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He's right surgical masks don't work though.

If the masks don't work why do the healthcare providers need them?

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Because they get them fitted and wear them correctly. Most of you dickheads can't manage that.

Masks are magic they only work when doctors / nurses wear them ! Of course !

Surgeon General is a liar then.

Corona is readily carried in sneeze droplets.

Without a mask the lungs are a wide open quick pathway to infection.

Particulate filters can deflect sneexes.

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Masks can detect if the wearer is a doctor or a healthcare provider. If it detects a mere civilian, it won't function.

they work but you need to wear them proper, no beards.

>The team assessed the protectiveness of respirators and masks by comparing the volumes of virus collected by the sampler at the mannequin's mouth and the one a few inches to one side. In this way they determined that a respirator tightly sealed to the mannequin blocked 99.8% of viruses, including 99.8% of those that remained infectious.
>Similarly, a tightly sealed surgical mask stopped 94.5% of the viral traffic, including 94.8% of the infectious viruses, the report says.
>When a poorly fitted (unsealed) respirator was used, it blocked 69.9% of flu viruses from entering the mannequin's mouth, including 66.5% of infectious viruses, the team found.
Even a shitty fit blocks stuff, and you can watch a youtube video to figure how to fit and do a positive/negative pressure functional test which is better than nothing.

If I take that off, will you die?

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yes the .03 micron virus won't pass through the little paper yellow masks we wear at work. My God.

they do, they just don't make you immune. the general public is too retarded to a) use them properly, and b) do the same strategies non-masklets do to keep their chances low.
masks are at best a 50% defense boost but if you agro the virus like a retard it won't save you


3M puts a small manual in their disposable mask packages that tells you how to put it on.

>retards on Yas Forums think he's talking about anything other than mouth masks

Masks work better at stopping the wearer from tranmission of some diseases, not from stopping the wearer from getting diseases. When you cough liquids in your mouth and throat and lungs are aerolyzed as they exit. The aerolyzed liquids cotain the virus or other viruses.bacteria and this causes transmission for airborne illnesses. If you are in an area regardless of wearing a mask you will breath in the airborne vectors. However, the aerolyzation of the liquids when someone coughs doesn't happen immediately, a fair amount of droplets will be caught by the mask of a cougher BEFORE those can be aerolyzed. Basically health care workers primarily wear masks to protect patients from shit THEY might give the patients, not the other way around.

3M masks are absolute garbage. They are essentially a scam.

>what is droplet spreading
Sick people don't just emit aerosolized virus.

If I don't ever go outside, I don't need a mask. Haven't been outside since last Christmas

Sneeze particles which carry the virus more easily are much bigger.

Really these "medical professionals" should do their fucking research and learn that the US Government's top bio lab uses positive pressure full coverage suits that are supplied with outside air through a very long hose.

It would be extremely painful for big guys for you

To protect patients from mouth bacteria getting into them during surgery like they always have used them for.


But the scenario is healthcare providers caring for people who already have coronavirus, so why do they need masks?

ah yes

gotta protect the kung flu patients from all the healthy nurses and doctors

the N95 masks are incredibly effective. the virologists have confirmed it. the only reason they want the public to stop buying them is because supply is horrifyingly limited. get 'em while the gettin is good because once they're out they're out for good.

What do you work for a competing company like Honeywell?

What are you doing on a site with bored unemployed people?

How the fuck does buying a mask at walmart affect professionals from getting them.

Okay Honeywell

Well healthcare workers do get some level of protection if say, a patient is at or near their face and happens to cough on them, because that can catch some of the droplets.

But again the it is primarily for stopping transmission. People don't know if they have Corona, there are lots of Corona negative people who will go to a medical center, suspecting Corona or something else, and there is a very good likelihood that a medical worker could at any time have Corona but not being exhibiting symptoms. Also if they have something else, say a different strain of flu or another illness, and infect a Corona patient with that the combination of those two diseases could be what puts them in the dead category. Lots of the Corona death are atrributed to Comorbidity issues. Basically meaning the patient didn't start out healthy and had some other illness or issue that made them susceptible.

they only work for wealthy important people who have power, your fucking nazi racist. I bet you're a white male!

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Explain this then.

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When do hospitals and affiliated doctors not buy things in bulk directly from the supplier or a distributer?

Am I supposed to believe hospitals hit up the local Ace Hardware?

Retards buying all the masks, but no one is wearing the masks.
Retards are waiting for the Bat Signal to put on their masks.

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That is an entire suit. Not a surgical mask. If you have access to a system like that you will have a very high level of protection from incidental contact with the virus.

I've been wearing the masks since January 23rd, I am running low on them and seriously didn't think we'd reach pandemic levels, and that our government would have had quarantine zones by now. Right now I'm ghetto rigging masks, as well as recycling old ones.

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>Am I supposed to believe hospitals hit up the local Ace Hardware?
No, but the same original supplier probably fills both needs somewhere down the chain. There is an overall limit on the number of masks available. If random citizens get them so they can feel safer when they go out and get their drive-thru chicken tendies, that is less supply available for doctors and nurses, who need to diagnose and treat patients.

Trust me the hospital fit test I had was total shit. Besides they only had two sizes anyway, not like the things are custom fit.

>as well as recycling old ones.
user, mask are not very physically durable. They break down pretty easily. I'm not saying to stop, just don't expect to get much protection from reused masks.

>The masks don't work!!!
>Besides medical providers need them
Why the fuck would medical providers need them if they don't work? Answer: My government is lying to me because they want to manipulate my behavior. Dirtbags. See them after I survive the coofing

LMAO at you, moron!

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How is it the general public's fault that the general public prepares better than supposed experts?

They blatantly fucking lie about masks being of no help.

The lung blood barrier is very thin, an inviting place for infection.

Yes the mask media's pores are larget than the virus, but it is still smaller than sneeze drops that fly through the air.

Chinese syntax
Fuck off

I have H2S training, I think I’ll be fine.

keked at this

Which is why I'm starting to ghetto rig some masks, already ran some tests at my university's lab, my ghetto rigged abominations actually filter enough of the stuff I throw at it that I can't get any viable rhino virus cultures. Granted I'm testing it with
>just a flu bro
but these tests are better than just praying it works.

I have enough food for 4 months prepped, so if need be I'll just drop University this semester, and redo the courses again.

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I feel that wikileaks may have declassified an explanation of this phenomenon but Chris Cuomo still hasn't explained to me which wikileaks i can look at. I'm so scared.

Maybe you could fucking read the instructions on the box?

>be me
>trap faggot
>coom in surgical masks
>sell surgical masks to internet faggots
>build a fort out of TP

>Yes the mask media's pores are larget than the virus, but it is still smaller than sneeze drops that fly through the air.
yes, but this is why it makes more sense to give the limited supply of masks to healthcare workers. If you get Corona from being near someone with it, the overwhelming chance so probably like 99% plus is that you got from inhaling already aerolyzed virus particles. As the droplets from a sneeze or cough leave the mouth they evaporate and this is how the virus becomes airborne. Masks are better at intercepting the droplets from an already sick person and thus lowering the amount of aerolyzed virus in an environment than they are stopping a healthy person from inhaling the aerolyzed virus.

>you can watch a youtube video to figure how to fit and do a positive/negative pressure functional test which is better than nothing.
the shitmunchers will not do this. we live in an era of unprecedented access to information that nobody ever uses.

But alas, Robin Hood lost. He didn't even make it to the final round. In fact, he was eliminated in the primary round of archery by a dullard who couldn't even string his bow without aid from a team of subordinates. Sad.

Even the Sheriff was surprised. He had heard the tales of the people's champion. He almost believed them. He looked forward to the challenge. It turns out the bows and arrows themselves understood the importance of laissez faire bartering principles to the greater good and systemic health of the entire feudal economy.

Woeful were the forest faeries.

>Robin!! Surely you did not spend all our gold entering only the Primary Archery competition?
>Gentleman!!! What if the dullard catches the mongol plague!? Wouldn't they have to let Robin enter the General Archery Competition!?
>The moors helped the dullard win!!!

And the cleverer amongst them tried to explain the complexity of the Nottingham National Committee's private practice of gold distribution to downballot Archery Competitions. That the other candidates, specifically the dullard would now benefit from their gold.

Woeful indeed.

And no matter how they quarreled amongst themselves, no matter how they planned and schemed and threatened, it was over.

And a mongol plague swept the land. But the Sheriff of Nottingham cut payroll taxes to 0% and was beloved and won the General Archery Competition in a landslide.

And for the forest faeries, there was nary a refund.

~the end~

Based and neetpilled. It's interesting watching this all unfold when as a comfy neet, I'm a lot less likely to get infected compared to someone who's constantly in public.

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Low IQ retard detected.
They don't prevent you from catching it if you walk into a coofer cloud. That's correct.
They protects people that don't have the china aids if you already have it and wear a mask.
Now let's consider that you can spread the china aids for 14 days WITHOUT having symptoms. Meaning if everyone wore a mask the human to human transmissions would slow down significantly. See: Overcrowded asian countries like Singapore. Where is there Uber outbreak? So yes it works. The Jews just want to see the west fall hence the anti mask propaganda

they're designed to stop you breathing on people/surfaces; not to filter the air you inhale

Masks don't work because the users don't know how to use them properly. The fuckers wear N95's with face full or beard, or wear one and slide it down to their chin so they can breathe better.

I don't know the conditions of the test that were performed. It is entirely possible that test didn't simulate a realistic breathing pattern and associated airflow their mannequins, and instead then just measured what virus would naturally accumulate on a specific area in largely, still, ambient air.

you're projecting

Who the fuck are you quoting?

LMAO that is the best place to get a virus. I was sick about 25% of the time, while at university. I fucked up my lungs and have COPD from it too.

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Would you stupid peasants listen and stop buying masks so the government can stockpile them for the elites.

>Particulate filters can deflect sneexes.

so lets say for a second someone sneezes and your fucking mask. and you touch your mask do you get corona?

No, I don't think I will.

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>In the experiment, the mannequins were placed in a room about 9 feet square. A nebulizer was used to aerosolize flu viruses, and a mannequin paired with a cough simulator "coughed" the virus preparation into the air five times at 2-minute intervals. The other mannequin, 6 feet from and facing the first one, was equipped with a breathing simulator.
>In different phases of the study, a surgical mask or an N95 respirator was either tightly sealed over the mouth of the breathing mannequin with silicone sealant or simply attached with straps or elastic headbands. The latter two conditions were used to represent poorly fitted respirators and the usual way surgical masks are worn.
>For an hour after the start of the coughing, NIOSH air samplers were used to collect samples at the breathing mannequin's mouth, a few inches to one side, and at three other points in the room, each a few feet from the mannequins. The samplers sorted the collected aerosols by diameter: more than 4 microns, 1 to 4 microns, and less than 1 micron.

>facemasks are an acceptable alternative when the supply chain of respirators cannot meet the demand.

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Nah, fuck you Boomer.

You promoted this capitalist society and now you have to fucking live in it.

The hospitals, insurance companies, nursing homes, etc. ripped off the American general public for too long.

Instead of buying huge surplus amounts masks as a prevantative measure they decided it was better to get themselves the latest Mercedes Benz.

I may have some sympathy for individuals that work in these industries, but as somebody who has worked for a health insurance company myself, I say fuck them!

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Fuck that (((guy)))

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Use gloves and clean yourself off.

Starting from the top and going down by height of highest hair pixel:

God yes, sure, no, nigger, obviously yes please, inthebutt

>Implying I'm going to get sick if I'm constantly protecting myself despite NPC crying and cringing
>implying I ever get sick since I practice fucking basic hygeine like washing all of my clothes as soon as I get home, not walk in my house with dirty shoes I use outside, wash all of the products, including produce that I buy, and compulsively wash my hands after touching anything in the street

Hell I'm currently ghetto rigging hand sanitizer, and may start selling it if it's profitable enough. That's a big "may" though since there's too many minorities, and I might get lynched if I piss them off.

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I have my techniques as well.

But I'm gonna keep it to myself to some extent.

Also, because there's a lot of fucking brainlets in here:

Left is a typical "surgical mask," "hospital mask," or "facemask." This does not seal air from the sides and thus has an increased chance of exposure. However, it still minimizes viral load, drastically reducing the chance for infection. Link quoted from CDC explicitly says this is an acceptable alternative, despite the surgeon general's lies.

Right is an N95 respirator. This is the mask that's fit-tested and comes in different sizes. These have been sold out for weeks already.

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Hello! I'm from the New China News Agency.

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