Just wondering why you dumb gun nuts gotta go through all these mental gymnastics just to protect your guns? Like shit a rational person with common sense would add in sensible gun laws to prevent any atrocities from happening ever again instead of caring about a stupid metal toy?
Femanon here about guns
Other urls found in this thread:
hey can you suck my fat cock thanks
Based and fatcockpilled
lol go away with that nonsense
Why bother?
Bad bait
I'm going to be the guy in the ballistic vest whos gonna put you in a FEMA camp, nice
Because I'm an incel I can't have sex and my dick is tiny and my rifle makes up for it
Shut up Chang retards
you could have asked which guns to get to prep for corona, but you waste our time with this garbage
Tits or gtfo
Shut up, rabbi
>no tits with a time stamp
Absolutely useless
KYS you fucking slut.
Ignored and so fucking rude off yourselfs all of you
Ahhh makes sense now lol
Look at my flag and shut the fuck up
also tits or gtfo
Post dick
what country are you from?
I go through the same amount of "mental gymnastics" to explain why I have a right to live as I go through to explain why I have a right to own weapons.
Anyhow, slide thread with a meme flag. Move along.
Fpbp. Tits or gtfo. Oh, and trannies are dudes
tits or gtfo
Also: tits or gtfo
Guns are cool and I dont want people taking mine because some dumbass I have nothing in common with cant help but shoot themselves and/or others
this is a bot. guns are illegal in japan so posting some japanese chick is bad bait.
You wouldn't be suggesting to use a gun...rright?
There’s no such thing as a sensible gun law.
Shall not be infringed.
>gotta go through all these mental gymnastics just to protect your guns?
Fuck off and let me keep my pieces of metal dumb sheeple
>gun laws
>prevent any atrocities from happening ever again
pick one
Do you think it is possible to remove every gun?
If not whose guns will you be able to remove and who will not abide by these laws?
Is there a problem in this situation?
No one cares you fucking chink nigger. A 50 cal is what you deserve.
>Sensible gun laws
Repealing the NFA would be sensible
I'll preform remorse about my guns if you post your tits.
Ernst Zundel Explains Why Guns Are Being Taken Away
You deserve to be kidnapped and raped.
This is why the 19th Amendment needs to be repealed
A gun equalizes the power disparity between a man and a woman. If you have a gun no man can force you to do anything against your will. You probably don't care though because like Bernie says you fantasize about being raped by three men simultaneously.
>guns are illegal in japan
Sad, they are the only other race I would trust with a gun.....And Koreans
Also, post feet
Incel stole these pictures from reddit, what a pathetic Jewish fuckin' disgrace to the board. Motherfucker, GET THE FUCK BACK TO YOUR FUCKIN' HOLE. NOW.
Tits, sharpie in pooper, feet or you're fake and gay.
There are no mental gymnastics though? It's just the second amendment literally says people can have guns, that's all anyone that supports guns here has to say. There is no thinking necessary.
Anyways if you think laws are going to prevent atrocities you are a fucking idiot.
How about we focus on the mentally ill who are looked over or undiagnosed, who then use guns to kill people. Oh right, shit stains like you want to remove guns from responsible people. There is a reason a civil war hasn't broken out. It's because the united states government knows it would lose. US civilians own 100 time the amount of guns the US military possesses, and 400 that of law enforcement. You take the guns and civilians are sitting ducks waiting for the government to do whatever they want to us. You are just a parrot of the fucking kikes fuck yourself.
Aw wittle incel baby man gonna poop his pants? :(
Lol retard
> Muh life muh protection MUH MUH MUH
Can't you go learn a fuking fighting style or sum shit you dumb fuck? You THAT fat or sum thing??? Lmao dfkm
Katanas can cut bullets in half in mid air anyway. Your gun is useless before the elite Japanese samurai
Faggot I already said you got this shit from reddit motherfucker, now get the fuck back there before I fuck you up you fuckin' cocksuckin' little bitch. Fuck you.
>Like shit a rational person with common sense would add in sensible gun laws
Stop using buzzwords and ad homiems to try to geed your ego and make you feel superior when you lack the knowledge for this debate and maybe I will take you seriously.
I'm a firefighter/EMT. I've been on a mass shooting. I've been on suicides. I've had my pants soaked in blood from my waist to my ankles with chunks of face on my fucking boot from gun shots. I've stared in the fearful eyes of people bleeding to death from gun shot wounds. I have also had a group of people attempt to break into my home. I find that the people who want gun control tend to be very sheltered with VERY limited life experience, or lived a very sheltered life up to this point, and also have not done any research on the topic. Gun laws don't work in the US (other countries don't matter because of variables and factors outside of our control). They do nothing but infringe on the rights of citizens while doing nothing to reduce violence or homicides.
Get fucked commie.
gun > fisticuffs
once again tits or gtfo
Typical commie scum wanting to take away personal property
Katana are illegal as well unless special permission.
>geed your ego
Feed your ego*. My bad.
YOU can't learn a fighting style because you're a small asian woman. YOU need a gun more than any of us. Why learn how to fight when you can just blast someone from 50 feet away?
>prevent any atrocities from happening ever again
Impossible, and even if it was I would rather have my freedom.
>instead of caring about a stupid metal toy?
If it's a metal toy who cares if one has it.
No but in reality the people should have access to the same weapons as the government.
Show picture of pussy ok
I'd imagine this would be a good enough fighting style. You're the judge here though, I guess.
I'm still waiting for y'all to fucking explain why you need your GUN SO BAD no fucking explanations I'm not surprised desu
You faggots ain't getting fuck all lmaoooo
Kill yourself.
Simple. An armed society is a polite society.
Let's see mass shootings or gangster drive-by's in a neighborhood where there's a rifle in every hand.
>post feet
Don't ignore me.
We demand to see your feet (with no shoes or socks on)!
Any woman that's against civilian gun ownership is pro rape. They don't want guns to stop their potential rape, because that want to be raped.
I call it the cunt's paradox
because the popo might not be anywhere near you and you will need to protect yourself from blood thirsty niggers
read about the south african farmer attacks
if you dont like freedom then move to saudi arabia you worthless cunt.
Who the fuck does this fuckin' spic think he's intimidating with those gay ass tattoos? What the fuck? Fuckin' faggot is literally like 4' 6".
Get back boy. I will use force if needed.
Another femanon here. You don't even know what you're talking about. You try to fit the world in a bottle. Some sense in that. GTFO
HI, LesboFemAnon ! Post more pics pls ty .
she looks like the korean massage girl that used to work at the shop across the street from my house.
Fuck off foid you'd be incel if it weren't for your vagina, you foids literally have to do nothing to get Chad's cock except slather on fakeup, and when someone calls you out for your annoying female behavior your only retort is emasculation, god i hate women so much
>Just wondering why you dumb gun nuts gotta go through all these mental gymnastics just to protect your guns
Shut up cunt.
Uh oh looks like you don't have a proper argument. You're a rotten creature fuck off.
Fuckin' retard, learn to read faggot. I already said this fuckin' kike is just posting pictures from reddit you dumb motherfucker. Get the fuck off the board you fuckin' piece of shit, you're fuckin' done here.
I'm still waiting for you to coof on my face, give me the old Wuhan special pretty please!
It doesn’t matter what laws are in place. Bad people will do bad things. If someone wants to shoot you, that person will do whatever it takes to get a gun, even if it was illegal.
Rape is illegal. But fucktards still do that shit, because they want to do it. And with your “common sense” gun laws, you won’t be able to fight back as well as you’d like.
Seriously, pack a revolver
post bobs plz
Fuckin anime lied to me again
Of course the fucking female is against guns, women are property to be fought over by men why would they have any interest in defending themselves when they can just be the sex slave for the victor?
Bitch shut the fuck up you fuckin' desperate little incel, you're talking to another guy you fuckin' miserable sack of shit fuckin' faggot cocksucker. Fuck you. Go back to /lgbt/ you fuckin' pathetic little cunt. Pic highly related, retard.
Gun-toting femanon here, you wouldn’t understand what freedom is all about. While I’m inferior to men, especially in physical strength, my guns are the great equalizer. No man can fuck with me when I’m packing heat, and they have tried. Just knowing that I have one is enough to make them back off. Now I use them to protect my family. Nothing better for peace of mind, I feel naked without my gun. As an American it is not only my right to defend myself with a firearm, but it is my DUTY to do so and to know how to do so properly. If my husband isn’t around I must protect my family. The cops are 10 minutes away, my gun is within arm’s reach.
You know the rules, hole
>learn a fuking fighting style
Yes let me just lose every fight against anyone who has even a small knife
Because Guns are the reason why America didn't turned into a Tyranny.
No single country in world turned in a Dictatorship without a Fight.
It happened in China
It happened in Eastern Europe in Post WW2
And it's a matter of time to happen in US
I know this is bait but just in case. why do you think the government always will have your best interests at heart? Have you never studied history? that stupid metal toy is your key to freedom. Also you are a woman, a gun is the only thing that will put you on a level playing ground when it comes to violence.
Oh wow look another liberal beta female who has all the opinions in the world with no logic or data to back them up. Classic. Never seen that one before.
Yo slant England has mass stabbings all the time I guess we try to control knives also ....oppppss England tried that also
Now YOU post feet.
And timestamp.
Here, I'll explain my thought process:
>I like to live.
>Another person also likes to live.
>We both like to live.
>Therefore, we shouldn't interfere with each other's ability to live.
>Living is valuable to those who like to live.
>Things that are valuable should be protected.
>I should protect my life against threats to it.
>I should protect others' lives against threats to theirs.
>If someone acts as a threat to my life I need to stop this threat.
>I do not want to put my own life in risk.
>I should use the best possible option to stop the threat quickly and safely.
>Others should also use this same ability to defend themselves.
Don't be so harsh user, I just want some of that chinky viral goodness!
The only people who support gun control laws are tiresome fat nags and effeminate so.yboys.
..and whatabout the vagana?
Why do you insist on making yourself look more Jewish every post you make? Do you know where you are? No one here is going to support your mentally ill ramblings. Find a way to bump your IQ from 75 to at least 95 so you can come up with a proper argument. You just sound like a retarded shit flinging ape. Fucking pathetic.
"Vagina from China" would only queef coronavirus user.
Cocksucker motherfucker faggot piece of shit, go get your attention somewhere else you stupid fuck.
(((Memeflag))). (((“Female”))). Sage. Doxx. Report. Kill JIDF. Take pol back.
Just one little coof? I am but a humble coof farmer.
Post waterBOBs and vagene
>Femanon here
Opinion discarded.
Imagine the Corona virus gets really bad. Now imagine the millions of starving pissed off niggers everywhere trying to kill you and eat you.
I will go out like the helicopter pilot in BLACK HAWK DOWN.
You will be kabob.
Tits and time stamp on them with marker.
Or else you don’t get to post anything relating to you being a female because you’re lying. Only way woman on internet gets woman points to general conversation is if you show us tits with time stamp.
Or pussy time stamp, that’ll do too.
I’m still not certain as to whether you are just an exceedingly adrogynous asian male garbed in faux hair and breasts
Either way you’re welcome to be my concubine any time
The American Constitution is very clear that you have the right to bear arms. Placing any restriction on that, outside of violating other laws (as doing so voids the social contract), is in violation. In fact the current gun laws in America violate the constitution. In short fuck you its mine. If you try to take it I will shoot you because fuck you its mine.
Alright, poof gun vilence is curedddd xDDD
But seriously thats such a non fucking solution. Might as well just say "thots and preyers!"
Boring and gay
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."