/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1929

► Detected: 126,367 ► Died: 4,633

WHO declares _PANDEMIC_

Virus can live in the air for several hours

NY cancels St. Patrick parade first time in 258 years

Stockholm stops testing "to protect other patients"

Trump bans travel and cargo transfer between US and Europe for 30 days

Virus invades nervous systems

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

15 million to die, $2.4 trillion recession

WHO: Detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

China faces shortage of testing kits

01:10: 114 new cases and 6 new deaths in South Korea.
00:33: First case in Mississippi. Patient recently traveled to Florida.
00:31: China’s National Health Commission reports 7 new cases and 1 new death across the mainland, excluding Hubei province. The death occurred in Shaanxi province.
00:31: 8 new cases and 10 new deaths in Hubei province, China.
23:25: First case in French Polynesia. The patient is Maina Sage, a member of the French National Assembly.
22:54: 1 new case in Kittitas County, Washington state, United States.
22:50: 1 new case in Iowa, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:



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I can't believe it, I check in and find out that the WHO nigger actually said it. The absolute madlad

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PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE: neckbeard.xyz/notice/9sv0pVZnfYLs4wJ8t6

► China 80,796 (3,169) ► International 45,029 (1,449): Italy 12,462 (827) Iran 9,000 (354) S. Korea 7,869 (66) France 2,282 (48) Spain 2,277 (55) Germany 1,966 (3) USA 1,327 (38) D. Princess 696 (7) Switzerland 652 (4) Japan 639 (15) Netherlands 503 (5) Sweden 500 (1) UK 456 (8) Belgium 314 (3) Australia 127 (3) H. Kong 126 (3) Canada 104 (1) Greece 99 (1) Iraq 71 (7) S. Marino 62 (2) Lebanon 61 (2) Egypt 60 (1) Thailand 59 (1) Philippines 49 (1) Taiwan 48 (1) Ireland 43 (1) Indonesia 34 (1) Argentina 19 (1) Albania 15 (1) Panama 8 (1) Bulgaria 7 (1) Morocco 6 (1) Norway 629 Denmark 514 Qatar 262 Austria 246 Bahrain 195 Singapore 178 Malaysia 149 Israel 97 Czechia 94 Iceland 85 UAE 74 Kuwait 72 Brazil 68 India 62 Finland 59 Portugal 59 Slovenia 57 Romania 47 S. Arabia 45 Vietnam 38 Poland 31 Palestine 30 Georgia 24 Chile 23 Algeria 20 Russia 20 Croatia 19 Pakistan 19 Oman 18 Ecuador 17 Estonia 16 C. Rica 13 Hungary 13 Peru 13 S. Africa 13 Serbia 12 Azerbaijan 11 Brunei 11 Macao 10 Latvia 10 Slovakia 10 Belarus 9 Colombia 9 Mexico 8 Maldives 8 Afghanistan 7 Luxembourg 7 Macedonia 7 Tunisia 7 Bosnia 7 Cyprus 6 Malta 6 Dom. Rep. 5 N. Zealand 5 French Guiana 5 Paraguay 5 Senegal 4 Cambodia 3 Lithuania 3 Bangladesh 3 Martinique 3 Moldova 3 Nigeria 2 S. Lanka 2 Bolivia 2 Burkina Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Jamaica 2 Chan. Isl. 2 Faeroes 2 Honduras 2 Saint Martin 2 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Jordan 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Ivory Coast 1 Congo 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Mongolia 1 Réunion 1 St. Barth 1 Togo 1 Turkey 1

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I cant believe tom hanks is fucking dead

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Fallout New Vegas

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Somebody post a compilation of all the copes he made
What genres are you into, user?

>went to a concert with a buddy whos band just got off of a tour from asia a couple of days ago
>we shared a bottle of alcohol together
its been nice knowing you guys

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I hope this lasts longer than a few weeks instead of blowing over fast.

why did China do the Coronavirus?

I don't care

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Soon DayZ

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To whom is not yet prepared or poorfags: every normies with IQ barely above room temperature are rushing to the stores and this is the most stupid thing to do right now because will rush ALSO who is infected, pressed by the panic, hence spreading the virus around more.

It's normal that the store shelves are empty, all business are keeping an inventory sized to the standard consumption levels, no sane business keep a 3x inventory level all the times. As soon as the the supplier will resupply the shelves will be full again and for more time than usual as the normies are stocked up and will not do shopping again.

Just wait until all the retarded finished they rushing and avoid going to the shops now.

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Why are we stockpiling toilet paper of all things again?


Near a Tomato. It will prepare you for the post-apocalypse reality.

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.15 million to die, $2.4 trillion recession

earth pop is almost 8 billion the earth's economy has around 80 trillion dollars.

How is this suppose to be the end of the world again?

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RPGs mostly...

I like long games.

>Imagine be the globalist paid actor that has to do this for the soros agenda (and $50 bucks) rigth now


i want this job

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What trump say ?

You know what, might go with this for the rest of the month.

I don't think they are, it's just China's shut down and most of the world's TP comes from there so people ran out.

Stalker series

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Deus ex predicted this

does anyone have the image on how to grow potatoes?

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I guess you could say.he had a hank-er-ing for some Asian kiddos

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>Among the people in the United States who have died from coronavirus, almost all have been in their 70s, 80s or 90s. The youngest known fatality was a man in his 40s.
so it's fucking nothing

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All three Dark Souls are decently long and challenging if you haven't tried them yet. Dragons Dogma, Nioh, Bloodborne if you have a PS4 are all good. Nioh is hard as balls though. There's always Skyrim with a billion mods, a shitty RPG but still fun for me at least.

When this is over how will this permanently effect human culture?

So u can wipe the deenz off your ass during quarantine dummy

let's get (You) home, user

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best 6/10 youll ever play

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he died in the last thread

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>it's real
What a timeline

Was it at least 120 proof?


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It's the same quality of mind that lines up to buy cheap electronics when the news tells them to.

Plague Inc: Evolved.


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anyone have the tweet he deleted earlier about how NK should bio-engineer a virus weapon?

>tfw deus ex devs where trying to warn us
>tfw we didnt listen

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Crack cocaine

Classes got cancelled. I've been spared the stress of college life.
I love my wife, Corona-Chan!

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the true meaning of Tom Planks

I'll teach you how to grow potato
>leave potato out in light until sprouts
>bury potato
>wait five months
>you now have 8 potato

"It's just the flu bro! Wash your penis and hands!"

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i think hes ok desu. i know it stays dormant for a while but he hasnt had any symptoms. if he starts complaining about shit then ill make sure i go to the doctors
it was soju. something like ~19%

Play some old PS and PS2 RPGs. Also give the lesser known Carpe Fulgur games a shot

Try Kotor, but be prepared to download 100 mods. You can then get salty when this "High Republic" project turns into shit

People will avoid chinks forever.

Reeeeeee why aren't my classes cancelled

just fuck a retard nigga it ain't hard

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That's nothing my roommate has had a dry cough and achy muscles for 3 days


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Massive depopulation of cities, increase in low population density communities, some sort of vast healthcare reform though not sure in what form.

It's just a potato box, google it.

Might be ELE. Might not. But most would probably need to live on medication for the rest of their lives if it's true about what is said for the recovered. Or new technologies finally introduced. Guess who will benefit from that and who will set up the new system.

Arizona State University has canceled classes

What's going on in this fucking timeline holy shit guys?

aren't 1911 pistols there cheap?

Ruger 10/22. Be sure to buy some 25-round magazines.
Get an AR-15 for a single shot.


Those that survive will crate new religions based on anime and wars will rage for the next thousand years over who is best girl. Asuka, Rei, or Misato.
Those who favor Ritsuko will be in a small minority that is for sure

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A hammer. Hatchet. Axe. Screwdriver.
A good slingshot.

>videos of a handful of chinks buying lots of toiletpaper
>media says that people are en masse hoarding toilet paper
>dumb fucking NPCs run the the store and buy as much as they possibly can

Washington state is now going full panic mode.
Stay safe, friends.

Only 7 remain.

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I forgot he existed until today

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Is this legal to own in Russia? The only videos I can find of these being fired are Russian videos.

>it was soju. something like ~19%
Proof is basically just the percent doubled. Rough estimate

Boy, you still have classes. They're just online now.

Nah it's the opposite, the underages get their classes cancelled, meanwhile my college does nothing until explicitly ordered by the government

I'm convinced this came from /cvg/
We been bullshitting about tp in our prep for weeks
Suddenly media and normalfags are treating it like gold
Hi cute media interns. Gonna show us your tits plox?

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Addicted to /CVG/ can't look away might miss more happening.

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Get a mosin nagant faggot

Dead Island

show them some magic tricks, they'll be on the floor in seconds wailing


Boys, I've just been diagnosed with the Coronavirus.
I also have tickets this Weekend to Disneyworld.
What should I do?

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university exists

If you're looking close range and never shot a gun before get a shotgun, 12ga Mossenberg 500 is mine I use for Turkey hunting, 00 Buck is argued to be the standard for home defense. Tell the guy up front and ask for tips on maintaining it or look up guides online and make damn sure you understand what they mean.

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You're a mature student?
If not, underage.

That game is as casual as you can get, it's like a cellphone game, only more boring

Its time, TO CLEANSE

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Is it really do be the end of days??????????

should dare him to visit someone sick or whatever?
why don't we start a "coronavirus fake campaign" or something, daring ppl to shake hands and cough in each other, etc.

That's how it started in China and Italy too, once the virus has made it's rounds to infect you multiple times us when the younger cases get severe.

Asuka only!

Hi-Point C9
Police trade in glawk
Tokarev maybe
>semi auto carbine
AK-47, but this is picky. WASR and Zastava are great choices
Pump shotgun on any gauge
Levergat in almost any caliber
Boltgun in almost any caliber

>DOW futures are in fucking freefall and the spread here is just getting started
Jesus Christ they might need to rename the Great Depression

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T-that larper wasn't rght about brazilian bats, right? Because there is a shitton of bats here, I mean a lot

Woah how did north Dakota get a case, that entire state has like 120k population..

You know what you must do.


Deus Ex, Pathologic 1&2, Stalker games, Cataclysm Days of Ruin

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well you deserve it, the fuck is wrong with you

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That is already a month old now, too.

go to Disneyland

The sheer amount of cope

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Nigger those are like 300 bucks now for a shifty one..

Play Neo Scavenger to learn the post apocalyptic barter system and how to kill the homeless

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I'm 24, doing my master's degree. I just want it cancelled so I have an excuse to play more vidya.

"Just" put CDC checkpoints in WA CA and NY and ban flight travel to and from.

When is this as of?

i am healthy and athletic but used to have asthma when i was younger and whenever i get sick it gets kinda hard to breathe

is it over for me brehs?


do a flip in a synagogue

2020: The Great Happening

Normally but to buy a handgun you usually have to get a permit, depending on the state where some are more lax, which could take weeks. For my state you can literally walk in and walk out with a shotgun or rifle in a couple hours.

You bet your sweet sopa he is, fren.

My state has the longest cave system in the world. And in those caves... are a lot of bats. I feel your pain.


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Don't forget the vampire bats user.

RIP in peace

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hearts of iron 4 with blackice

/cvg/ preppers are unironically probably in the top 1% of prepared-ness right now, if you've actually been taking us seriously. we've been ready for like 2 months now lol

Seems like Brazil has finally surpassed Portugal.
Sorry Manoelbros, we're racing towards the finish line with absolutely no stops.

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Should focus on .22 caliber and 9mm , those are the most produced bullets

You're already dead.

My break was extended a week and classes are planned to be taken online
They're not cancelled, but at least I have an excuse for failing circuits

But it's still less stressful than "regular" classes

This timeline went seriously off the rail when the Korean Shinji Cult went to Israhell from Wuhan and infected pilgrims of every religions.
In a better timeline this flu was happening solely in China. The chinks die by millions but the rest of the world goes on as usual.

>this is the nba player that got coronavirus

dont you ever inverse(you) me.

Also, I played it and dropped it half way because it was getting repetitive as fuck.


>still believing the bat soup cover story

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Update on Michigan since the SoE announcement yesterday.
Just got word on one of the two confirmed Michigan cases (Wayne County - Detroit Metro).
The patient is currently quarantined at St. Mary’s Mercy Hospital in Livonia. They recently traveled outside of the US for business.
This is currently unreported.

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Alright I got a riddle for y'all, so let's assume I get the virus 100% confirmed but it does nothing to me and I just get it over like a normal flu, can I get infected again???


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go, enjoy the rides, lick peoples eyeballs, see the sights, cough on doorknobs, partake of some fine dining, jam your unwashed fingers up peoples noses right in the mucous membranes, and lastly, enjoy yourself

If y'all ain't on Team Misato, I can't promise your safety.

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Playing this now 10/10

I remember the good times when the threads were barely in double digits and people were convinced it would be a nothingburger

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That game is a pain in the 'hole, you spend 3 hours wrestling with the stupid UI and then get killed by a pack of wild dogs every game.



You're fucked

Bio-weapon targeted at Asian genetics.


A GOOD gun cost at least 600. That goes for all types not including shotguns.

I mean, he's not wrong.

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holy shit, you fucking mouth breather, the stores are out of toilet paper but the internet isn't fucking broken. Google "how to grow potatoes" if you actually want to feed your dumb self.

>CNN is saying that it's definitely going to get worse.

fuck man.

Is the chink suddenly collapsing on the ground thing real?
Where are the Iranians, Italians, SKoreans collapsing on the ground videos?

The Greater Depression

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Ask me how I know you're a faggot.

Team maya here. Already infected probably, got no sleep last night and have had to move around a lot. Also have classes tomorrow

>free coughing = female empowerment
>washing your hands = submitting to the patriarchy.

im from hawaii, and the only reason why our numbers arent in the thousands is because theyve only tested a minimal amount of people
albeit, it's because we dont have kits so it's not really the government's fault right now

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Some Southern Fried Chicken

Yeah, 5.56 isn't exactly rare and the C9 is a meh gun that takes 9mm. Also a good reason for popo trade in glock

There are affordable carbines in 9mm, but that's not really a super common thing aside from Ruger PCC, which I've never once seen.

10/22 is an ok pick but honestly I'd like something a little heavier duty for personal defense.

Unreal World


No it is a suppressed military weapon
9x39 ammo is available to public , but nothing to shoot it with.

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getting "re-infected" is assuming the virus every actually leaves in the first place.

> you can literally walk in and walk out with a shotgun or rifle in a couple hours.
i'm real fucking jelly yo.


Well I'm not a faggot, so I don't know what you mean.

>be me
>live in small town
Cool, that means I'm safe, right?
>person who was out travelling internationally arrives back in town
>gets sick
>tests positive for coronavirus
>they made a trip or a few to the only Walmart in town
>everyone goes to only Walmart because small town
>tfw dumb fuck manages to infect the entire town in less than five days
I wish I was fucking making this up

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i havent seen him in almost 2 months because of him being on tour and hes one of my best friends. i was already drunk and wasnt thinking about corona chan. not that much of an excuse but i was just happy to see him and drink with him again

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No joke, you have to try to not get infected, it will fuck you up if you have conditions

Get the mask, stay a neet

See you in three weeks.

So....they do, and they don't report the cases???

>Woah how did north Dakota get a case, that entire state has like 120k population..
Because even desolate states like that have some faggot that wants to travel to China or Italy.


you can get budget ARs for 400ish. I got my M&P sport II for about 450

no fuck you, cause of that im not going to prep anymore. eat shit

This will be the Clinical Depression

Iran has already officially called out China for releasing a bioweapon, and China has mobilized its propaganda engine to blame the USA for releasing a bioweapon.

nobody with a brain believes bat soup


Just took a shit !

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

It's based and redpilled and has a great story, and beautiful aesthetics.

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Conquest of Elysium 4.
Dominions 5: Warriors of the Faith (but only if you like very deep strategy games - it might have thousands of different unit types, for instance).
Both series have very basic graphics, but it works well.

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Masshole reporting in, coofing like a madman right now, will head to Maine tomorrow.

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Or dont do this and not suffer the consequences of lack of medical services for you

Hello, been out for a couple of hours and sadly missed the Trump stream. What's the important takeaways from the stream?

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>Dead: 4,633
lol, still only 4,633.
How many days has it been stuck at 4,633? Four days? Five days?

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Can't you still pick up decent semi-auto rifles like an SKS for pretty cheap? Otherwise yeah you're mostly right.

I'll add this one to my list of games to play before the apocalypse aswell.

Remember Jeffrey Epstein? No you don't. You fat fucks. Fuck this supershillboard and shill website for 7th year in a row at least. Old guard is so dead at channel four

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Pathologic 2.


your fists

So my guess is that normies will start prepping once Tom Hanks dies from it.

I like Seal's voice desu

Get a load of this guy

Plenty of ARs sub $500 even $400
M&P Shield $250
Plenty of ARs, lever actions, and quality carry handguns well under the $400 mark. Guaranteed noguns spotted, even if this faggot does have a boomstick I bet he shoots twice a year

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finland? never heard of her

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Shincheonji cult female member who was monitored for Coronavirus dies after jumping from 11th floor
>The 41-year-old female Shincheonji cult member who tested negative for coronavirus jumped from the 11th floor of her apartment at Jeollabuk-do region in South Korea



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i've come to appreciate this post


Hey hey people, ashkenazi jewish overlord here.

Why contain it?

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I have an evo3 scorpion 9mm carbine and I've shot my buddies ruger pcc. I would totally advise not spending a fuck ton on the scorpion and instead getting the pcc.

You know what must be done.

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Mainstream still hasn’t considered the bioweapon theory yet kekek.

It’s clear that corona isn’t a grass roots virus, this thing is mutating like it’s genetically modidied to do so.

Leverage my man. The system has no slack in it.

Love you Gary.

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That's not true, you can get a lot of damn fine bolt action rifles for under 250. See, you faggots think a trigger mechanism full of springs and small pins is a good choice in weaponry , in reality, you don't have the logistical infrastructure like a military would too keep those weapons in good condition,especially if shit hits the fan

Where? You've probably already got it.


>tfw just bought a shitload of silver bear 762x39
i can feel it bros

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is dom5 better than 4

TTFP, goyim!

30 day euro ban from us (including cargo). euros have been mad as fuck ever since.

Nice of u to join us fucking fgt

Good name I approve

Europe trade to US BTFO, 30 days travel ban

wife three months ago
>ugh I hate guns
wife tonight
>how much is a rifle? can you get it tomorrow?

Exactly, it prepares you well


Thanks, you too.
Remember what says is also true, every trip to the store increases your infection risk. On the flip side, every day gets 17% riskier at the current growth rate, so the sooner you stock up and lock down the better.

Memes aside what can I actually do to prep?

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>Single stack carry guns
I said GOOD

>eu travel ban, UK excluded
>emergeny loans with low interest rates for americans
the kikery does not stop, even during these times

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I thought in Duterteland you can have any guns you want as long as you promise to ventilate the druggies?

Where are any of the videos? this is 2020 everyone has a smartphone you think there would be thousands of fucking videos

Italy, YES!

I love you too, as a person, as a human being, as a friend. If a lot of people love each other, the world will be a better place to live. You are part of our family and we love you very much, as a friend. But you are sort of like our son too, and we will help you anytime.

That's what I'm asking, let's just assume I got over the virus and it went away like the gay virus it is, can I get infected again?
On that note a second question, assuming the virus never really leaves, what does it means if it doesn't really affect me? Do I just become one with the virus or what?

>get potato wet
>wait until it sprouts
>put it in the dirt
>niggers tongue my anus

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Tom Hanks and his friends had Isaac Kappy murdered

now Hanks has corona

What food should I prepare? So far I have 3 cans of beans and deenz each, which means I am thoroughly unprepared. Please help.

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/k/ exists

Koreans are quite prone to killing themselves. I imagine that a religious cult member who is now one of the most hated people in the country would be even more likely to do so.

Anybody read any zombie/pandemic comics recently? I recently reread Highschool of the Dead.

It is already too late.

thats why you get a pps43

What the fuck

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>normie friends finally realize they need to stock up
>anazon server overloaded
>can not purchase

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Memes aside, it is too late and you should have listened.

Wonder if it kills the petrodollar in conjecture with the ME shitting itself

>tfw picturing user dragging a Filipina into a synagogue and banging her on top of the giant menorah or whatever it is they have inside synagogues

Is this his redemption arc?

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do you not know that the shincheonji cult is a death cult that was intentionally spreading the virus around the world? she was probably upset that they were isolating her and preventing her from getting and spreading the gift

Nah, those shithole countries don't matter anyway.

Oh and weinstein is going to the hospital now for chest pains, just wait till he "dies" and goes to israel

good luck, trump dropped the fucking bomb, everyone will raid stores tomorrow if they haven't started tonight.

Just wash your hands, avoid large crowds and pray dude. If you go to school email your prof or your boss if you work.

They will create a new 'vaccine' and use it to pump our body full of crap and control our minds. Its all for a vaccine.

Ohio-user here. I haven't left my house in 2 weeks. I prepped. I suddenly have a scratchy throat, and I'm more tired than I should be...

No fever, but fuck, if I have it after a 2 week isolation, how the fuck is anyone supposed to NOT get this shit?

sopa de macaco + sopa de morcego = UMA DELICIA

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Fellow remote worker anons, am I crazy for having the idea of splitting a long-term hotel room with a family member in a country that’s taking corona seriously cross my mind as a bugout option?

The tourism economy is kill already with the pandemic just warming up, so there’s lots of passable cheap options available right now.

Pic related is the nightly price for a month in SG starting tomorrow.

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Get canned and dry foods as reserve make sure to stock up on water and everyday supplies. Keep anything you use regularly in quanities that allows for three months of supply or more.

VCU, though VT and UVA have all done the same

Aus, Tas. My tafe buidling got evacuated for suspected corona risk. im dead.

>Calling the Boomer Plague a nothingburger
Remember current CFR for symptomatic patients is only going to keep this rate as long as hospitals still manage to treat everyone. As soon as the healthcare infrastructure collapses under the weight of basic exponential growth boomers are going to drop like flies, and this is going to have big consequences on our societies. Plus, since this is a new virus, there aren't yet any conclusions about its long term effects.
So yeah, if countries don't manage to contain the spread enough so they're able to meet offer and demand, this could really be world-changing.

What are you guys from 2009?
ARs can go for $300 bucks

I know, I thought I was safe living in one of the poorest counties in rural appalachia but it’s creeping closer. fuck travelfags

>pic related

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Won’t the mortality rate drop from 3% the same way SARS did after a while?


She was in a cult. Suicide is practically a requirement.

This is nature's way of telling people to stop reproducing so much.

My gf got a little snippy when I brought mine home from grandpa's place. She isn't anymore and wants me to show her how to use it. Might even get her hunting one of these days.

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