If you can hold your breath for more than 10 seconds, you have no corona
Anyone who fails this test must report to the nearest isolation ward
If you can hold your breath for more than 10 seconds, you have no corona
Anyone who fails this test must report to the nearest isolation ward
I held mine for 30 seconds I'm good
>50% lung fibrosis
yeah. no.
Haha I bailed at 32 seconds
I just held my breath for 4 minutes
I cant hold my breath that long. Also having migraines, diarrhea, and serious chest congestion plus coughing.
>tfw I also live in AZ outbreak zone
It's been real, lads.
fuck corona virus my ear is in pain
45. 10 is too little.
drink water to drown the virus
Guys, a Japanese Doctor just flew over my house!
ITT: Bullshit
Youre now in a coma
I’m alright
Probably but there’s a tiny chance he did it
who tf cant hold their breath less than 1min and 30 seconds?
more than*
Fake and gay
see you out there
Impressive. I only made it to 1:05, but I'm sure I could do better if my life depended on it.
Barely got to 11 but I'm good
Why don't you bathe in cow shit like the rest of your people you stupid indian. You dumbfucks are claiming cow shit is the holy cure to this thing so do as your people do you fucking nigger.
>isolation ward
coof camp
am 56 years just held a breath for 30 seconds.. could have gone longer but that was good enough for me.
stop hate
or else you will die like this
Good luck man
Did the laptop ded?
tfw can EASILY hold my breath for over 2 minutes
thank you based wim hof
Will you calm the fuck down dude? God damn.
>hold breath
>chest tightens like a motherfucker
been chainsmoking reds because of chink flu stress, not surprised
This is fake news you stupid pajeet
Stomach acid cures it
we need to visit every hospital and barf on the sic to cure them........Barf on everything clean the city with barf
PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE: neckbeard.xyz
just get some chicken rollers bro QT is coronafree
I am afraid I have to agree with this faggot right here
he got excited cursing at some game on TV
I guess so, this is why I am buying chloroquine OTC and taking it daily for the rest of my life.
I ain't clicken that shit
do you guys have clove cigarettes there? I used to smoke them in my 20's but they're banned here now
You get fibrosis from breathing fibers such as abestos, carbon, glass fibers; not from viruses.
t. Someone who is likely to die from fibrosis in a few years
call a doctor maybe
what in the holy hell is that flag
>clove cigarettes
We do actually.
can i drink orange juice to drown it in vitamin c?
Breath checked
Hold your breath for as long as you can and hold down the “P” key.
Post results.
niggers. only white people have the big breath gene
>Guys, a Japanese Doctor just flew over my house!
Kek, made me cough.
you are a retard and wrong
yes but don't listen to mainstream news about vitamin C
Also get chloroquine
ye it's hard for me to count how many I've been smoking since I roll them myself, but I'm way above my usual
can still make it past 1:30 thou
Guys, a Japanese Doctor just flew into my ship
this looks like a set from a tv show or some shit
Deep divers use a technique called buccal pumping where you basically breathe internally using your cheeks to hold the air in during the exhale. This delays that "oh shit I'm running out of air" feeling you get from holding your breath for too long, and is what permits those insane 20 minute dives. It's also great for getting the most out of your dude weed lmao.
wooo legs started to tingle
F A K E & I G N O R E D
Try for thirty minutes next time.
no you're just a fucking newfag
>Kek, made me cough.
Get in the box
>money secretz
>it's hard for me to count how many I've been smoking since I roll them myself
supposed to be the other way around
used to roll amber leaf when I was "quitting" until I just learned to preroll before going out then I just went back to packs
supposedly smoking means we're already fucked, in your case doubly so, but as long as you don't touch anything or anyone the smoke'll probably kill anything bad
stay strong man
>and is what permits those insane 20 minute dive
a lot of them hyperventilate like motherfuckers before, also your spleen releases oxygen if you make it past a certain point
hyperventilating is pretty fun : it's amusing to go from 1 minute to 5 just with a stupid trick
remember to try it while standing near sharp edges
you should do it cuck
i thout that shit was for malaria
>been sick for the past month
>not going to die
how is that corona? there are close to 2 billion people in china that could be so many things.
900 years old am I. My breath I held, 20 minutes I did. Corona-chan have I not.
yeah I've been smoking for 12 years my dude, from a pack a day to rolled, I am probably fucked regardless
thou smoking did save my life already once