Has anyone noticed that we have had no active service members posting about their current situation? The NY Guard was deployed and we didn't even hear from those fags.
Can anyone report in? LARPs welcome.
Has anyone noticed that we have had no active service members posting about their current situation? The NY Guard was deployed and we didn't even hear from those fags.
Can anyone report in? LARPs welcome.
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Yeah I'm part of the prestigious Finnish Assault Guerrilla Squad (F.A.G.S.) and we're about to do a surgical meme strike into Sweden.
Yas Forums is dead fren.
I think you all underestimate how much military members talk. They cant keep their fucking mouths shut about anything.
>t. Former NCO
>I think you all underestimate how much military members talk. They cant keep their fucking mouths shut about anything.
>>t. Former NCO
reservist here, Take this Corona thing seriously. The military is.
Yas Forums, I...
Whats your MOS or branching user? Prior service here, and I am not worried. Its all panic.
Haven't you heard loose lips sink ships
I'm only sharing public info. But there's nothing more I can share of value anyway. You already know shit's going down, you've been prepping, and you've been on point from the beginning.
I prepped for OBAMA. I am not worried at all.
Is this why I suddenly am seeing so many posts for Army jobs near me? Or does the military normally recruit a lot in March?
Not sharing my MOS, but know I'm an E4 POG. So nobody is sharing super secret classified shit with me anyway. I knew shit was going down from here first before it was confirmed to me through the Army.
Not trying to make this into some cock-tease LARP where I allude to having special top secret knowledge, I know enough, and what they're telling the public is Bullshit.
>wag the dog
>stoke fear
>limit movement
>deploy troops
someone done fucked up REAL bad
Recruiting is a job you take to get promoted. You probably got some new guy in your area that's flooding indeed and instagram with job offers. Not really anything to discern from that. Except I heard they're offering as big of bonuses as they did in 2003. Can't confirm myself, go in and talk to a recruiter and ask.
lol same. I bought my first firearm shortly after his inauguration.
You shouldn't be worried, but you should be prepared.
Thank you young anons. Carry it on if we old fags pass.
I’m stationed in fort hood and they haven’t told us jack shit, hope they lock down base soon tho
no it's not, it's just pining for the fjords, like a good norwegian blue would
>I’m stationed in fort hood
You're already in hell, no need to be more concerned. Carry on.
This. I'm near Ft. Hood and work on post a lot. Word is shit is fucked. Every fucking bit of NBC shit is rolled out, including old shit that's been patched back together. Shits tense. Everyone has been told something they don't fucking like. Different things depending on what they do. They're gathering up steel drums and scrounging up fuel oil. Heavy digging equipment is getting loaded at the rail heads. One guy was wondering why they were leading a massive trenching machine for his unit.. I had to explain it to him and he wasn't fucking amused once he understood.
It's not good guys. It's not fucking good at all.
Lol no shit my sco is still trying to get us into the field so we can go to jrtc eventually
New reservist NCO here.
Fuck niggers.
Thank you for listening.
Planning on burning some bodies Doggie?
Corps of Engineers and 48th chemical brigade guys... If you know one of them well, you ain't sleeping easy tonight.
I will share this. Also public info.
This is an OPORD for the navy and marines to execute their Pandemic preparedness plans. The clusterfuck of gibberish at the top is the reference material. Following that is an explanation of what that reference material is. you can search google to find most any DOD document (and honestly it's what we use because searching through AKO or other government webpages is about as enjoyable as the lobotomy the web designers had to have to design such fucked up websites).
Pic related is from the flu pandemic manuals. We're clearly in the mitigate phase. Also check the dates signed 2/12/2020 of the website.
user comes through.
I am reserve and in contact with my active bodies.
Nothing major, but a.month ago one of my buddies got quarantined after visiting a church in Korea. Apparently some people in that church were infected.
Nah. Retired AVN that does this and that still with a contractor. Made lots of friends in important places.
Shits fucked. Just how bad is still TBD.
GNAA advanced lancers here.
>Shits fucked. Just how bad is still TBD.
I'm looking for the parameters on what you consider "fucked". We've all seen different levels.
Maybe the safest question for you all is "what are you doing for your own family?"
ever lived through a hurricane in America? shit's about to get real
Honestly...not fucking surprised it is. That's why I started prepared in Feb. Good luck to you retired contract bro, semper.
Stocking up on food water and masks. I'm preparing to have enough food/water/supplies for an extended quarantine. I'm reserves, so I don't have a lot of the luxuries and protection that we might have if we were on post. I also don't expect our neighborhood to be anywhere near prepared for something like that, should it happen.
Yas Forums is always right, All the info on what to buy has been posted here a hundred times. If you didn't listen well, I feel bad for you son, shit's a bit late to be prepping.
>mfw CID
>mfw I have to wade through oceans of shitposts to nail internal threats
Fuck my life
USMC stationed in SoCal here, nothing unusual going on here, but also I'm in the middle of base so I don't exactly see everything that goes on.
Not leaking anything not public info sar'nt!
Oh, actually incorrect, travel to any area under a state of emergency due to corona virus has been banned, as of today
some fags trying to marry their girlfriends back home got their leave ganked
My brother is an active service member and he's literally taking leave this weekend to travel and stay with my parents. Apparently they don't need him for anything lol at least not yet.
I'm in a military flight path there has been 20x more air traffic this month half of them at the dead of night at 1am.
sarn i only boog on libo
Veteran in college doing ROTC. They cancelled PT for the next two weeks at least. Based
I'm all good on my own prep.
What I'm wondering about is the civil unrest. There must be some force movement that indicates some intel that urban areas might light up. I've heard speculations for years, but I'm wondering if there is actionable intel being carried out now.
>mfw CID
Wade, is that you?
90% of the military has a specific and limited capability, meaning that only a small portion will respond to non military type threats.
Most people don't do shit in the military except train and sit around on their asses
>sit around on my ass all day
Based Lucky Fatbody.
probably releasing so2 to try and heat up the country
Goodspeed user.
I dunno, that would be a national guard thing.
You could cruise through facebook for their girlfriend/mothers pages and see any "MAH BABY GON TA FIGHT DA CORONA" posts.
100% wag the dog.
CA Natl Guard here. The reason no one is posting is because nothing is happening or at least they’re not telling US anything. Other than some generic messages and emails to remember to wash your hands and tell your chain of command if you feel sick.
Because we don't care.
Two fags from the navy just flew over my house while fucking each other in the ass.
>ask me anything
Kiss army checking in, highwood whiskey appears to keep the corona virus at bay.