Anyone visited the store lately?

Anyone visited the store lately?

Is it really as bad as the media says?

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No it’s fine. Just keep living your life normally

went to a piggly wiggly and a publix, pig was fine but publix was fuckin nuts

I live in a small to medium town in north Georgia and I saw almost no toilet paper at the grocery store.

I don't use TP. What's up with this obsession?

Actually OP here in Royal Oak, MI both the Meijer and Target were totally out of toilet paper. Found a few rolls at CVS on woodward.

My store was out of those 24 packs of ramen

But they still had those ones that come in a cup, a 12 pack for like 4 bucks, but fuck that. 4 dollars for 12 servings? No way in hell

So you could definitely say shit is fucked, this is the end my only friends the end

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Yes and yes. The toilet paper shelves are always empty because of dickheads panic buying and there is an obvious dint in other staples.

My target was short on TP and hand sanitizer but thats about it.

Almost daily since the scare set in. At least where I live there aren't any problems, life is pretty normal.

Homestly glad people obsess over toilet paper when you can just use water or paper towels and they don’t obsess over shit like canned food which are in regular supply.

>At least where I live there aren't any problems, life is pretty normal.
That's what I thought until I left the basement.

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>the media says

That's all you got? That flag used to mean something mate

Literally the exact same as always just more fat

PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE:

It wasn't a shitpost i'm just being honest. It shows how fucking stupid the average person is over here.


San Francisco reporting in. Went to the local grocery store tonight. Pasta is thin, but there’s pasta. Rice is thin, but there’s rice. Pretty much everything else looked normal, though I didn’t check in on the paper products.

SF bay area too and its the same. The staples yesterday were there but it wasn't really well stocked like it usually is. Though there was pretty much no progresso soup left.

The Tom Hanks and NBA news will surely cause more panic buying.

Honestly it's really weird. Plenty of food and water at my store but no TP in sight. WTF are people doing?

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GA here...we have everything except hand sanitizer



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Here in Washington all of the stores are out of TP and most canned foods. The boomers swooped in and liquidated everything.

I don’t get that either, if people have to clean their ass they’ll find a way. Food and water on the other hand is an absolute.

Toilet paper is all gone but no one touches anything else.

Today I stocked up on various frozen foods that were on sale. My only concern is if SHTF and power goes out I have no backup power for my freezer.

Well, my store is moderately out of toilet paper, cleaners are gone, and most masks are gone too. Everything else is pretty good so far

No bleach, no wipes, disinfectant, or hand soap.

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how long until the bonds of society break down? im going to commit suicide but want to do it just before it all really hits the fan

Can still get masks in Canada. I saw N95 masks at Canadian Tire today. They were more expensive since they had an additional charcoal filter on them though so I think that's why they were left. Was $60 for a pack of 15.

Commit suicide?? By the end of the year there will be no boomers and you can go get squatters rights in a nice house.


looked a bit like this, small store with some 50 people 5 minutes before closing time
granted it was about an hour after a lockdown was announced

you burgers are in for a hell of a ride

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My local one is closing down the owner says at the end of the month. Another one is expanding next door, but that construction is going to be a few months, or they're moving in the bigger grocery place.

TP is sold out everywhere. Hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol too. Not sure about food but I know rice and beans are flying off the shelves.

Then again, some of the pharmacies and convenience stores near me are still well-stocked so it might just be the major chains.

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I visited the grocery store this past monday, everything was in stock except fucking hand sanitizer....

to add onto that

toilet paper was down to about 70 packs from a capacity of maybe 1000

I went to Target and Costco in Miami last week end.
Target was out of anti bacterial soap, hand soap and sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, Clorox wipes, and Lysol. They only had generic water and bleach left, but plenty of tp. I saw one lesbian couple wearing gloves and masks.
Costco was out of TP, hand soap and sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, Clorox wipes, Lysol, bleach, and gloves. They were handing out wipes for your cart as you entered. They only had a palet and a half of water. They were low on most meats and weren't serving samples.I only saw one old lady wearing a mask.
Both stores were fully stocked of vitamins.

It's major supermarket chains as you said. Dumbfucks don't even check servos so you can still get shit at a premium.

Dried dumbass
You can always make a fire and boil water to make rice and beans, but if that freezer goes out you’re fucked.

Yes, my God yes. It’s worse than they say. What little food left is... Is... Canadian priced. Never did I think I’d see the day a pound of chicken was 8 dollars, or a can of soup for three fiddy. Is horror!

I already have lots of dried stuff. Maybe not mass amounts though.

I was thinking of getting a battery backup for my freezer though since I already have solar panels and a thermoelectric generator with my camping stuff to charge a battery backup if needed.

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Just went to the local
No rice, flour, pasta, noodles. toilet paper, tissues, water, hand sanitizer, nappies etc
and a sign up at the front saying they wouldnt be refunding anyone who bought too much and decided they don't want it. kek that means people have already tried.

check out this cunt from Toowoomba

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Went to Wegmans yesterday. Completely fine except out of hand sanitizer, TP, and jumbo packs of chicken thighs.

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I remember reading about her

2 weeks before the panic happened she fucked up and ordered 48 boxes of TP, instead of a single box of 48 rolls. It'll last them about 12 years.

The toilet paper company said they should have caught it out and questioned them before shipping it, so they were at least kind enough to waive the $400 shipping fee.

Canned dumbass.
Canned food is already cooked and hydrated so it saves water and cooking fuel.

>it'll last them 12 years
Now think about the dickheads who've been stocking up on this paper since.

The quickest way to jumpstart a societal collapse is depriving families of toilet paper.

It's not that bad.


But I can't find hand sanitizer anywhere

michigander here. going to meijer in the morning. only thing i really noticed last week was some TP bought up, other than that its hard to tell. their website says they are stocked pretty well on almost everything at my nearest store. if thats the case i plan to stock up on a bunch of shit while i can.

Where in Canada?

Come to Kelowna.. There will be mad inventory and the weathers nice. Lots of old people here.

San Diego here, so Cali one of the hardest hit states, was there today other than hand sanitizer the shelves were stocked full.

In the rural midwest it's like covid doesn't exist.

How was the meat department?

Nearly all the toliet paper was gone but cold and flu medicine all stocked up. I should have bought it all.

why didnt I move to utah ;_; why did i stay in this shitty california

cause it doesn't lmao

Cali had meat on sale, gonna get a few packages and it looks to be normal stock.

low on TP bleach and Daily cold supplements

I went to a total of 29 stores today consisting of Walmart, targets, and Walgreens.

Boomers at every store were telling employees how amazing they are at surviving previous happenings, all the while I asked a cute Walmart emo chick if there was any alcohol in the back. She was so fucking ditzy and acted like the world she was living in was sunshine and rainbows while having stereotypical emo shit.
4 minutes later she brings me a box full of alcohol and she said "but you can only have one bottle! There is a limit! And I smiled and said *awe I really wanted just 2 bottles* and she said not to tell anyone as she handed me two.
All the while everyone is in a state of panic staring at the empty aisles.

Then every other place I went to treated me like dog shit for asking. Out of 6 hours of driving, I only got 2 normal sized bottles of isopropyl alcohol.


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This was the Walmart in the story

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A target I visited

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you visited an australian target?

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No facemasks, paper aisle is a little bare, not empty, nothing ridiculous. Yet.

I went to Walmart Monday morning, all of the toilet paper, disinfectant and soap was gone

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Sorry lads, fucking phone posting because my wife demands I keep her attention in bed tonight because she stated she is literally afraid to lose me and keeps telling me I'm not allowed to die.
I fucking didn't mind dying in happenings until I got married. Fucking hell emotions suck big fucking time.

Mississippi just got its first confirmed case tonight. I prepped for some things like 3 weeks ago and everybody was chill.
Tonight I went to get some extra stuff and there were definitely 20-30 groups prepping.

Water was 95% empty, bleach was wiped out, good hand soap gone, toilet paper was 80% wiped out, food for the most part stocked.

This was in Jackson MS

>Nearly all the toliet paper was gone but cold and flu medicine all stocked up.
Really shows how fucking retarded people are seriously.

isn't it funny that so many people stand in empty aisles and are on their phones? I just kept getting the feeling they are on the phone with bogandoffs and whispering "activate it"

Nope the east bay area is still stocked as fuck. I haven't checked hand sanitizer since I don't use that stuff but everything else is good.

you listened and prepared right

Stores are fine around here. Costco isn't, but Costco is always a fucking clown show.