A non-white gf would deradicalize most of Yas Forums.
A non-white gf would deradicalize most of Yas Forums
fluoride memeflag
Made it worse actually. Well, non-white ex GF.
Good thing I have a WHITE fiance and deliberately avoided shitskins.
Puss can work both ways.
the only attractive nonwhites are a select few mutts that are only attractive because of their white dna
I don't hate non-whites.
I won't date them.
I like white people.
I hate women from all ethnic backgrounds, they are all liars, whores and leeches.
The only non-white girls I'm interested in are Asian.
>would deradicalize most of Yas Forums.
What makes you think anyone on /pol is radicalized or that some rabid idiot feminazi could fix the non existent problem?
Isn't that the little 9 year old Japanese girl that plays drums?
This, but they still must leave.
I don't know, just a picture of a cute girl I like to look at.
No he doesn’t you autistic protestant.
Completely untrue, Balkans are all mutts and they’re the most racist “white” people on the planet
>A non-white gf
> Marry some light skinned latina
> All the babies come out bleached
Yea she's gonna want the white race to die off. Yep.
I could breed with a nonwhite woman, enjoy every moment of it and still be a white supremacist
Unironically Latinas will save the white race with their extremely fertile wombs.
How did my post come across as simp behavior?
Who wants a deradicalised and cucked idiot
Dated an indian girl, she fucking hated muslims more than most Yas Forums posters.
If anything dating people from non-poz'd cultures is the biggest redpill.
If she had very hairy arms and didn't shave anything else, sure. I'd love a Jewish or Arab chick like that.
>implying i wont just rape it and move on
OP is a bitch ass. I had one, and if he's got more than one ID by this post in him, I will explain why he's full of shit.
whites still want babies with whites
My wife is Chinese and has made me worse.
STFU & GTFO Canadian.
Checked. What's it like?
My gf is a nigger. Still here
Date brown girl
Hang out with her brown friends
Walk on egg shells to not offend them
Constantly bash white people
Don’t even notice girls without light eyes now
Same, made me more racist,fuck shitskins.
i have a spic girl who thinks its hot that im a neonazi
I'm radically bored and boring. Will she cure that?
then theres this guy. based, btw
You’d think for a bunch of crypto-Jews obsessed with sola scriptura, you retards would actually be literate. Fuck off brown boy.
Yes goyim and when the wedding happens her male family and friends will hit up all the white women in that circle
Give up a pawn for many white queens
1 billion whites and dying 7 billion mud n growing the can take a loss. Can the whites hahaha
They only here cuz u don’t breed enough they ain’t gonna leave unless there’s better options but breeding more actually keeps them out
Topkek, I dated a jewess pre-redpill and it only radicalized me further.
Watching my jewish ex-girlfriend turn into a money grubbing troll from a safe distance actually helped to radicalize me.
The Trad Cath meme can only be stretched so far.
lol no
My gf is Chinese and she started hating niggers after I kept pointing out their public behavior and showing her statistics. Now she bitches about them more than I do.
If your ethnic gf doesn't find your racism endearing then she's a waste of time
Good point. "Radicalized" is a meaningless word, like the way reporters slap "extremist" as an adjective onto every and any idea they find weird or disagreeable. People here have very normal ideas; the world is ruled by the evil and the mad.
I was a bit racist before I met my husband from Nigeria! He’s really conservative though, very strict with me, I have to stay at home and raise kids
Sounds like just a shit step dad made her feel like crap and mom didn’t care to learn how to groom her hair
She’s still self hating sadly
i just gave up getting a gf and being a normie. time to commit to being a lunatic conspiracy nut would be domestic agitator
Source dare ya to post it on worldstar
Some respect for your girl
Yeah, agreed.
Make the one post by this ID dipshits work harder for it you fucking tools.
Actually had the opposite effect on me. I was pure blue democrat, pro obama when I was dating in my early years with my gf. I have never been more lolbertard/conserva-caveman in my life.
how would you know, you've never gotten laid
Thanx for your balls cuz fuck they get mad fast
White girls are a lot cooler headed they like to do silent treatment which I’ll take any fucking day
My non white friends hate niggers more than any whites I know.
I have a Latina fuck buddy.
She loves to LARP that she is a Native that I kidnapped from her tribe and use as my fuck toy.
She is really into Rape Play, too.
And on social media she's all anti-white male, down with the patriarchy and shit.
But literally begs me for the BWC.
She saw just how envious and hateful minorities really are and married a light that guided her from the darkness.
No son. I'm with a Mexican now. Never have I had a white girl fart as much as this fucking bitch. Had a real thing for Mexicans but now I know the truth I'm looking for an exit strategy.
If she really hated herself she'd have prevented being in a situation where she is part of a loving family. Love conquers all, even internalized racism. Same thing with most of anons on her saying fuck niggers but also admitting to dating them. The hatred is only skin deep, ironically.
Fuck off, ya cunt!
I exclusively date asian women, didn't change my worldview except I eat a lot more weird shit.
At least with us lot anyway.
Can't speak for the niggers themselves of course and the hatred they bear for us, but neither can they I suppose, without the obligatory chimp out.
This is true, I used to date an Irish girl and i really hate potatniggers now