lmao get fucked eurofags
god i fucking LOVE being American
Official "Laugh at Euros" thread
FUCK europoors
I like Europe, I think they're neat.
The Incoming Holy American Empire. Fuck you europe you had your chance.
Better than 10%
Lmfaooooo no way this guy SAID IT!
you are already infected, mutt
you have coronachan cases in your country already
you think your magical god emperor trump will just snap his fingers and make it disappear?
prep dude, shit is hitting the fan really hard here in italy
martial law will be declared in a week
asia->europe->north america
you have been warned
Uncle Tom
New worlders are the big tougher versions of the fags in the old world
Seethe more pastanigger
>you think your magical god emperor trump will just snap his fingers and make it disappear
I don't see how this isn't mutually beneficial.
see you in a month
Don't you have a rat to cook luigi
burgers can't understand math or exponential growth
it's pointless my dude
Enjoy your crowded shitty free hospitals Eurofags
Trump should have did this back in January!
uhhhh..... based..
Italians don't wash their hands. Americans are germaphobes.
Maybe, but only sois fear death.
t. Raider Chad
>muffled shart sound in the distance
And Lo did the president of the United States inform the huddled masses that the US Army was being deployed to manage the distribution of toilet paper direct to every shart in every mart. In every Town and City across the blessed land.
From sea to shining sea the people rejoiced. The band began to play glory glory hallelujah. People threw their poopy tissues in the air and there was much celebration, gunfire and gangster rapping.
Then the president announced a total ban on Australians and more tariffs on foreign golf tour package operators. Meanwhile coronavirus mutated in the pregnant stomach of a McDonald's worker from Milwaukee combining with septic hiv and herpes to form a viral artificial intelligence that eventually turned the entirity of humanity into the borg from star trek.
I didn’t know Guatemala was so based
There's over 1,300 cases here and growing by the minute, bro. All colleges are getting cancelled. The NBA is cancelled. Tourists in other countries have gotten it from the U.S. and tested positive. Some medical experts estimate the real rate of infection here is 3x larger or even in the tens of thousands by now, since we have only done a few thousand tests in the whole country.
There's something better around the corner, but yeah, fuck eurocucks.
This thread was designed to foster animosity between Americans and Europeans. I’m American (currently in Thailand) and I don’t have anything against our European brothers. Don’t fall for (((their))) tricks.
Mmm yes quite pungent, is that filet-o-fish I smell dear?
Ive said it before Ill say it again to get through to you newfag cucks:
No matter how much yuroshit cock you suck they will never consider you an Aryan brother, no matter how pure you are.
Daily reminder if you're not white you're not an American.
Holy fucking goblin mutt meme cope, get fucked subhuman. You're a non factor
>the nigger trying to stoke anti-European sentiment also is a trump cultist
Imagine my fucking surprise
At least I'll see next month dumb pasta nigger lmao
The cope is so thick in the air I can smell it.
>posts faggot commieboo meme
>thinks hes Aryan
seething kike mutt
Take your lunch break, Ivan. Your “get Americans to hate Europeans” campaign isn’t getting any traction here.
>I like Europe, I think they're neat.
Thanks man. *sniffle*
>is having existential breakdown because he knows its true
Holy cope.
Dude fuck off leaf. we dont want you, your chinese, or the entirety of central america.
the fucks the matter with you two
I dont "hate" anyone except those that hate me and my countrymen, and sadly yuroshits are among the largest anti-American posters on Yas Forums.
Fuck yourself shitskin, or better yet let your femboy do it for you.
This. Euros are gross
>is being paid by jared kushner to shill retarded kike bullshit
Im more Aryan than all yuroshits combined.
t. 6'0 195lb 10%bf Aryan Chad
Remember to only eat 1000 calories a day lanklet cuck.
>virus already spreading inside US
>lock down euro travel
I’ll drink to that, my African friend
ok jared
Handle your country dipshit.
you wont later
whos asking for help
Damn youre ugly as sin.
Youre not european dumbfuck, youre canadian.
get that gay ass flag off Canada
>Im more Aryan than all yuroshits combined.
>t. 6'0 195lb 10%bf Aryan Chad
>Remember to only eat 1000 calories a day lanklet cuck.
I’m white.
If someone talks shit about America, act like a real American and don’t give a shit. It’s childish as fuck to hate Europe and try to get other Americans to join in just because someone called you a mutt 1000 threads ago.
is this the only campaign you’re assigned to?
You because we wont take your coronafugees.
We have less than 500 cases and less than 10 deaths, and I dont want more because your gay EU hates Aryans and refuses to shut your travel down because "dats rayciss".
Now go, take back your country!
Americans are just salty they have zero culture of their own. They're like a battery chicken artificially grown too quick, sure it's big but it's got water on the brain and all fucked up. At least now they're cozying up to China they'll stop pretending to be aryan. Give it 10yr and they'll be claiming to be 80% descendants of Han empire and having gutter oil parties.
Its the only non-flooded travel ban thread atm and Im enjoying the shitposts and banter.
Sorry I dont bow to people who hate my country like you, faggot.
I like Germans and Germany, that's why recent events are so frustrating. Unfuck yourselves guys, I wanna come visit for beer gardens and frauleins, not jihadis and mama merkels wrinkly Merkin.
I’m American, but unlike the faggot I was replying to, I don’t hate people just because they hate me. If anything, I feel pity for them.
I don’t hate America, I just don’t want to go back right now.
>I’m American, but unlike the faggot I was replying to, I don’t hate people just because they hate me. If anything, I feel pity for them.
I don't hate Americans, 90% of you are just retarded mutts but you're the closest thing to humans outside Europe.
Search your feelings Hans, you know to be true.
I want to see the Eagle fly above your nation once again.
I don’t fucking get it.
>ban all euros
>still allow all travel from China
Is he fucking retarded?
T-t-thanks, user.
I prefer to die in europe than "live" in México...
just chimpin'
No, but you are faggotshill.
China travel has been banned for weeks now.
How long do you think we shut down air travel from you?
>we dont want you, your chinese, or the entirety of central america.
Ever heard of ethnic cleansing
Give me a source, honestly I didn’t know that. If he did that then that’s great.
> likes Germans.
>I'm white
There's pink/white colored shit. So yes you're a shitskin.
-Trump have not done it?
Im not doin the work for you nigger, just web search chinese travel ban.
Hey. Hey. Hey. That's not fair. The burgers will get through this. Self isolate with little food. Give it a month and most of the fat fucks will be approaching just obese rather than morbidly obese.
I’m a sexpat in Pattaya, you goon.