Really makes you wonder?

Attached: llq79.png (500x500, 13.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that christianity is the most common and dominant religion in the west where most atheists are polled. Nope.

Most of the places where you don't get murdered for being an atheist are Christian nations.

Because it's the most Jewish of the ones listed

Atheism is secular judaism, hence why judaism isn't even on that chart

I find it real fucking hard to believe more atheists hate Christians than Catholics.
Was this survey conducted in Israel?

Because Christianity is the only religion that allows you to hate it. There's no atheist who hate Islam because there is no atheists in Islamic countries.

because atheists live in what once was Christendom ?

But that's wrong you fucking idiot.

>secular judaism
that's also known as satanism

I think the blue and orange slice are both suppose to be Judaism.

Which religion would the devil hate the most?

really makes you think

Absolutely seething. Reminder that atheists are done on Yas Forums forever.

Attached: Athiestlet.png (700x706, 378.92K)

Do you think cultural marxism spawned atheists to make them hate judaism or the religion of immigrants? And who the fuck hates buddhism?

Judaism spawned atheists.

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Goys have been taught to shift their attention away from the craziest religion ever, ie. Judaism.

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I'm an atheist who lurks on Yas Forums.

Some of the most pleasant, level-headed, well behaved people I know are Christians. Most atheists I know are retarded leftists in various stages of failing at life, embarrassing to be around.

It's an unnatural state for humans to not serve any gods, hence why so many atheists choose to embrace secular religions like SJW and climate change.

>Strawmen everywhere
Good thread, "Christians".

How do you even know OP is a Christian though? Are you an atheist who hates Christianity? I saw you put "Christian" in quotes, does this mean that you love Christianity and consider modern followers to fall short of its high standards?

It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact Christianity is directly responsible for the greatest civilizations and advancements in human rights mankind has ever seen so a bunch of marxists took a look at it and said "that has got to go".

>Was this survey conducted in Israel?
you forgot where you are. there was no survey. OP made up some shit.

Nietzsche was right but most people don't know what he was right about. Most of them don't even read his most famous quote past the first three words.

christianity is a parasite on european achievement.

There are no fucking Christians here and the "atheists" portrayed are strawmen constructions.

No sane person could type this on a computer and mean it. No one is that dumb.

Catholics can go suck off their cuck pope
Other christfags can turn the other asscheek and take everyone else up the ass
Jews can roast in an oven
Islam needs to blow themselves up quicker
Buddhists are generally ok, but are the scientologists of asia, literally charging people for everything and anything
Mormons are usually okay too, rare as they are, I've never had an unpleasant experience with them yet.

Orthodoxy is the cure.
>christianity is a parasite on european achievement.
Then how did Christians conquer the entire world?


>Really makes you wonder?
Yes, it does.

Attached: jewish_mothers_of_athiests.png (734x1059, 270.77K)

But user, I am Christian. I just think that atheists are blind, like a thirsty man who doesn't even know he's thirsty. Your thirst has made you a bit grumpy, that's all.

atheism is basically paganism/satanism anyway
not like i give a fuck what atheists think of me anyway, there is an entire world that hates others for just existing. the mudslime holy book teach to kill 'people of the book' (jews and christians), pagans, unbelievers and anyone not a muslim.

This, all jews hate Christ and whites.

Christianity slowed down European science for hundreds of years. Stop being a fucking cuck. If god was real he's an asshole for allowing coronachan to happen and for allowing humans to even be alive

>Christianity slowed down European science for hundreds of years.
Absolute, retarded brainlet take. Congratulations getting all your knowledge on civilization's advancement from a Family Guy episode.

Mostly through taking risks, and not obeying the status quo, you know, the very thing Christianity bans from our lives. Instead of taking risks and acting under incomplete information, we should just mindlessly trust Jewsus Kike and pray to him, even when it doesn’t fucking work

>If god was real he's an asshole for allowing coronachan to happen and for allowing humans to even be alive
Also holy shit this is why you're literally a 60 IQ nigger. You don't even know what you're arguing about or why you're wrong. Where did I say god was real, dipshit?

Spare me. I grew up in thickest bible belt Norway in the late 70s. Christians are hypocrites who find their answers in a book that was written for a primitive tribe to prevent them from killing one another several thousands of years ago.
If you still need that guidance to function today, well, then you're a dead end.

>Christianity slowed down European science for hundreds of years
roflmao we got a rick and morty fan over here!

How did they do that? Law and ethics advancement under the Byzantines are still matter today. Warfare technology advanced in Christian feudalism. Byzantines maintained records. So did monastic Christians in Western Europe. Christianization under charlmagne brought back Latin to barbarian Western Europe. The renaissance and enlightenment was a Christian endeavor, not Islamic. So the papacy scorned Galileo therefore Christianity is retarded? If it wasn’t for Christian barbarians, or Christianity Western Europe would’ve been Islamic.

>source: imgflip
kys op, you mouthbreathing neanderthal

You know who else had a Jewish mother?
Rabbi Yeshua.

Atheist here. This is retarded, most atheist dont hate religion. They just dont believe in any of that realiges stuff.

Europe is the only continent that has a problem with Atheism. No Atheist dares to attack Christianity outside of Europe.
Atheism is nowhere to be found outside of the Western world and China, and it goes hand-in-hand with Communism and leftist beliefs.
See the Pew Research "Being Christian in Western Europe) on Religiously Unaffiliated (atheists) vs non-practicing Christians vs Church-attending Christians. Unaffiliated are less likely to reject Jews or Muslims from joining their family. Non-practicing Christians reject them the most, with Church-goers slightly behind.

Now, who educates atheists at university and who infiltrated the Church?

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The guy that invented the MRI machine was a creationist.
Created in 6 days creationist, not that "long period of days" bullshit neither.

China is officially atheist as a state doctrine.

I hate Christianity for what it did to Europe

Attached: Thirty Years War.jpg (1586x1696, 746K)

obvious lie

every atheist I know hates Islam more than Christianity
Christian society protects atheists from Islam
only shitlib atheists don't get this
the ratio of based atheists to shitlib atheists is so large that atheism plus was a failure

Source: OP's faggot ass.

>Rabbi Yeshua.
This is Reformed Jewish we-wuzzing.
Rabbi is a Pharisaic title. And Jesus did not call himself "Yeshua" because he spoke Galilean Aramaic.

Attached: Jews1.png (575x607, 129.22K)

In muslim nations they have these kinds of polls so they can entrap atheists and then kill them. Unbelievers are at war with Islam just as much as anyone else.

Source: I made this

>China is officially atheist as a state doctrine.
I literally mentioned that China was atheist. But Communism is Jewish and 90% of foreign aid to Mao was Jewish, so the point stands.

Attached: get fucked retard.png (420x420, 374.18K)

>No source

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>every atheist I know hates Islam more than Christianity
Anecdotal evidence is not evidence.

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Proximity to a certain group of retards will make you hate that specific group more than others you don't have to deal with

Anyway, the reason people hate christcuck is because you people are the premium good goys. You call everyone who disagrees with your poisonous religion a jew, while worshipping a rabbi. You tell others to turn the other cheek, while behaving like dishonorable pests yourself. You hold on to a suicidal doctrine of loving your enemies, while prioritizing the destruction of indigenous culture. You people embody everything that’s wrong with western man these days, and when people call you out on it, we get mental gymnastics and sophistry. Almost as if following a jew makes you behave like one.

In conclusion, your religion is dogshit. Metaphysically it’s utterly laughable, ethically it’s downright suicidal, and frankly the only reason it even managed to survive in the first place is because it absorbed pre-christian practices that it now champions. Except of course that those practices don’t need Christianity, while Christianity desperately needs those practices to survive. What I’m saying is, christcucks are basically parasites of the west. They take what is great from the west, and leave to others an outright disgusting worldview of man as a vile sinner, all to hide the fact that in this case, ‘sinner’ is best translated as ‘goy’. That’s what I hear every time a christcuck goes on a self hating rant. He has been conditioned by his vile religion to only love his rabbi god, and to only hate his goyish nature. It’s literally goy self hatred made into a religion

Jesus references "jot and tittle" referring to Hebraic grammar.

>the ratio of based atheists to shitlib atheists is so large that atheism plus was a failure
Yes, "based atheists".

Attached: PF_05.29.18_religion.western.europe-00-07-.png (640x696, 48.31K)

I'm atheist and I hate the most Judaism and islam

Hebrew was a dead language by the 1st century, only used for purposes of Torah readings (from which Jesus was excluded after chasing people out of the temple with a whip).

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>I'm atheist
>and I hate the most Judaism and islam
That imakes no sense, because by being Atheist you only give space to the religions you don't like, i.e. Judaism and Islam. They will outbreed you.

Attached: Atheism will die.jpg (638x479, 98.02K)

It's a piechart meme from imgflip, not actual data.

Again, more jew lies. Like I’ve explained before, what you’re trying to do is say that Pepsi isn’t a softdrink, because it’s not Coca-cola. Do you christkikes actually think we’re this stupid? What does John 3:2 say?

Who gives a fuck about middle east? Christianity is present in western countries where it doesn't belong. And the hate is justified


It's true.

Jesus was excluded from Torah readings?
What a fantastic load of crap.
Where in the Talmud does it say that, rabbi?

Citizens with a weapons permit are some of the most upstanding Citizens around. And they give up some of their Constitutional Rights to keep their permit.

So make it a social status symbol to have a permit and the smart ones will stay out of trouble. With the smart ones in the neighborhood all being armed, the stupid ones sooner or later eat lead.

Evolution in progress.

Atheism is cringe, however that is not to say christianity is good..

You believe yourself perfect?

>Anyway, the reason people
Weasel-word, who is "people"?
>you people are the premium good goys.
Again weasel-wording, define "you people". Every single Christian?
>worshipping a rabbi.
Rabbi is not a biblical title, when will you get it?
>You tell others to turn the other cheek, while behaving like dishonorable pests yourself.
That is not a falsiefiable statment, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>You hold on to a suicidal doctrine of loving your enemies
>prioritizing the destruction of indigenous culture.
Now that is just pure delusion. No need to continue.

Attached: Christian_culture_PF_05.29.18_religion.western.europe-00-10-.png (375x596, 22.6K)

Incorrect. We can only have beliefs. You believe God isn't real, or isn't likely to be real, whatever. But it is still a belief.


>I grew up in thickest bible belt Norway in the late 70s.
Sounds scenic.
>who find their answers in a book that was written for a primitive tribe
But how can you know my answers if you don't know my questions? Everyone knows how to 'be nice,' and everyone knows that we should 'be nice.' That said, do you have no belief or interest in the supernatural whatsoever? No curiousity about the nature of God? Are you so proud that you consider yourself above it all?