Is corona the biggest happening since 9/11?
Is corona the biggest happening since 9/11?
It's already killed more people than 11/9 and affects the whole globe, not just ameriburgers. It's bigger
can you *coof coof* the question
sort of. depends if it goes away in a few months.
remains to be seen
Iraq War was a pretty big habbedig
Fucking hell. This is Yas Forums ladies and gentlemen.
anything to deflect spielberg
It hasn't even begun.
Coronavirus has the potential to strain good relations as people compete for dwindling just-in-time resources. A thinking man would time an economic bloodbath to really strain trust in each other.
So it seems
So it seems
Yas Forums has a sense of humor even when things get bad. It's really nice.
Ok boomer
I saw the twin towers fall, this is way scarier and completely worse. This is as big as world war 2 if not bigger.
That's just my take.
Are you sure?
Arab Spring is still bigger.
Even bigger, twice as many people will die. God save us.
the biggest happening since 9/11 was when Thanos was defeated by the kick ass women avengers of the marvel universe!!!!!
give it a month and it will be :)
9/11 was way more than just the incident.
biggest pandemic since 1920
" i estimate there could be between 80,000 and 120,000 deaths "
- Leo Varadkar
prime minister of ireland
9/11 of what year?
Way bigger than 9/11. Biggest since at least WWII.
It's a good thing we have a president known for building trust and relationships between people of all races, creeds, colors and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Were you actually in New York city?
This. For you 9/11 was bad. But this time around it's terrible for everyone.
NO. Only 4k people have died world wide. Its a joke and people will laugh about it next year.
PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE:
I'm trying my hardest but it's taking you shit brains too long to spread
It's not bigger than election night so far
How long ago did this "start"? Two weeks ago? Three?
>Can't be wrong if you give every possible answer
well shieeet.
das right
Yes, and my father worked across the street, had friends whose parents didn't come home that night, everyone in NYC watched it happen. This is much scarier, by far. 9/11 brought Americans together after it was figured out to be not a national act of war. This has no end in sight, America is so much more fragile.
OP this is big but it's different every one is preparing for the worst hoping for the best major music festivals have been postponed that might give you a hint of how big this is of course it's bigger than they are leading us all to believe.. this is going to be a long ride I'm a dooms day conspiracy nut and I want it all to just go to hell so I can start living in an apocalyptic waste land and I won't have to answer to anyone
Directed energy weapons from space, nigguh!
Sorry, press on with whatever the fuck.
Yes. This will lead to war. Prepare anons. War is coming. REAL war.
Lol no
It will be bigger the trips of truth confirm it
bigger. there was a yankees game shortly after. without sports people will start BUGGING OUT very soon
Fuck no. Its a fake happening. This is all to keep us scared and controlled JUST LIKE 9/11.
based fence sitter
This is way bigger than 9/11. At least 400,000 Americans are going to die. We're going into a major recession. Supply chains are going to be disrupted, causing shortages of food supplies and medical supplies.
This is just beginning.
Don't be retarded. Even if a billion people got the coronavirus, it would only kill 10 million of them - most of them old and sick people. And then the remaining 990 million would be immune, and society moves on. Even in a worst case scenario like that it would never be even remotely comparable to a war that engulfed the whole world for five whole years, killed 85 million people directly and ruined the lives of hundreds of millions more.
This... people were like crying over fucking Mets games back in 2001 because it kept people together.
Now we have actual fights in the warehouse stores selling the last of the stocks, and people just have to hope civilization turns back on, and that people get better, and that hospitals don't collapse.
This is sorta that FEMA camps moment, it feels.
Unlike most of you, I was an adult for 9/11.
The answer is: yes. Regardless of what you think of the actual virus, the effect it's having now and the way life will change after makes it so.
it's bigger than 9/11 in my opinion. 9/11 was an american event, coronachan is a global event
It's okay. I'm rich.
4 months ago
America is the oldest nation on Earth... you don't know how fragile society is here. The stores aren't going to restock, and then things will break down, and it will be unlike anything ever witnessed.
Prison break in south italian city of Foggia. It's fuckin over...
More than a billion people are going to get this. And the death rate is a lot greater than ten percent. And it would be way, way worse in Africa.
The spread is just starting. This is going to kill a fuck ton of people.
911 changed the world forever how will coronavirus?
your body doesn't become immune after recovery, you can get it again
Semi-Boomer here.
This is the biggest happening since WW2. Bigly.
Yas Forums señoras y señores
911 killed thousands that day but tens of thousands in later years from the asbestos cloud that covered Manhattan and not to mention the millions that died following the "war on terror"
Tom Hanks has corona
>And then the remaining 990 million would be immune
Not really. The damages from the first wave actually weaken you immune system. If wage 1 kills a million people, next year will probably kill at least 5 million. So on so forth until a vaccine is made or the survivors are living underground.
In addition to the possibility of massive civilian casualties, Dark Winter outlined the possible breakdown in essential institutions, resulting in a loss of confidence in government, followed by civil disorder, and a violation of democratic processes by authorities attempting to restore order. Shortages of vaccines and other drugs affected the response available to contain the epidemic, as well as the ability of political leaders to offer reassurance to the American people.[5] This led to great public anxiety and flight by people desperate to get vaccinated, and it had a significant effect on the decisions taken by the political leadership.[5] In addition, Dark Winter revealed that a catastrophic biowarfare event in the United States would lead to considerably reduced U.S. strategic flexibility abroad.[4]
>thinking money will have value
seems to have the same false flag hallmarks as 9/11
illuminati shit
Is corona chan and trump about to team up to start the race war then?
Nothing has established that a person develops general immunity after exposure, if Yas Forums is to be believed, evidence to date indicates second exposure to infection is significantly worse like dengue fever
I hope that white bitch dies
no ones but niggers burguers mutts aka USARINOS pieces of shits gives a fuck about 9/11 shit designed towers shit happening shit story I shit on 9/11 and I shit on USA culture fuck u gringos stop pretending everyone cares about your shit ass gay history
>No Madagascar yet
Nah. We fine
No. The death of Gaddafi had more repercussions.
Biggest happening in the west
so the UN are going to come and disarm the US population like agenda 23 required
The misinformation spread by and to retards like you is a bigger threat than the virus itself. Everything in all of your posts are lies, whether malicious or stemmed from ignorance.
>9/11 was an american event
Stupid fucking niggermutt.
2008 crash was a far bigger happening than this and honestly, changed the world in more lasting ways
not for long
>He thinks that post apocalyptic media is real life
Money will always have value in this modern world.
this is an ADE infection, and the higher your viral load, the more it seems to flare up. What's the cure? how does it stop multiplying?
Yeah, I agree. That dude is a retarded jewnigger faggot.
Man... It may be...
Afghanistan/Iraq War
2008 crisis
China rise
Social media rise
Space X / Tesla
Deep learning and AI
It may be
35 million at current rate
Colleges will finally figure out that they should have moved all online 20 years ago, and saved students from all their debt. All companies will allow you to work from home whenever. The world will become like that Bruce Willis movie.
>Money will always have value in this modern world.
Fucking wuttt???
You’re trolling, right?
Nobody is that stupid, are they?
The biggest nothingburger since Y2K
It's bigger, retard.
We're just getting started.
i'd throw the fappening in their as well.
Do you really think that society can collapse and that money will really become useless?
huge bailouts.
swept under the rug ,until next time.
this is next time.
As you see there is quite the diverse set of opinions here. Every side is represented here.
That would be so based
9/11 was a nothingburger compared
this is magical
and here is who you can thank for calling it a flu for 6 weeks and testing the least amount of people in the entire world by magnitudes of thousands
Yes, in America, yes.
Oh my god, you people have no idea how this can go down in America do you? We are holding on by a thread, people go crazy over slight inconveniences, once hungry, they will form militias and stuff, LOL. this is going to be a nightmare.
purell will be currency
VR technology will explode.
They didn't cancel niggerball games for 9/11. The Mossad op brought the normies together, this will drive us apart. Wait til we start killing looters.
Afghanistan/Iraq War
2008 crisis
China rise
Social media rise
Space X / Tesla
Deep learning and AI
The fappening