Psychotic Jews

These men were ALL sold to the public as "White male serial Killers"....And every last one of them is a Jew.

Nathaniel Bar-Jonah
Ed Gein
Joel Rifkin
Harold Shipman
Rodney Alcala
Herb Baumeister
Harvey Glatman
David Berkowitz
John Wayne Gacy
Albert DeSalvo
Charles Cohen
Jeffrey Dahmer
Peter Kudzinowski
Tillie Klimek
Henry Lee Lucas
Charles Schmid
Robert Shulman
Efren Saldivar
Leopold and Loeb
Randall Woodfield
Louis Fine
George Sack
Alfred Leonard Cline
Louis Neu
Ralph Jerome Selz
Edward Simon Wein
Harvey Murray Glatman
Robert Zarinsky
James Koedatich
Ralph Nuss
Gloria Tannenbaum
Milton Niport
Bertram Greenberg
Joseph Kallinger
William Rothstein
Joseph Fischer
Brian Kevin Rosenfeld
Robert Durst
Steven Oken
Nathan Trupp
Charles Mark Cohen
Jeffrey Feltner
Philip Carl Jablonski
Edward Isadore Savitz
Robert Shulman
Eyal Shachar
Salomon Rosenbloom
Norman Parker
James Eric Gottfried
Andrei Chikatilo
Theodore R. Bundy
Gary Ridgeway
Gary Heidnik
Jack The Ripper-Aaron Kosminski
Black Dalia Murderer-suspected to be a jew surgeon

Attached: harold-shipman-jew-serial-killer.jpg (400x300, 34.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

good thread

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Here are the most common Jewish names likely to be encountered by non-jews:
-Names ending in “-berg” (Goldberg, Weinberg, etc.)
-Names ending in “-man” (Goldman, Lightman, etc.)
-Names ending in “-stein” (Einstein, Perlstein, etc.)
-Names that sound “precious” (Gold, Silver, Diamond, etc.)
-Names ending in “-ler” (Adler, Midler, etc.)
-Names ending in “-ner” (Asner, Lardner, etc.)
-Names ending in “-lin” (Gitlin, Sheindlin, etc.)
-Names ending in “-witz” (Horowitz, Rabinowitz, etc.) or “-itz” (Kravitz, etc.)
-Names ending in “-baum” (Teitelbaum, Metzenbaum, etc.)
-Names ending in “-off” (Chartoff, Berkhoff, etc.)
-Names ending in “-nik” (Resnik, Mitnik, etc.)
-Names ending in “-thal” (Blumenthal, Rosenthal, etc.)
-Names ending in “-ling” (Spelling, Sperling, etc.)
-Names ending in “-sky” (Barshefsky, Linsky, etc.)
-Names ending in “-farb” (Himmelfarb, Goldfarb, etc.)
-Names ending in “-feld” (Seinfeld, Rosenfeld, etc.)
-Names ending in “-stone” (Wellstone, Firestone, etc.)
-Some, but certainly not all, names ending in “-son” (Abelson, Josephson, etc.)
-Surnames that sound “Biblical,” e.g., David, Joseph, Abram or Abraham, Moses, Benjamin, Isaac, etc.


What a cohencidence!


help me bump so new can see. havn't been nany red pills here currently

important thread

Just becuase they have jewish names doesnt mean theyre actually jews

Bump, sir, bump.

thanks for the debunk snopes

ah fuck how many jews have I come across I wonder

I searched 5 of those guys right now and none of them were jewish, get your facts right well poisoner

Jeffrey Dahmer? Jewish? Lmao. Wait his dad did resemble an ashkenazi jew, though, I’ll admit it.

Bump. Op is based

>John Wayne Gacy

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which five?


....doubt...which 5?

Gein, Alcala, Gacy, Kudzinowski, and Baumeister aren't Jewish. Most of them are polaks from the midwest, kikes largely stayed out of the midwest beyond Chicago

>people I don’t like are all Jews.

Yes, yes, retcon whatever you feel like. Every bad person in history was Jewish.
Get a hobby.

>Harold Frederick Shipman was born on the Bestwood council estate[7] in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England, the second of the three children of Harold Frederick Shipman (12 May 1914 – 5 January 1985), a lorry driver, and Vera Brittan (23 December 1919 – 21 June 1963).[8][9] His working-class parents were devout Methodists.[8][9] When growing up, Shipman was an accomplished rugby player in youth leagues.

he's not Jewish, fuck off stormfag

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Gotta make Israel look good moishie.

You retards really think Ed Gein was a jew when he grew up in rural Wisconsin?

Prove Gacy was jewish.

I am totally and completely willing to believe this.

It seems like every terrible event in history can be traced back to jews pretending to be white people... what an amazing trick.. it would be impressive if it wasnt also monstrous.

Jews have committed such an incredible amount of death and destruction they should be wiped from the face of the earth.

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Polish Jew is kind of a famous trope though...

The only jews on this list are cohen, loeb, and rifkin. Kinda weird you didnt bring David Berkowitz into this, Son of Sam is a jewish serial killer who alleges that he perpetrated his crimes for a satanic cult.
Some detectives have claimed that the ballistics (he used firearms) indicate there was more than one person involved.

God damn that’s a lot of Germanic seeming names. Almost like Germans and Jews are one in the same. Almost like Yiddish is a High Germanic language.


This IS my hobby.. researching, finding and documenting jewish crimes

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Stephen Paddock son of Machine Gun Benjamin Paddock a/k/a Leo Genstein

Gein was raised by his rock-ribbed Lutheran mother, and was likely the reason for his peculiar sexual proclivities.
Which many here would prolly say, "Tell me moar."

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yeah that one probably shouldn't be on the list as my nmae ends in it

the jewish owned places that youre using to cross reference are not gonna report their true faith

Dahmer wasn't Jewish

nice work bud. remake the thread every day, insha'allah

he had jewish blood. their faith has fuck all to do with it



>Implying jew isn't a race
There are plenty of crypto-jews embedded in other cultures and religions around the world. You probably think all those kiddie diddlers in the Catholic church are really goyim too. Retards.

Polish jews are the reason you have to state country of origin on 23andme because if shows as entirely as european jewish so if you are from eastern europe they split the number to 3 parts polish 1 european jewish but if you are from abroad they chuck it all down as Eurpean jewish.

>White male serial Killers
Why do you care about white males? No one to pay for you benefits? Honestly, just go back to Pakistan. The UK didn't vote for Labours nor for you staying.

>There are plenty of crypto-jews embedded in other cultures and religions
Visit the Vatican and they sell idols openly in cathedrals and church yard, if the church really was made up of gods lambs would they being doing one of the things that enraged him to violence(not an easy feat)in his life time?


Attached: aware jew.png (564x639, 593.38K)

Gargamel is the original Jew murderer.

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This is a redpilled threads

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all witches and trolls from old storys, legends and grimm fairy tales were based on jews

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Literally every story about bad people over the millenia have been about jewish exploits and usery

I wonder why?

Many of these are Jewish, but you should remove the ones who aren't - misinformation doesn't help the cause.

For example, Ted Bundy was English on his mother's side, and his fathers identity has never been established. Henry Lee Lucas was English, Irish, and Cherokee.

> in 1215, the Fourth Council of the Lateran issued an edict that all Jews must wear identifying headgear, a pointed cap known as a Judenhat. Potentially, this style of hat then became associated with black magic, Satan-worship and other acts of which the Jews were accused.
there's no smoke without fire

Attached: WikiWitch_Black.png (2000x2353, 121.5K)

lucas isn't an english, irish or cherokee name retard.
>bundy's dad is unknown
jewish mate. The papers just didn't wanna say

>Pogo the demon

Just because they are Jews means they probably are serial killers, child abusers.

>my last name is sherman
>sher comes from shear, as in sheep shearing. Pic related

user, Is my last name a circumsision joke.

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Albert Fish?

To add to this the commissars who carried out the Holodomor were the most prolific mass murderers in human history
They were almost all jewish, and 80% were from the US
Jewish communities in Baltimore and Pittsburgh provided the largest numbers

Only recognize Ed Gein and John Wayne Gacy, and can't find anything about them being Jewish. You lying sack of dog shit, you day we are going to shut your mouth for good.

I'd buy vampires based on Bris Rabbi's

i think its 99% certain that one of your male ancestors was a jewish shephard from eastern europe in 1800's
>t. jews didnt have surnames until the 18th century

>The loss of life has been compared to that of the Holocaust.[22][23][24][25] However, some historians dispute its characterization as a genocide.[26][27]
gee i wonder which historians those are?

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>cant find any jew in them
took me 2 seconds. fucking retard
>Gacy was of Polish and Danish ancestry. His paternal grandparents (who spelled the family name as "Gatza" or "Gaca") had immigrated to the United States from Poland

Wow that makes a lot of sense now. Those stories are also complete bs, none of those murders ever happened.

Jeffrey Dahmer was jewish? Wtf

never heard of most of them but i remember growing up when ramierz bundy etc. were doing their thing scared the heebee jeebees out of me which is why serial killers & satan worshipers got big time tv coverage so i am surprised most of them never crossed my radar as for them being kikes maybe that's why they only made a few big time celebs back then.

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A Pole a Jew doesn't make. This is like saying an actual German is a Jew because their name ends in mann or berg. Jews have always taken the names from the host nations to better subvert and stay hidden. Don't get me wrong I thing he did almost certainly have some amount of Jew in his ancestry, but this isn't the smoking gun.

>the jewish owned places that youre using to cross reference are not gonna report their true faith

But lots of them still do for other serial killers.
Even when it's something they tend not to focus on, the info can still be found.
If you want to convince people here that they were then post sources or at least the reasons for your conclusions. It's not enough to just say "well, probably because all evil people are Jews and Jews obfuscate the truth".

>someones grandparents that left poland for usa in 1938 are probably not jewish
ok retard keep telling yourself that