“Exponentials” and the idea “only elite minds can understand them”.
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Shes a fucking moron
Can you imagine being so coddled and full of yourself to think you’re one of the few who can understand the idea of exponential growth
this is right
Except epidemics follow logistic curves, not exponentials
See 3Brown1Blue's YT on the subject
The average person cannot grasp exponential growth intuitively.
Sounds like the Yas Forums math of late January lmao
>omg there was 1 death yesterday and 2 today, that means mathematically there will be a billion deaths by April
that doesn't matter, these people are still fucking retards for thinking they're the only ones that understand it
Checked. This is right.
plugging your favorite reddit approved channels again, redditor?
Bullshit. Most of those people just has shitty teachers. Exponentials are not hard at all, just get a calculator and keep multiplying by 2
So profound
I'm a mathematician and I think most people are in fact too retarded to understand exponential growth, statistics, or basically anything to do with math beyond counting change.
This is in the same league as “correlation does not mean causation” and I hate everyone who repeats these fatuous fucking maxims like it’s really important to benign it up in every conversation
The point is even low IQs can grasp the idea of exponential growth at a basic level
Are these people stupid or are they trying to sound impressive to stupid people? Not sure which, but they sound like NPCs to anyone who got through basic HS math.
Truly understand it yes but people can visualize a virus spreading “exponentially” pretty easily.
Not everyone can write an equation on the blackboard modeling it but that’s Mott he point
this. still waiting on the 1+ million deaths we are meant to have by now.
>assumes by the time it reaches 1 million its still business as usual
fucking hive minds, wait till summer to panic tards.
Total bullshit
That was a good video though. Better than Rogan interview to that meme "expert"
Liz Specht is an engineer. She was talking about hospital capacity a week ago.
What a fucking cunt. Exponentials are hard to grasp?
That's not exponential, that's doubling you twat. Its squared.
Oh right people getting the flu in May. Retard kikes think everyone is stupid
Good thing brooks husband understands
He must be some kind of PhD in Astro chemical mathematic physicianality
It’s only profound because common sense is completely gone in today’s society.
Probably more than that by now, China's numbers are beyond fake.
You can't knock Pauly G
To be fair wasn’t it warm in wuhan when it spread
The world would be better off if billions died off, sadly this won't happen
India & Africa alone could loose a billion shitskins and still have another billion to go
>2^x isn't exponential
i hope i just got trolled
Too bad the Dems had the entire country/government/media focused on 'Muh Ukraine' while Covid-12 was raging out of control in China months ago.
How is it possible not to have an intuitive grasp for exponential growth? Can these people not visualize engineering notation in their head? Zeros are the easiest number to visualize.
I can’t stand him 70% of the time
He thinks every thought eh aha is profound and better than anyone else’s thoughts while taking their morning shit
Go on Twitter and look at the retards saying Coronavirus has only killed 27 people. I suspect she phrased it that way for precisely the opposite reason you might have taken it. I think she was trying to be diplomatic by not just calling those people retards.
you can scoff, but exponential increases are hard for sub-100-IQs to understand. that's half the people on earth.
why are there so many of these phd/md fucktards obsessed with the "expontential" half the country will be infected bullshit ??? even if you dont trust the chinese/korean numbers, it didnt get anywhere near that bad and theyre starting to tail off.
exponentials and squaring are the same thing you twat
Thats IS an exponential growth you idiot. 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 etc.
No I wouldn't do that to you fellow redditor, my real favorite is your mother's BLACKED channel
except its only the start of the curve, I will bet 6 million dollars that its not going to be exponential growth.
Way more than half if you account for the Flynn effect :^)
Essentially what Liz is saying is that she has no idea what she's talking about
> Human behavior doesn't change the R0 number
Bless their hearts
>if one person tells 2 people you're a poof and they tell 2 people and they tell 2 people, pretty soon everyone knows you are a poof.
exponential growth explained so everyone understand
Good thing these 120IQ faggots are here to help us retards.
What Yas Forumstards don't understand is that 1.000000001^n is """exponential""" growth, but still a nothingburger.
600 people are 27 people are statistically equal in a world of 7 billion. Its like buying 2 lottery tickets instead of 1.
That's not an exponential function
What is up with the presumptuous, overly aggressive, teenagers who aren't as smart as they act demo on this board? Like, seriously, tone it the fuck down idiot.
I trust Paul Graham. This man has spent a lifetime building startups with exponential growth. He knows a hockey stick when he sees one
It will be by the fall. This is going to last a year
her "model" assumes every infected person infects at least x number of other who all become infectious transmitters which is not real world... with small increments of time knowledge and behaviour adaptations rise rapidly and are ubiquitous across the entire field.. more people will keep distance , stay home, avoid contact etc and also temperature rising could reduce reproductivity
Math is inherently abstract. There is no real world equivalent by necessity.
>That's not exponential, that's doubling you twat.
what the fuck am i reading
Not the point
>the startup world
Guys I hate to break it to you, but we're looking at 6 gorillion dead by 2028. I did the math(s)
If people understood exponential growth and could apply it to reality, well shit, theyd all be rich, muscular and like 4 miles tall.
He’s not that smart he just has superior deal flow
It's called the dunning kruger effect.
A feeble-minded person gains a basic level of understanding of something, which they believe makes them smarter and more knowledgeable than the average person on that subject. Happens all the time.
She is wrong and retarded at the same time. You will see in a few weeks that the transmission through a combination of less social interaction in general and warmer temperatures will go down significantly.
By May few people will still think about this, only those who have sadly lost loved ones. I hope this can be prevented.
Whats with faggots jerking off to the biggest nothing burger theyve ever seen?