Gday lads

>'Close air borders' experts agree with AUS/POL/

>Close the borders already Scomo you faggot

>Krudd shills for china (as usual)

>Suicide by cop

>WHO finally call it what it is - a pandemic - too little too late

>Waman cant handle being cops - should be left in the kitchen

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Other urls found in this thread:

Roll Call
>bust a nut guy/abo in alice springs
>who adelaide?
>Gas the boomers
>”ITS THE JEWS” pasta
>Gimme a job or ill rope
>ASIO is Aus/pol/'s greatest ally user
>Coles sweeper breaking user
>tinder ROLLer
>who ready for the collapse?
>praise him (ASIO agents/ ABC Journo’s)
>how do i get an aus/pol/ gf?
>fuck off we’re full webm creator
>Friendly (and rare) reminder to get your gun licence guy
>what’s for dinner?
>wanting job at asio user
>serial reporter of glowposts and bust a nut guy / roll call guy (me)
>the gf/the bf/the daily ride
>Central Desert Region user surrounded by boongs
>ausfag in USA
>Desert Lime Shilling Brit.
>tougher gun laws in QLD when?!
>US fag "fuck off we're fu-" poster with an image of australias population concentration on a map
>Q&A anime shirt wearing attendee
>Reminder to address to judge and jury in all your shitposts
>JUSTed user(s) (sympathy add)
>’checking in’ fag / meta poofter
>(followed by) “poofters fuck off”
>ASIO poster who uploaded screenshot which had ASIO login bookmarked
>coom for mommy
>guy that says he will an hero to get "no don't do it" (you)'s
>lithuanian user that's been planning to move to Aus for years
>'jannies can't stop me' user
>running for local government user
>fed up and willing to self doxx to create aus/pol/ political party user
>join the union fag / union shill
>user(s) who fingered a bird in a nightclub
>ASISinfo Tripfag
>It's easy to raise a family on one income, just grow your own food
>who /unregistered firearm/? glow agent
>who drinking?
>guy whose isp fucks up and gets the bong flag
>DSP neet in Canberra
>weird boomer anime figurine painter office government worker with lifesize trump cutout
>poster that pretends to be a superior asian and goes on about Australia and the US being Chinese land
>doomed by lollipop sign cunts schizo pasta
Am i forgetting anyone?


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Fuck chinks
Fuck poos
Fuck niggers
Fuck jews
Fuck jannies
Fuck asio glowniggers

Make Australia white again!

Attached: fuck off were full.jpg (1539x976, 340.57K)

Thank goodness I'll be safe.

>tfw went to the hordern pavilion last night

im fucked arent i

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>i'm just gunna hold
hold my cock and jerk off

saw Pantera there was fun

Alright bois, the stocks are crashing, the chink flu is spreading, people are downplaying the flu, Im stuck on 1 toilet paper roll to share with 4 people & to top it off; centerlink job provider has dropped all work for the dole activities and have now gone to phone call interviews only

What a lovely day, Mad Max soon

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who drinking?

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Wait for it to hit all time lows then invest, itll eventually go back, making you money on the way

>did a bit o the ol divination
>definitely a bad idea to go to city for St Pats
>but the social obligation will resolve itself without any intervention on my part

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Sydney fag, yeah you're fucked

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>Make Australia white again!

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I bet it would have been more fun to be there when that pantera faggot was shot

I'm in Japan right now how fucked am I?

good luck getting dunny rolls. they implemented a stupid system at woolies that involves raffle tickets or some shit. We have a heap out the back but I cannot fill it or give it to customers because I need some poo security guard to protect me from crazy boomer women

probably not. though the second time I saw them Phil was high as fuck or drunk and kept laying down

spotted a boomer woman in traffic lights today with frantic looking eyes , had 2x24 packs in the back seats. Probably more cause it was pretty full. But at least 2 packs confirmed

it's pretty funny watching it all happen at work. makes it less shit because I can go out the back and laugh at people
Is it happening?

PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE:

lads i work at a coles. how fucked am i? i've got wuflu don't i?

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yeah all us supermarket works will get it

Yeah we know, they're slowly wiping themselves out
>pic related

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What are you being told by management?

pantera was my first gig. 16 yo, passed out in the mosh pit. my mate caught a drum skin from vinnie that said 'eat more pussy xx vinnie paul'
pretty memorable. perth entertainment centre

woolies fag here. they put signs up around the break rooms about washing hands etc. that's it. I put up SDA shit telling people to make sure they get paid OT for staying back

what's really happening? official numbers bullshit?

Every time i've lived with a woman we'd go through like 4-6 rolls of double length a week. I use 1 a fortnight, why am I not surprised all the videos of cunts going crazy over poo tickets are women.

yeah saw them in Sydney 96 and 2001 was 14 too for the 1st

just to self isolate if you test positive for the virus. but of course you can't get tested for it even if you keep requesting to they just pretend it's the flu so..

they gotta wipe their cunt mate, every time they piss

btw i've had a headache and body aches for the past 4 days kek

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Yeah I understand the concept but it's just an obscene amount of tp though.

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>go to JSP appointment
>employees trying to get everyone to go to Jobs expo this weekend at convention centre
>explain it's a large public area, I'd like to avoid those right now.
>She thinks its because of my social anxiety, have to explain I'd rather not take the risk with the virus.
>Looks at me like I'm crazy

enjoy your airborne AIDS dumb fucks

even if we get sick, we wont know if we have the wu flu because you cant get tested.. we're fucked.

So guys for the past week I've been having the constant urge to piss and and the sudden need to run to the toilet. At first I thought it wwas maybe a uti but its not. I went to the doctor and now I'm waiting on a PSA levels to see if its cancer. I am only 22 years old.
I constantly have the urge to piss, strained feeling in my dick. there is no real pain either I occasionally have a ache in my ass or balls but guys im really scared.

>BREAKING: The PM has asked health officials to consider extending the coronavirus travel ban to all travellers from Europe. The Government has also extended its ban for travellers from China, Iran, South Korea and Italy for a further week.

yeah that's what i've been trying to tell people too. notice all the rich and famous getting it? f1 team, now tom hanks, etc, it's because they are the only ones getting tested. i think we all have it....

We should have closed the borders 2 weeks ago, why is the USA and Australia so retarded?

join RAFFWU lad. SDA are kikes.

Following US actions, our government is too cucked to take action first. Gotta keep the shekels flowing.

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>notice all the rich and famous getting it? f1 team, now tom hanks, etc, it's because they are the only ones getting tested. i think we all have it....
you didn't think for a moment that the virus is spreading through... airports and aircraft? that's why people like them are getting it.

Tom Hanks has apparently been here since January.

wtf. oh. well, we're fucked then.

Hey nurse user if you are still here,
Are NSW health worried about this flu carrying on into flu season or if another big flu will happen in a few months?

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Threadly Reminder to prep now. Italy is already on lockdown, US has closed borders and cases have gone up overnight here by approx 30 cases as of 8am this morning. More by now no doubt.
I have been prepping for 2 and a half years now, and whilst i had alot of stuff, i had to modify my preps during the first couple /cvg/ threads to adapt to pandemic. Here are my pro-tips
Calculate how much food you actually have on hand in calories or Kj. USfags talk in Calories but we mainly talk KJ here. You will be surprised how little food in energy you have. You need 2000 Calories per day to maintain. (8.4kj/8400joules). Do the math of all the food you have on hand and ensure its enough to last a month at least.
>Remember the doubters will come crawling back.
"Just the flu bro's" and people that thought you were nuts WILL come crawling back. I've already had "mates" calling me and saying.. "uhhh if SHTF I can come stay at yours right?"
in 2014 banks were authorised to use PRIVATE citizens and accountholder's cash to do bail ins and save their arses. Corona will EVENTUALLY blow over, so your cash will more than likely will be able to be used in the near future, BUT, accounts may never be "replenished", whereas physical cash is indisputable and safe. Remember you dont own the pixels of your "balance"

So it seems the Liberals can't give a budget surplus- and the country will go into recession.

What did they do?
Spend as much money as they possibly could so one of these will be avoided.
half the recipients are fucking pensioners, but most of the money is being given to small businesses not to lay off workers.

They fucked it guys

well, i have to work from home for the next 2 weeks starting tomorrow


>Remember you dont own the pixels of your "balance"
people sure do forget about this until the banking system goes down or something happens. cash or gtfo.

yes now give me your tp cunt

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anyone who goes to the easter show this year is a fkn idiot

So has Jordies made a video sucking Bernies cock and blaming the whole thing on climate change yet?

Appetite fatigue is not likely to be a problem as hopefully thisll all be over in a month or two, but ensure to get different shit to ensure some variety. Especially if you have fussy kids or partner. Good stuff is protein such as canned tuna, salmon, (sar)DEENZ, Beenz. Stock up on Rice and Pasta as staple meal-fillers although it may be too late for this as alot of stores are limiting or are completely sold out. Remember do the math of the calories you have on hand. Its simple.

>t. Not a schizo, not a ITS HAPPENING user, just a prepper trying to share tips of the stuff i’ve learnt over years of prepping.

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the government are panicking. this isn't going to help the economy in the long term, not if the virus is going to keep impacting on life for months to come.
bah get fucked m8! i'll fight ya for it! i have three rolls left. probably should have stocked up. people haven't gone mental yet in adelaide so no rush. shops appear well stocked.. for now.

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Give me some fucking tp cunt.

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Guess whos getting $750 on the 31st of march

This guy

Imagine being this level of tin foil hat crazy.

Hey, me too!

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yeah but it's up on his missus' onlyfans

How many kids has he raped while he's been here?

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Yea I went to the local shop and the shelves are fucking empty
Old cunts are always fucking things up.

I thought this was a joke aye, now I'm down to one toilet roll

Gonna spend $300 of it on silver and $300 split between BTC, BAT, and LINK as well?

kek that's all good but mate there are NO beans or rice or pasta or any of that shit left. the happening is here.

>muh boomers
Its Asians. As soon as the doors of Aldi are open BOOM it's all gone.

looks like i am too.. for some reason. i like money as much as the next mortal, but i really have a bad feeling about how this will pan out. it's a staggering amount of money they're throwing around.

based. can confirm this is what i saw at three seperate coles' today. worse it's been so far I think. at least at the start of the week there was still some pasta left.

lol nah, gonna spend it on more supplies for The Happening. Need more meat for the freezers.

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how do i get it

just redeemed my five hundy (((kogan))) voucher for getting a cc last year.
thanks for the free shit suckers never using your card again

unofficial thread theme. whoever bakes next bread please put this song in the OP

Its because they care more about shareholders than the people of australia because the bulk holders of shares are central banks and all the central banks are fucking shitting themselves atm.

Actually does anyone have the links the IT'S THE JEWS guy posts, I need them for something rn

Last but not least, the loo roll aisle.

I forgot to get a picture of the hand sanitiser shelves, that was all gone too. Fat lot of good alcohol handwash will do against a virus though.

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soap is all gone too.

LMAO I've been spending $70 a week on supplies for the past month and a half, if you honestly think there'll be supplies left by the 31st of march good luck to you sir

Business as usual. They're on high alert though because Japniggers aren't dirty. Many stores have bottles of antibacterial gel/spray for people to use at their own will. Dunno about numbers

social security recipients, pensioners.. etc.
>Its because they care more about shareholders than the people of australia because the bulk holders of shares are central banks and all the central banks are fucking shitting themselves atm.
oh yea, no doubt.

Another thing a lot of people overlook is tools to fix and build things. Tradies wont be coming out to fix shit and its safer to be able to fix basic stuff on your vehicle and home yourself anyway to reduce risk of contamination from others. Make sure you have a variety of tools and equipment for general car and home maintenance.
AUS only has a 3 day reserve of fuel on hand. Fuel is already patchy with the oil price wars so keep your car full at least, preferable have some jerry cans on hand full too.
Plan now so you can bug out quick if there is a mass exodus. Preferably pack now if practical in your situation. You want to beat the rush and gridlock. Plan ahead of where you will go, what route you will take and backup routes. Its pointless to "bug-out" to the innawoods with no gear, no plan and just leave. 99% of people will be better luck sheltering in place but panic will cause them to try flee if it gets really bad.
>Keep water on hand and keep your bathtub full.
Keep your bathtub full of clean water for drinking or general purpose use, as well as keeping clean water on hand. Who knows when the pumps will be shut off.
>Have means to cook your food
Gas butane cooktops are cheap and much easier than using a fire, plus can be used more discretely if forced to shelter in place and you dont want to attract attention.
>Have means to maintain basic hygiene and food safety.
Also have a first aid kit for minor and major wounds.

Went to woolies this morning, overheard worker say, people lined up at 8am before doors opened and immediately raided the new stock of toilet paper in just minutes. FFS.

Maybe this plague is exactly what we need
>national unity
>police get more powers to conduct random checks
>remove the chink
>kill off the boomers

This could be our time to start the boogaloo boys

this. go out and buy a hammer and wrench, random tools, a knife, etc, rope even, you'll need it more if/when boogaloo

I ain't spending anytime worrying about the jews because, every 3 months a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in North Queensland.

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>having food and resources on hand is crazy
>muhh help please let me in, i’ll only eat one can of beenz a day. Pleaseee user, the military have deserted and they aren’t delivering rations anymore

Thanks asio

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yeah it's happened every morning for the last week kek. we get one or two trucks dropping off more TP throughout the morning but it will still be gone in less than an hour.

I've been spending on supplies too, I'm fairly well stocked. I doubt anything will be open by the 31st for us to spend the money on, but I can be very slightly optimistic. Seems like a pointless optimism though.

Why the hell are they waiting until the 31st anyway? Why not just give out an emergency payment immediately to all doll recipients?

We rise up to the central banks once this is done whatdya recon boys???

meant to reply to

Hopefully we get laws soon against people attempting to re-sell products when there are domestic shortages.
eg. rationing

long overdue really

Yeah both my local aldi and woolies has been getting this everyday. Aussie tradie sighed and said “i can’t be here at 8am, i have to work” and walked out empty handed and brown-arsed

Another question for nurse user, I got tested for wuflu on monday. How long does it take to get the results?

>Why the hell are they waiting until the 31st anyway? Why not just give out an emergency payment immediately to all doll recipients?

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Will it really get this bad bro?

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Because they're going to see if the economy needs it or the healthcare system needs it and then change their minds on who they give it to. Thats just my personal opinion anyway

Take you meds, schizo.

Went to Coles in Belmont and they were still out, heard from a truckie at work the best time to buy is 7:45 since that's when they bring out the pallets. Just gotta knock them gooks out of the way first

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I'm pretty sure there are already laws against profiteering, the problem is they're not getting enforced

>Why not just give out an emergency payment immediately to all doll recipients?
Barbies or life sized fuck dolls?

who knows. Better to prepare and not need, than to be wanting. It’s good to have all this shit on hand anyway. I eat through my preps and replenish them in order to rotate them. If you have a few of everything in the cupboard it actually improves your day to day life anyway cause when you’re cooking shit you wish you had something and it turns out you do cause prepped