How do we solve the thot problem, Yas Forums

How do we solve the thot problem, Yas Forums

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ignore them

Corona virus

wonder who is texting her.

>Yas Forums
go ask them you doofus, this is Yas Forums

its not even fun or amusing having all of them strutting around at the gym. its just an annoying distraction. plus they are vile, vain creatures. just holes. no other value.

get them based and redpilled, it's cool.


this kills the thots. we have a thot at work. I treat her like she's invisible, and it seriously drives her insane.

Adopt Sharia law

get them pregnant to fuck with them dont give your real name

Shave off her eyebrows but leave the unibrow


>heels not on ground
Have them work on ankle mobility, foot job x F

Almost always taking up a squat rack or bench doing absolutely nothing in between their 15 minute social rests.

You solve the thot problem by quitting masturbation, starting to work out and impregnate every one of their worthless pussies
Then you type in BAGUVIX and AEZAKMI and escape to GITMO

unironically bbc

She came in, full make up and fake lashes. Did two exercises, both involving sticking her arse out, re

Yas Forums and Yas Forums are the most common cross board users according to data some dude posted here once. 2nd is Yas Forums and Yas Forums

Gay fag

Impregnate them

>lifting heavy
>thot looks at you

You saying decriminalize rape?

Fucking phone posting. *realised no one was paying attention and left. She was there maybe 10 minutes max.

There was also another beauty who thought the assisted dip machine was the leg press

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Based if true. I am also long tired of random whores flaunting their assets in public.

Mutts law

It's what happened. See

forced impregnation by chad for the rest of their lives

We finally admit that giving rights to women was a mistake, and make them property again.


This works. It causes them to go full cunt and throw themselves at you. They take it as a challenge and end up doing all kinds of silly shit to get your attention and if they can't get your attention they try to ruin you.

Ignore. Actively desist from eye contact with the thot. If men collectively adopted this behavior, they wouldn’t exist.


>can’t even squat properly without going into the balls of her feet
Lmao dropped

That will literally drive them crazy. I have girls try and get my attention on the daily at the gym but I literally don’t talk to anyone because I’m secretly a super-sperg and they’ve even found my IG since I’ve tagged douchie flexing pics with the gym location and followed me and liked pics.

>full face of makeup to go to the gym and "sweat"

>not just an excuse for thottery infront of high test Chads

Give society a spiritual / philosophical purpose, instead of devoting the entire life to money.

0 cases

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thought she had 3 legs

We follow the project as planned.

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ignoring them drives them insane. They thrive on attention, and depriving them of it kills them.

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based neighbor

Yas Forums ?

Good lord her nails wtf she's like baraka from MK


This. Only allow pajeets to talk to thoughts for a month

Obtain thots and enjoy the culture

Every damn hashtag on IG is polluted with stupid attention whores.

for every thot you ignore, there are 100 betas and simps to take your place and shower her with attention

truth. i cant even look at pictures of motorcycles without sluts standing in front of them.

It’s worse than I thought

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what do you think is the % of Yas Forums poster who actually go to the gym?

Fuck em.

Yup or nature pics. They go to an incredible place and make themselves the center of attention

Stop giving them any, good or bad, sort of attention and get other girls to start shaming and ostracizing them.

That girl needs a bbc.

10% tops. The rest are robots and LARPers.

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First priority should be getting rid of the faggot manlets doing this. Or using the row machine for flat bench exercises.

Stop giving them attention, you thirtsy pathetic simps.

You're the reason every 7/10 thinks shes a movie star.

Guess what, shes never going to sleep with you, so fuck off.

at least 10
more seriously, 100% of the blokes I know irl who Yas Forumspost were serious gymrats for a while and most of them still go three times a week

give them all social media accounts set on public so we can look at them, i mean you dont wanna marry a thot but at least give them a purpose

Problem is only a small % will do these. Far too many beta orbiters out there. Therefore your solution is no solution at all

No way you fags are natives


>not doing penlay rows

I have almost 80 sex partners and im a guy

Congratulations on being an irredeemable, degenerate goy and/or sodomite

a gay guy

>get other girls to start shaming and ostracizing them
thots don't have real female friends. their social circle consists of other thots, chad, and orbiters

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what is she doing?


slightly less rare

How many of them were Bangladeshi Blue Helmets?

Oh I know how, you punch em

A pretty good glute exercise. It's not like you need to do assisted pullups right user? Right?
I like to use the assisted pullup machine to do close grip tricep pressdowns