Rate your country's response to coronavirus

3/10. Trump finally did a good thing by banning traffic in and out of Europe today, but it's too little too late. The virus is here and will spread on its own. The government spent too much time minimizing the virus, and sycophants like Sean Hannity are still saying the flu is worse. They will sing a different tune if 70% of the population gets the disease, as models from Germany predict. Testing is still hard to get here, and you often must pay out of pocket.

How is your country handing coronavirus on a scale from 1 to 10?

Attached: COVID-19-1024x576.png (1024x576, 131.95K)

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The only thing they are doing is telling people to wash their hands and dont wear masks. The extent of testing is that they only test people who have shortness of breath or have been in contact with an OFFICIAL case. No care whatsoever.


Trump is giving no practical advice about social distancing, nor is he taking a proactive approach. It is entirely reactive.

Because it's the current year

0/10 nothing is being done except stealing more Canadians tax dollars.

10/10 they`ll finally kill us all.

Only Israel reacted basedly

This shit haven't hit yet, I wish they went full madagascar.

Close the airports, close everything.
But they went muh economy route.

0/10. The nation is still awash with imported disease ridden orientals and islam adherents.

But I heard Australia at least has drive-through testing. That is badass, America only has that in one or two places and it costs a fortune. I'd say you are at least 5/10.

0/10, both federally and provincially
Trudeau is a constant disappointment who refuses to take any difficult decisions on behalf of the Canadian people, and here in Quebec they decided it was better to wait a week and set up screening clinics before telling people a sick person was riding the metro for two weeks infecting people.
Canada won't be as bad as the States, but only because as a welfare state we were already reliant on handouts whereas no one in the States can afford daycare or healthcare.

0/10, a negative score would be appropiate too.

1/10 - was told to swallow a litre of chink saliva yesterday because I told someone that masks are actually to prevent yourself from spreading disease and not the other way around.

Given Australians or Canadians are rating theirs as 0, ill have to go with -37 since our socialist gov did nothing but campaigns to prevent racism towards asians.
Plus not closinh traffic fron italy which infected us. And now we die


I expected the federal government to fucking botch this thing right from the get-go due to general incompetence. What is the CDC and FDA good for if they can't handle this???

10/10 school's gon tutudututudututu

5/10 better than I expected
We're low risk because our cities are far away from each other and we don't move around much. Our downfall will be the fact that nobody goes to the hospital until they're bleeding from anus

I wanted full on panic mode

Attached: flubro.png (2032x1521, 1.61M)

PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE: neckbeard.xyz/notice/9sv0pVZnfYLs4wJ8t6


Government "experts" were saying that there's no way the virus would ever spread to glorious Sweden and then OH SHIT it's spreading oh shit oh fuck cancel everything! It's standard fare for clown world though so I'm not surprised. Expecting many dead old people after all is said and done

Trump is playing 10D chess right now.

China released this bio-weapon for the sole purpose damaging the US economy. The number of lives lost means exactly dick to them. In response, Trump just nuked the EU economy from orbit. If the USA is going down we're all going down. Trump just single-handedly ensured that neither China nor the EU will gain any ground after this crisis passes.

Because cuckonaro is trying to become Trump's doublé regarding politics. At this point he's either ctrl c ctrl ving him in his actions/speeches or simply selling the country off to mallsharters
I hope Corona-chan is based enough to kill more than half of your population

100/10 I love Duterte, he said he will literally kill all chinks with his bare hands

Either 0/10 or 10/10 depending on how this turns out.

Name a country you would rate 10/10.

Best Korea, definitely. Maybe Israel

travel bans, city is now actually doable on foot rather than being stuck behind slow chinks and europoors on the street, within 5 weeks our demographic has become 5-10% whiter

testing regime could be better, it needs to be broadened as public health staff have been hopeless so far (this can be easily changed)

9 million n95 masks, hundreds of thousands of other items in stock in public hospital stock

lack of enforcement of the health act leaves a lot to be desired for those who have been asked to quarantine (there are 2 confirmed cases in particular that deserve jail time for their actions)

govt doing a good job starting to make contingency plans, but more work needs to be done around testing, and impromptu hospitals just in case

health centers, medical facilities and hospitals are responding in an appropriate manner in terms of dealing with 'suspected' cases with a travel history or appropriate symptoms

1/10 i think they are all still waiting for everyone to buy a licence for the virus to be in our country

and best korea

>dont wear masks

Attached: 1583251862360.jpg (1073x1392, 607.7K)

Trudo is has laid out a welcome mat for Corona chan

At the very beginning, the right wing regional governors wanted to quarantine anyone who had recently been to china, the left wing national government called them racists and started a clownish anti-racist campaign, telling people to go to chinese restaurants etc.
They stopped all flights from china, but didn't even take into account the fact that chinese could come from other countries and other european countries kept their borders open, in fact we got the virus not from china but from germany(nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2001468)
Then the epidemic started, with about 40 people found infected the first day.
At that point, if they had listened to virologists and the right wing regional governors and closed down the country in that exact moment there would have been less infected and deads. Instead they didn't listen and even started saying on all tv channels that it was just a flu and created dumb twitter hastags like #MilanDoesntStop.
After that it turned into a fucking comedy, Lombardy right wing governor says: "Lombardy must be quarantined", the left wing national government says: "muh economy, it's just a flu", a week later Lombardy is quarantined. Lombardy governor says: "the shops must be closed", the government: "muh economy, quarantine is enough", two days later the shop are closed.
I would have given them 1/10 under normal circumstances, I'm giving them 2/10 because it seems that we are the only ones in europe who are doing something.


I don't want your martial law agenda 2030 mandatory injections shit. Just shut down the airports is it that fucking hard. But no, they have to continue their full blown #openborders4ever.

>Muh equality
yes, now everyone on the fucking planet has the potential to equally share in being infected by a bioweapon. Communism and cultural marxism are a mindvirus and whaddayaknow it has fertilized the entire world to be ravaged by a plague.

Poz the minds, poz the flesh. BURN. I wish that those responsible of this criminal negligence get their due. This whole world is a lab to them. God will sort you out.


El Salvador closed their borders before any cases were confined.

2.5 out of 10. He didn’t ban all air travel from China. And it’s too late, Chinese New Year and the spring festival spreaded it all over the fucking world. We aren’t really testing people or have the knowledge to do so. We’re fucked.

>The virus is here and will spread on its own.
>We should do nothing to slow it down and keep the borders wide open

Attached: 8c4778570299d3b344138e0347d836785363de5b210ffbbaa0f1be37fd896661.jpg (685x474, 108.7K)

>The ABC understands a person who attended the Golden Plains music festival south-west of Melbourne on the weekend has tested positive for COVID-19.
>It is believed the person recently returned from overseas and became unwell on Sunday.
>Around 12,000 people bought tickets for the outdoor music and camping event on March 7, 8 and 9.

Attached: BichEvans.jpg (769x600, 36.93K)

3/10 but only because healthcare is good here. The government is terrible at taking responsibility.

Should have been screening from people getting off planes from freaking CHINA weeks ago. Anyone with a brain was calling for it. Thus Trump has no brain or he is part of this.

> It's too late
This is some interesting math. Every new case stopped today is thousands eventually

They haven't even stopped flights from Italy or checked passengers for symptoms.

Its good sure but they wont test everyone. You need to have travelled recently or good reason.

4/10. Our health care system is pretty strong and I think the hospitals are prepared.

>Ignored for months, no travel bans or tests to this day.
>Nothing burger.
>We're prepared.
>Hospitals at peak efficiency, lmao.
While effectively sending the infected abroad.
At least I can take solace in knowing when shit hits the fan it will hit like a motherfucker.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-12 Egypt's confirmed coronavirus cases increase to 67.png (852x135, 11.29K)

Trump is swinging and missing, but at least he's swinging?

RIP, Egypt. I traveled to your country 15 years ago and it was quite fun there.

I wouldn't rate any 10/10, but South Korea seems to be doing decently.

4/10. Big govt isn't doing much and people being retarded as usual with their MUH NOTHIN HAPPUN bullshit

That’s the CDC’s job. You need him to teach you how to wipe your ass too?

South Korea is obsessed with the stock market. They're not letting real numbers out because of this. Expect SK's numbers to go nuts very soon now since the US has acknowledged this is actually a problem.

Vancouver set to become the plaguelands.

Doubling down on both China and Oil is really going to fuck over Canadia

China 9/10
Only fuck up is that the Wuhan/hubei govt tried to pretend it wasn't s big deal, exactly like trump.

Inb4 : ChInAr HiDiNg ReAl NuMbErS
Go back to your mom's boyfriends basement with your tinfoil hat and mlp collection Alex Jones boot licker.

This. Mass coverups by most of asia. Expats living there should film hospitals for confirmations


Will the European travel ban impact the global stock markets tomorrow? Honest question, I'm not familiar with how stock markets work.

>so this is what being a cuck looks like

If you've got the cash, and not even that much, you can practically do whatever you want, no questions asked, no regulations, nothing, the drriving is the best part about living here, and the worst.

Wish I could visit someday German bro, too bad the immigrants fucked us all.

China: 8/10
South Korea: 9/10
America: 3/10
EU: 2/10

I believe you, China. Your country is a scary shithole and no one is allowed to speak out aganst the government but it's also what makes it perfect for fighting pandemics.

Based and checked. China did manage to get the virus contained pretty quickly despite their grim situation.

>Will the European travel ban impact the global stock markets tomorrow?

It will unironically crush them

This is a World World tier level of disruption. This has never happened. Ever.


Day of the rake incoming.

Laugh while you still have lungs to laugh with.

Only shithole is country side. Even then, better than watching as your daughter is raped by refugees on national TV.

Everywhere is recovering well now. I think only hubei Wuhan is dangerous. More cases being imported though.

>Day of the rake incoming.
you wish

Yeah, make sure you check people coming into the country though.

UK government right now

Stage 1: Nothing's gonna happen.
Stage 2: Maybe there's gonna happen but we should do nothing about it.
Stage 3: Maybe we should do something about it because there's nothing we can do.
Stage 4: Maybe there's something we could have done but it's too late now.

Can chinese access Yas Forums? Or are you visit it from government/corporate network?

2/10, at least there's a monetary handout coming up, but we still have mass gatherings, and they don't believe you can transmit the disease while incubating so they refuse to close schools and workplaces where infected were. Now they're thinking of banning travel to Europe now that America's done it but what's the point if you'll still have mass gatherings with community transmission?