the ignorants. Keep up making your own numbers delusional shithead.

I love autism until it drifts into schizo.
Seriously, jack off, take a load off mentally fren.

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Literally know one knows how bad the Coronavirus. Since China is Commie, the only thing we can go off is China locking down over half its country and being willingly to do so at the risk of scaring investors i.e. economic collapse.

Whether peeping now or later, Americans need to prep for inevitable economic collapse that's virtually guaranteed due to how our banking and economy are structured.

>I can't wait to laugh at you idiots

This. The world is a bunch of newfags.

>Buy 3 months supply of toilet paper
>If nothing happens, don't have to go to the store to buy toilet paper for 3 months
>if something does happen, have toilet paper for 3 months

I think you're just mad cuz the store if out of toilet paper, bro.

The science is settled and we have figured out everything already. I'm sure this will all remain 100% correct and we will learn nothing else that changes these findings

The "German Study" which you probably heard about on Joe Rogen's interview with Global Virus Casandra Dr. Michael Osterholm, Phd, has yet to be duplicated. Osterholm, who cited the study has also cried wolf about other WHO declared "pandemics" specifically on the issue of airborne transmission. Please take your anti-schizo meds. Anti-virals won't be needed tho...

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Listen, fat -- Corn Pop ain't no Cofevevirus. That shit ain't nothing to fuck with, Jack

if a deadlier version comes up THE VIRUS WILL DIE OFF YOU FUCKING RETARD


if it EVER becomes ebola tier and makes people drop in the street it will die out before infecting that many people. a corpse ISNT AN EFFECTIVE CARRIER.

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I'd rather have us overreact than underreact when facing an existential threat.

You are depressingly stupid. Save the Osterholm wolf crying bullshit for someone who knows better.

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mirin the spraying of asphalt and roadways

looks very good on camera but makes ZERO sense to 12+ IQ viewers

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THIS! Fucking this...

everyday more and more newfags are making the world worse

Yes, when it actually IS one. Over reacting when it is not just trains normies to go along with anything the mass media and the state tells them--even when it is clear it is bullshit.

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Shut the fuck up already you waste of air. I don't care about the cornoashit globalist panic shilling. You said that Spanish Flu death rate was 2.4% when it was, verifiably, around 10%. Neck yourself with cheese wires, worthless animal.

Theoretically though it could mutate in any way right? Could possibly mutate to be much more deadly as more time goes on on or something, making it so more people would inevitably be exposed?

>Makes zero sense
Makes perfect sense.
Industrial capital of the world.
Immediately deploys every avenue of combat against all microbiological life.
>Inb4 But it's not very effective
It is INSANELY effective. The Government constantly looks like it's doing something. It clears out the area where people will be walking for food in the morning. Anti-Septic getting everywhere. Kills bugs, animals, anything else that could spread it. Quells panic, this is the most important thing. Honestly it could just be water vapor, and I would say it's still worth doing. Raises humidity, kills the virus faster because of it. Also reassures the public. If shit is taken off of the minds of the masses, even a little bit. They are more focused, receptive, and easier to manage/protect.

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Not if the incubation period is still up towards two weeks you moron. Assuming that the deadliness is 100% (for some obscure reason).

I hope you understand that not ALL the virus mutates all at once.

Its just one.

take meds 3x

this post looks like a cope, a defense mechanism

>Current strand
>Deadlier version
>Durr, it targets organs instead of just reproducing where it can now
You guys literally don't understand flu's, do you?
>If it can mutate, it mutates chaotically and for no reason
That isn't how mutations work. In fact, we already know this disease is becoming less deadly, because the Chinese showed us a mutation. The rest of the world is infected with a less severe version. It's highly likely Covid19 will continue that trend, until it becomes like many other Corona-viruses. That don't make people sick, at all.