Why are female standards so absurdly high?

Men will marry a woman even if she's living in a cardboard box. Women on the other hand won't even talk to you if you don't have looks, social currency, an education, money, house, and a car. Basically they want someone who already made it to the finish line so they can stand next to the winner and claim to be a winner too.

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blame society for telling you for years to treat them as equals. once you finally understand to the fullest that they are like children, you stop having problems with them

because women have value just for existing

Because men are sold a lie.

There are trillions of sperm and only a few eggs. And most of the eggs are rotten.

If you are born as a sperm, you are basically a sterile worker, not particularly useful as a creator of Life(tm).

Women’s suffrage was a mistake

At least until they're 30. Once they have an empty egg carton who cares about them? Nobody but their cats.

One thing that I realized is that women think of 99% of men as literal garbage. They really don’t even consider them human. Once I realized this, I came to the conclusion that I just have to think of them the same way. It’s only fair. My life improved dramatically since then. When I see a woman now, I see nothing more than a piece of trash to be used and thrown away. I’ve had sex 4 times already this year. Changed my life

Those poor cats.

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The more that time goes on this is becoming less of an opinion and more of a fact. Women should've never gotten the vote.

Lmao my wife asked me out first when i was a fat wagie living in my grandpa's attic.

I must look like fucking fucking Adonis according to y'all's logic

I don't even talk to women outside of work anymore. The risk just doesn't match the reward.

How long have you been married?

3 years. Dated for a couple years before that.

An actually good post from a leaf

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As an ugly manlet who still gets a ton of chicks, getting women is all about a) being around women and b) not being a social autist

That's it. You just have to find a job or major where there are plenty of women. Then you have to somehow get into that group of women (usually through a mutual friend). Once you've been vouched for, women will not treat you as a creep anymore

After that, all it takes is not being completely socially retarded to get laid

Have you tried not being an unfuckable autist?

I'm not talking about getting laid. I'm talking about marriage. Getting laid and hanging out with degenerate women is easy.

>unfuckable autist
lmao I've fucked a lot of women touring the country in a band and being a vocalist. The topic isn't getting laid, you dumb faggot. The topic is M A R R I A G E .

No I haven't. What's the fucking point when everyone who has 10 years on me is miserable in their relationship and fit guys around me who go to the gym have a stable career end up with single moms with baggage from previous relationships? WHY WOULD I TRY, WHY?

Hang around good women to find good women. Dope

>good women
In the current year? Yeah right. Look up the Pareto principle. 80% of women want the top 20% of men. Meanwhile, men will date down whereas women expect to date up up up.

Yes. Heard a hippo at uni the other day say she'd only date guys over 6'0. Shes like 5'3.

>why don't they want me
>I can spend all my time with them since I am NEET
>My mom makes a great dinner

We’ll duh the eggs will expire fast take the big winner right now
When u make it u get a youngling

Fuck you buddy my mommy makes the best TV dinners

women are retarded, generally. everyone knows this.

Women's standards are where they should be. Those standards are there to push men to be their best. If you're not good enough to make women throw themselves at you then you need to improve yourself.

Nah, fuck that. I'm no dancing monkey and my good personality, integrity, and dedication to friends and family ought to be enough. Instead women want to date rich woman beaters and then blame all men for it when they get their lips busted open.

>Basically they want someone who already made it to the finish line so they can stand next to the winner and claim to be a winner too.
way to quote the MGTOW manual, faggot.
but srs though I found almost all women who have ridiculous standards have very little to offer any man, no matter who.
>Single mother, 30s, toxic personality, works part-time, female NEET, no real hobbies other than Netflix & talking to boys. Probably looks like pic related.
>Wants a guy who is the polar opposite of all that.
>Complains she can't get a guy like that.
There are a lot of women out there who don't pull that shit, and in all likelihood they are the women with the least amount of baggage. Probably the uggos who sit in the back of the room and disassociate themselves so you don't notice them.

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It's western women. Get a woman that isn't westernized and you better be loyal to her

>Women's standards are where they should be
Women should not have standards that are so high that they chase the top 20% of men. That's fucking dumd and why there's so many empty egg cartons.

>way to quote the MGTOW manual, faggot
Actually, that's a Bill Burr joke you dumb nigger.

Too many women getting worshiped by thirsty men in the comfort of their bedroom built a very unrealistic expectation that reality and the internet would be the same thing.

Women did not earn the attention they get, it just came to them when they developed and went to their collective heads. Stir in the lie that they could have everything, and that every one is special and deserves a Chris Hemsworth or Edward Cullen.

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>Men will marry a woman even if she's living in a cardboard box. Women on the other hand won't even talk to you if you don't have looks, social currency, an education, money, house, and a car.
nah you're just a shut in incel nert with no spine
I've seen morbidly obese fucked get with 10s because they were not afraid to fucking talk to women. Imagine that, being afraid of the inferior sex. They can tell you know, when you're nervous.

OP is retarded.
The fact is women are incredibly easy to get in bed. You don't have to be a fucking weight lifting Chad to talk to girls. You just have to not be fucking weird.


>Not a MGTOW manual
>it's actually a Bill Burr joke
The MGTOW manual is full of Bill Burr copy & paste, dumbshit. I bet you have his "I hate women" youtube videos bookmarked, too.

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Hey dumbass, we're talking about marriage here not the act of getting laid. Anyone can get laid. We're talking about marriage. Can none of you read or was Vice right by saying you're all a bunch of retards who can't read?

Our standards are high too. Admit it, you probably wouldn't date an obese autist, so they won't date one either

The cardboard box bit is a Dave Chappelle joke. I don't care what you call me. You're just some anonymous faggot on an imageboard.

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>implying cats care about anyone
Based cats

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I've dated fat and poor women before. I've fucked all kinds of women when I was in a band for 12 years. These threads are always a shit show though.


Go back to le'ddit, faggots.

yeah it sucks. I have to make 6 figures to get a 6 as a 6 myself.
They just need to not be fat, just dont be lazy and eat too much.

I don't give two shits about the incel thing, I'm just saying that men typically have high standards too. There's nothing wrong with it. It's just an objective thing that most humans would rather fuck an 8/10 than a 3

Simp logic

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100% of the women want the top 20% of the men. wtf are you talking about.

> got looks, an education, money, house and a car
I fail on social currency. Got some matches on tinder, but chicks usually go mute after a couple messages.

fat cunt detected

Find one in 2020.

I dunno man I like the 4.5-5.5 crowd, especially since I’m only about a 6.5, 7 if you’re generous. Dating down is always better since you’re less likely to get cheated on. Also I’m lazy as fuck and can’t be bothered to chase women who’re around my smv.

Dear diary, today a leaf wasn't a faggot.

>once you finally understand to the fullest that they are like children, you stop having problems with them
Yeah, because then I don't want to interact with them at all.

>men typically have high standards too
No, they don't.

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That’ll do leaf, that’ll do.

A man's job is to provide. If you cannot do that and do not seem likely to have the capability in the future that's on you m8

Mainly because there's no downside or at least that's what they lead themselves to believe of having high standards.

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I had sex 4x last week
>tfw happily married

Pretty true user. I think it might have something to do with western women these days if you ask me, their morals are misaligned with what is truly important. Western men can be blamed however for letting it get so bad.

You seem to know the rules of the game yet refuse to play.
Life isn't that difficult dude.

women have 40% less gray matter
women are more emotional
women have rapidly depleting value
women can financially, socially and mentally ruin a man
women can kill your unborn son
women can turn your son into a tranny
women can lie and put you in jail for any reason

i don't know why you'd consider women in these times
they are basically hot lava

it's like if 90% of apples were poisonous enough to kill you or cripple you for life, people would stop eating apples

but what if the apples could control your mind to make you feel hungry for apples all the time?


They're not. Women only want security. If you have a decent job then you can find a wife. Anything else is cope.

I agree, a man's job is absolutely to provide. However, a man is not a fucking ATM and should only share what he's earned through labor and struggle with a woman who doesn't take credit for it when all she did was lay on her back in his house. Isn't it funny though that a woman can earn nothing, expects to get with a man who earned all his shit, and she can divorce him and take all his shit so he has to start all over again.

>Why are female standards so absurdly high?
Because weak men don't keep them in line and marry them off to realistic matches.

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Nah m8ey. Holes want to be equal. That's what the "feminisms" is all about, amirite guise? Equality.

Holes can shift for themselves. My grandfather had a saying. "Root, hog, or die!" Men have had to provide for ourselves since the beginning of time. Holes want to be equal, so they can do it too.

"why are *hot female's standards so absurdly high "

This is what happens when women can pick up a phone and pick through thousands of guys in a mile radius. Women know they can always get better.

First of all you're a fucking liar. Would you really want to marry the homeless woman who begs for change on the median?
Secondly why would you want to be with someone who is ugly, has no friends, has no discipline, has no money, has no place to live and no access to reliable transport. What precisely does this person have to offer? How could you ever hope to build a life with that person who clearly has no self respect?
Thirdly, if that's all that it takes why don't you get a job and work on unfucking your appearance?
Finally this sounds like r9k cope.

>I've seen morbidly obese fucked get with 10s

You 100% haven't see this ever.

What is with the insane denial of hypergamy you see online whenever it's brought up? It's bizarre. Hypergamy is empirically demonstrable through dating site data, marriage trends, genetic evidence, literally everyone's personal experiences except for these unicorn stories from Yas Forums. Are you trying to gaslight us?

This is the video that made me post this thread. That bitch is dumb as shit and will die alone. How can they be so fucking stubborn and not see that they're the problem?

Nobody cares for the vast majority of men at may age. Having 3 decades of having value for simply existing is wealth beyond wealth.

toastie roastie detected

>If you have a decent job then you can find a wife


Hit the gym manlet

>Cats over based dogs
Nah thax

If you weren't alive before 9/11 then you're going to think this is normal. It isn't. The rules have changed thanks to social media manipulation, feminism, and the Women Are Wonderful effect going absolutely crazy to the point that #BelieveAllWomen was a thing. We didn't have that shit in the 90s. These "rules" are all recent manifestations of the problem of feminism.

Why do memefags think that anyone cares about their opinions?

Simp retard detected

“Whatever fortune has raised to a height, she has raised only to cast it down”~ Seneca

What about the white girls going out to fuck smelly unwashed migrants at their hobo tents in Europe

no refunds comrade

why do you care what women think of you?
just do your own thing, stop overthinking things

>implying hypergamy didn't exist in the 70s and 80s
>implying holes haven't always squeezed men for every penny they could get then "traded up" at every opportunity
>implying the US "family courts" haven't been rewarding holes with cash and prizes for cheating on their husbands and destroying their own families for 40+ years

So you'd marry the homeless woman on the median?

Because prostitution is still outlawed
Literally only roasties and landwhales that really aren't that desirable, and of course religiousfags, whine about it and you wonder why? If the misses knew her man could easily just go to the brothel and get tang like getting a burger at wendy's she'd an hero

>As an ugly manlet who still gets a ton of chicks

Holes are instinctively hardwired to open their legs for the barbarian invaders and fuck them right on top of the steaming corpses of their own husbands and children.

I dunno either leaf.

I'm 30 dude. Women have always been vapid materialistic bitches. Knowing that and working around it puts the power back in your hands.

>My mom makes a great dinner
Bad relationship with mommy, eh ol chum?
Freudian slip?

>that's a good girl
>here's a pat on the head for cleaning the house baby girl
I mean, I wouldn't mind, DDLG IS HOT AND CUTE AF

Horribly so.

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Are you telling me Japanese women aren't trad wifes????

Read you dumb nigger.

All men want Stacy, all women want Chad, and here you are, OP, the loser of the genetic lottery, stuck in the pit.

Go away new faggotz.

yeah that'll happen. until a few hours pass and you wanna stick your dick in a wet hole

You're objectively wrong. Hypergamy is a biological reality of the female sex. Denying it is creationism-tier

A rural one might be. City girls in Japan are avid Western-style feminists, enthusiastic admirers of (((Gloria Allred))) and (((Gloria Steinem))). They hold men, dating, and childbirth in undisguised contempt, marry their jobs, and grow old and bitter alone in tiny apartments, then die and get eaten by their own cats.

>women msg the ugliest men more than they message the top 20% combined
Wtf is that chart on about?

bitch I'm 6'6" and an athlete. I'm not attractive to women because I don't punch them in the face and treat them like crap. Women are disgusting filthy whores

It's true. Unless you're a complete and utter fuckup you can find a woman as long as you're lower middle class and over.

Ohohoho. No. They're just as, if not worse.

My wife is a sweetie though. She didn't even know I was ""rich"" until a year or so into our marriage. We lived in a single room shit hole for a year before I even broached buying a house.

I've literally dated a 5/10 squatter chick. Most men are not going to give a fuck about the economic status of women they're seeking to date. We have a very short list of requirements and it doesn't include being a feminist or having a career over family. Just be honest, want to invest in a family and a future, and don't fucking cheat. That's about it. We don't care if you were sleeping on the street the night before because personality matters more than looks that degrade over time. Men think ahead, women only seem to think in the now because they're selfish.

Fuck off, roastie.

田舎 is the future.

Something something pleade simp for women because something something society.

Motherfucker I'm twelve feet tall, and your argument is invalid.

They sleep around just as much as white women, they just hide it better. There's a reason there are so many love hotels in Japan.