I understand it's supposed to be "degenerate" but it's not like I can choose who I'm attracted to.
What would Yas Forums do about gay people?
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Ignore Yas Forums niggers when it comes to homosexuality honestly
Its the one issue theyre wrong about and will never be right about
Theres nothing wrong with it and its not degenerate or morally incorrect
Most of their arguments are extremely narccisstic and solipsitic at its core, and almost all raging anti homo posts are made by women, who cannot stand that there is someone they cant use sex, the promise of, or their looks on
>inb4 someone posts "alternative facts and statistics"
>it's not like I can choose who I'm attracted to.
Sure you can. Lesbians and prisoners do it everyday.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Deuteronomy 22:5
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
Deuteronomy 23
17 There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.
18 Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow: for even both these are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
Romans 1
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
The Sodomite Agenda vs Reality
AIDS: The Judgement of God
Abrhamic religions mutilate the dicks of infants so theyre not really bastions of morality bro.
Forcing people who can easily become set into a non-reproductive lifestyle to pass their Gene's on is disgenic. Killing them is waistful.
Openly embraced homosexuality undermines the family structure. Families are the foundation of society. Ergo, a pro-faggot society slowly erodes the social bonds that keep society together.
Fags should practice their faggotry discretely and behind closed doors, to limit its spread. It need not be strictly illegal, but it can't be socially acceptable.
No one should be celebrated or vilified for what they do in the confines of their own home with other consenting adults or themselves. The open promotion and celebrating of degenerate lifestyles is however abhorrent and a anchor weight on human evolution. All public promotion of sexual deviancy should be criminalized but not the acts themselves or any individual behavior so long as those engaging in them have the dignity to not do it openly in public. Pride needs to be cancelled you faggots are the same tier as furries with your sexual fetishes and the fact we have to celebrate you for your disgusting habits while being told we normal people have no right to celebrate our way of life is why many people have come to hate you.
They are disgusting, and must be perceived as such. See the STDs and abuse stats. Gay culture must be fought against, it's harmful for the nation.
Shame them back into obscurity where they belong.
Inb4 anyone posts the “1000 partners claim”: that was a 1970’s sample of men who attended sex clubs. Laumann 1994, the General Social Survey, the Australian Survey of sex (2014) and the UK NATSAL national surveys all show the median number of sexual partners for gay men is around 20 in a lifetime. “Sexual partner” also just included kissing. Roughly a third had 0-9 partners. About 20% were what you might call Degen and had over 50 partners.
How so?
The people that are gay arent really going to be making families anyway, how does it affect the structure?
Well adjusted fags are just going tk get boyfriends/ married in court then adopt a child who probably wasnt going to have a family otherwise
There are reasons to bar lesbians from adopting male children tho
>understand it's supposed to be "degenerate" but it's not like I can choose who I'm attracted to.
The degeneracy doesn't come from the mere fact that you like to put your cock in men's mouths and assholes. The degeneracy comes from every single faggot ALWAYS being a degenerate party boi doing every single legal and illegal drug they can put their hands on and sticking their dicks into anything else with a pulse and a dick regardless of STDs.
Yeah, agree. /pol uses correct stats on blacks yet uses the junk science ones on gays constantly. Go read about how Paul Cameron literally faked the data on gay molestation and lifespan, and got kicked out of a US court because of it.
Who molested you?
Shut up nigger. Circumcision is not a Christian practice, it is (sadly) a western practice. Westerners fell for Jewish lies. The book of Romans makes it clear that circumcision is no longer necessary for salvation thanks to the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary.
>muh mutilation
retarded faggot
Second to hang only to Jews
>no longer necessary for salvation
It never was you dingus
9 Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only, or upon the uncircumcision also? for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness.
10 How was it then reckoned? when he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.
11 And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also:
12 And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised.
Homosexuality is a choice. Bisexuality is a biological reality. It’s your life, choose wisely.
>Jews part two
Abrahamic cults need to be gotten rid of, its all retarded parking, if your gonna make some silly schizonigger shit at least make it based on something other than
Literally anything else, nature, space, whatever can be worshipped and their worship would probably be better for the mind than self pity, voices in the head, or others, and certainly more tangible
The purpose of your life is to pass your genes on to your children and give them the best chance you possibly can to do the same. It isn't foam parties, poppers, and buttsecks.
Corruption of youth isn't exactly monopolized by any group specifically but the reason it gets hammered to death by people who hate homos is because if a 40 year old man groomed a 16 year old girl he would be shunned by his family/friends/community and would become a pariah whereas some faggot hosting pool parties to groom kids just like the other creep gets not only celebrated by society facilitates their access to abuse children. Male rape and sexual abuse is completely taboo topic because homosexuals have used their influence to help suppress righteous indignation against it as they feared people might mistake them for pedos too. What gays should have done and need to do is treat anyone who sexualizes children in any way like a cancer cell that needs to be eradicated by any means necessary. All the fags promoting mentorship of and access to children for sexual deviants need to be put against a wall and shot and if gay people led that crusade instead of either being silent or standing being abusers to normalize their actions then you'd find a lot less animosity directed towards them.
>Homosexuality is a choice. Bisexuality is a biological reality.
Bisexual detected. You know there are exclusively heterosexual males right? That obviously makes exclusively homosexual men a thing. There are gay as fuck kids who you can tell will be gay.
Larping* fuck
get gay with them to show them whose boss
Gays are fine, lebos and trannies can fuck off to Saudi
no quarter
>whereas some faggot hosting pool parties to groom kids just like the other creep gets not only celebrated by society facilitates their access to abuse children. Male rape and sexual abuse is completely taboo topic because homosexuals have used their influence to help suppress righteous indignation against it as they feared people might mistake them for pedos too. What gays should have done and need to do is treat anyone who sexualizes children in any way like a cancer cell that needs to be eradicated by any means necessary. All the fags promoting mentorship of and access to children for sexual deviants need to be put against a wall and shot
I don’t know a single gay person who is into kids lol. Studies show among men attracted to ADULT men, they are no more likely to molest a child than a man attracted to adult women. 80% of molestations on boys were his mothers partner, or another family member.
If society ‘looks the other way’ on predatory homosexual behaviour, it’s because they want to ignore gays all together. Gay rape back in the day used to be ignored and police wouldn’t investigate. Just like in the Middle East where pedophilia is ignored. The more anti-gay the society the LESS pedophilia is dealt with.
>I understand it's supposed to be "degenerate" but it's not like I can choose who I'm attracted to.
you can choose to act on it or not.
Then what? Sand niggers religions should have stayed with sand niggers. Christianity is not a European religion. Paganism was.
Christianism was/is used as a way for joows to make us think they are like us or to make us feel bad.
>Fags should practice their faggotry discretely and behind closed doors, to limit its spread. It need not be strictly illegal, but it can't be socially acceptable.
I'm a faggot and I agree with this. Based and reasonpilled. Fuck christians that want to murder us because of muh holy book though.
because now marriage is no longer a reproductive contract between a man and a woman like it was in the past, it has been watered down to include homosexuals, making it meaningless.
Maybe it's time to rethink your argument if it works just as well for pedophiles.
>Maybe it's time to rethink your argument if it works just as well for pedophiles.
Pedophiles = unconsenual. Homosexuality = if consensual between two adults, how is that comparable?
Salvation was too strong a word. Fair enough. However, calling it a Christian practice is just retarded which was the point of my original reply. It is the barbaric practice of the Jew.
>it has been watered down to include homosexuals
I disagree with this. It's was already completely watered down and meaningless, gay marriage makes no difference. Marriage benefits should only be given to couples with biological children imo.
That guy's face on the bottom second from the right really is a faggoty face. I generally don't care about gay people but that guy's face is really irritating.
>That guy's face on the bottom second from the right really is a faggoty face.
That’s called gay face. And it might be proof being gay is innate as they inherit their mothers facial muscles lmao.
>What would I do
Send them to Sweden and Canada
Nothing. Now, public indecency? Prompt public execution.
You can choose to not stick your dick up another man's butthole, or act like a effeminate, degenerate clown.
Stop being mentally ill. Choose the opposite sex, and procreate, and stop being a faggot. Even God calls homosexuality an abomination.
There is no such thing as exclusive homosexuality in the animal kingdom but there is rampant bisexuality. We are all sexual creatures. The ancient Greeks were pederasts. They were not born that way. “Gay as fuck kids” are made by society, not born that way.
kill them all
CDC s funds were all wasted on aids research.
we are going to die of Corona because of these faggots.
I'm not like that at all
I wasn't
It's not as easy as you make it sound
Children can't consent
>There is no such thing as exclusive homosexuality in the animal kingdom but there is rampant bisexuality. We are all sexual creatures. The ancient Greeks were pederasts. They were not born that way. “Gay as fuck kids” are made by society, not born that w
Animal brains are completely different from human brains. Yes, there absolutely is exclusive heterosexuality and exclusive homosexuality. Humans do not have neuro-plasticity in the part of the brain related to sexual attraction.
>I disagree with this. It's was already completely watered down and meaningless,
it was already watered down but opening it to homosexuals has been the final nail in the coffin. there can be no going back to it being a reproductive contract now with the attendant moral norms around it (e.g. the woman cuckolding the man violates the contract, the man abandoning the woman violates the contract) because gays can't reproduce.
The best time in European history was created by Christianity. The last thousand years of your European lineage would have killed you for your beliefs now.
Butt you are choosing. Homosexuality isn’t genetic.
If it was genetic, faggots would have died from extinction millions of years ago.
Nobody cares if you’re gay. You’re talking about a tiny insignificant amount of people who actually hate gay people. Get over yourself.
>The best time in European history was created by Christianity. The last thousand years of your European lineage would have killed you for your beliefs now.
Yeah jailing Galileo and half the population having gonorrhea was the “height” of western civilisation. LMAO.
>Yeah jailing Galileo and half the population having gonorrhea was the “height” of western civilisation. LMAO.
So, living in shitty city-states being constantly invaded and bombarded by uncivilized barbarians was better, only because a few guys who spoke philosophy (meaningless without God) and a few academics took them seriously, lived there.
I guarantee you millions of otherwise straight men have jacked off to tranny porn. They were made to fetishize chicks with dicks, not born that way. It’s called having self control.
Because the whole argument was "how can it be degenerate if I didn't choose to be this way". Which is like the most retarded argument ever and could be applied to everyone with a mental illness, from pedophiles to kleptomaniacs to pyromaniacs to psychopathic murderers.
Fine, you didn't "choose" to be gay, probably some trauma happened in your life to cause it, so what, admit you have a problem and get help like with any other mental illness.
A lot of homosexuals are predators who pray on the weak, vulnerable and young, they are also much more likely to be pedophiles. Convincing a straight person to have sex with you is like a badge of honor in the gay community.
Btw did you know that in WESTERN countries just like the US or Australia or Europe, not Africa, about 10-20% of gay men have HIV? Look it up
If they jacked off to tranny porn, they aren't straight.
>hurr durr darwin disproves homos
Lol no. Identical twins can be born one left handed and one right handed. That is because hormones make shifts to the epigenetic switches on genes. These aren’t even visible on a gene reader. No one thinks people aren’t born left handed. It’s still biological even if it isn’t ‘strictly genetic’.
>nothing degenerate about engaging in soda-masocistic sex
In addition to what the other user said, faggotry is blatantly hedonistic, as it is not capable of reproduction (molestation aside). A society that openly embraces faggots openly embraces excess, hedonism, and a dereliction of responsibilities.
Also, the productive faggots you mentioned are the exception, and policies built on catering to exceptions are inept at doing what they're designed to do.
Lmao wow an older celebrity with a man in his 20’s. It’s almost like older male celebrities date younger women too.
Also HIV rate yes I did know that. Anal spreads STD’s at a rate 20-40 times higher than vaginal so its easy to spread among gay men.
Its literally just two dudes being inove with each other and partnering up, advanced bromance
Thats all it is, theres no reason to be against homos on their own, its all the people associated with them
Put them back in the closet. They’ve proven to me that they can’t be trusted to control themselves or regulate their “communities”.
>It's not as easy as you make it sound
a person can choose to masturbate or not. a person can choose to cheat or not. how can you not choose to fuck a man or not? there is always a choice to act or not
fuck autocorrect
Or maybe it's because the average fag has hundreds of sexual partners in his lifetime, who knows lol no way to be sure huh!
go pozz up some neg, fag
>there is always a choice to act or not
We get it, you’re bisexual. I hate how bisexuals try and claim “everyone is bisexual!” when no, most people are fully straight and yes, some men only like men. This is why people hate bisexuals.
Tranny porn where the dude looks almost exactly like a chick with a dick wasn’t even a thing until recently. The otherwise straight men who get into that shit were not born gay. It’s a fetish like fucking little boys was in Ancient Greece.
Look peter puffer I'm not saying being gay means you're attracted to kids what I'm saying is your little LGBTQXYZ movement you all have fun shoving down society's throat is a cunt hair away from adding a P to the end and pretending kid fuckers are victims of a society that just won't accept them. The whole trans kids shit and things like Desmond is Amazing is literally being packaged and sold almost exclusively by LGBTXYZ and childless white women. You faggots need to start taking out the trash among you or it's gonna be back into the closet for the lot of you and that's coming from someone who attends orgies. The entire Pride movement is absolute cancer and needs to be terminated.
Families haven't been the base of society for generations. State and TV are literally base of society now.
Depends on What you think reproduction is
Being gay doesnt magically make them infertile, they could donate to a sperm bank, backups if someone in their families turns out infertile, theyre not hedonistic either, literally every monogamous couple since the advent of condoms or birth control has had sex regularly
America is just overly puritanical unlike Europe
Your ID says FqG
And yes trannies are mentally ill faggots, and, pedophilia is faggotry if it's a man who wants to have sex with boys.
>Or maybe it's because the average fag has hundreds of sexual partners in his lifetime, who knows lol no way to be sure huh!
Or maybe that’s because you used non-random convenience samples which surveyed men from bathhouses, sex clubs, porn stores and hookup locations. Hmm it’s almost like every national survey performed such as the NATSAL, the GSS, the Australian Sex Survey and the Laumann report showed gay men have a median of 20 sexual partners in their life... and a ‘sexual partner’ included someone they merely kissed. Yes, some gays have hundreds of partners but in all the well sampled studies it’s literally like 8%
nope. straight. im not saying you can choose who you are attracted to, im saying you can choose who you'd decide to fuck. much in the same way you can choose to masturbate or not.
I don't view gay people as degenerate, I view flaming faggotry as degenerate.
Why the fuck do some of you insist on waltzing through the streets half naked in boa feathers and a gazillion pink strap ons and expect us to like you?
Could you choose to fuck a man? What an actual joke and an immoral thing to say. Let’s deny people happiness (because yes, gay couples actually can be happy) because of some dumb ideology which has zero evidence. Where are all the miracles proving god? Back in Jesus time apparently they were constant. None are happening when we have phones to film it. Lmfaoooo.
He's telling you to not act on your degenerate urges, how difficult is that? It's possible for pedophiles to resist fucking kids, many people have the urge to kill their boss every day, or rape some dumb cunt acting out, doesn't mean they actually do it ya catch my drift?
Fags have made some enormous contributions to civilizations you certainly don't deserve to be persecuted when we have white women walking around this earth what most people are disgusted by is the fact we are expected to celebrate your lifestyle choices while being told our lifestyle choices are uncool, racist, backwards etc....
I don't hate anyone who is a homosexual but I hate everyone who is a public advocate for open celebration and integration of fetish lifestyles to displace the norm of the heterosexual nuclear family. Homos have, like the blacks, allowed themselves to be used as a tool to cause chaos and help destroy our societies.
>Could you choose to fuck a man?
people in prison do all the time.
and I can choose to fuck a woman or not. its the same thing.
also im not religious.
FWIW, Galileo was imprisoned for being an incredibly annoying asshole, and not his research like we've been told. The church was a big patron of scientific research in his time.
Lmao the fact you insist gays are an issue while a lot of women aren’t having kids because of “climate change” is a lol. Heterosexuals are the ones who need to have kids. And with all the claims that gays ‘molest children’ why are you encouraging them to reproduce? Lmao it literally makes no sense.
KInd've like Russia I guess, just tone it the fuck down in public.
I was born in '71, I didn't even know that homosexuality was a real, I thought that when people were talking about it they were kidding.
I basically thought that talking about guys fucking guys was a more creative way of telling somebody they eat shit or something, just an over the top crazy gross thing to say for laughs or to piss somebody off or express anger.
I thought the original landlord in Threes Company made fun of jack just for being a sailor. When he called him a sissy twinkletoes etc I was like hahah because he's in the Navy!
I never saw one bit of faggotry in my life until the late 80's, not one second, not one hint of it that I ever picked up on.
Faggots still existed though. They did their thing, the rest of us did ours and no straight kids got confused. If you wanted exposure to queerness, you had to look for that shit.
I think it worked fine.
I don't believe that faggotry can be cured or stopped, and it would be cruel to try as ultimately I view it as a handicap.
But nobody holds up a guy in a wheelchair as an example of a great highjumper!
Nobody points at a guy in a wheelchair and says that he should be proud to be gibbled.
proud of how they handle their situation, sure, but nobody extols the virtue of the disease itself.
As it should be with homosexuality.
Back to behind closed doors, don't persecute for anything behind a closed door, done.
You faggots don't NEED to queer out in public.
We can both have dignity again.
Basically this.
t. American
"Its not like I can choose what Im attracted to" wrong.
I gave up my bisexuality. You can give up your homosexuality. Stop cooming to degenerate porn and indulging in your sick fetishes and your brain will correct itself over time.
No, families are still the core of societies. It's just that now many families are highly dysfunctional, so we have dysfunctional societies.
Way to miss the point, faggot
Jesus routinely violated the laws of physics, SOLELY to prove that He is the Son of God. The Old Testament stretches back over 3000 years prior to the New Testament, and God only chose a few indivisuals and tribes not only due to their centralized location, but because they weren't cannibalistic barbarians, and compared to everyone else, were less unmoral than the rest. Of course, they were still stubborn idiots who defied God constantly, which is the reason why God gave his Son for us.
Of course, you choose to live your life in extreme destructive degeneracy which does not benefit society or health at all, and all you are doing is hastening your own death, all while removing yourself from the gene pool, because you are an irrational pervert who prefers men's hairy, shitstained buttholes to the vagina of a woman.
>how can it be degenerate if I didn't choose to be this way
The fact is that you did choose to be that way. Homosexual sex is a choice. You're not born that way, because it's not an orientation. Sexual reproduction evolved as a superior method to asexual reproduction. Therefor, you can only be oriented towards the opposite sex, any other way is in defiance of the way nature made you. That's a fact whether you like or not.
If you ask a drug addict, they will tell you they were born that way. That calling in life was to do drugs. But just like homosexuality, drug addiction is a mental illness.
Same sex copulation sprung out a desire to humiliate and force into submission other males. As in a prison sex situation. This is the pleasure of it, the sexual gratification of someone humiliated and in pain.
At best, it's maladaptive behavior. That's the best one can say about homosexuals.