Ching Chongs aren't supposed to like gunz!
Ching Chongs aren't supposed to like gunz!
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Everyone wants gun control until they feel like they may suffer persecution. Then they go full libertarian.
Roof koreans 2.0 soon
Thought second amendment were for whites only
>tfw coronachan starts the race war
God please let chang finally ching chong out, it will be glorious. God wills it.
Whatever, I'll take more gun owners in California.
The fuck are they expecting? A zombie outbreak like 28 Days Later? Are they going to open fire on people walking in their direction and coughing?
>be me
>survive coronavirus
>get shot by chink
It makes me sort of want to kill me a couple of ching chongs. How none of you chinks on here are getting full of yourselves.
I wonder if this has changed recently.
Everyone is buying guns, this article is just trying to push a narrative and if you fall for it then you are an asshole. Remember that White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, whatever. We all own guns, we buy a shitload of guns, guns are beautiful, guns are life, guns are water, guns are everything.
I support this.
Chinks are planning to shoot you and boil your pets and children alive for survival food.
you would have to be pretty crazy to run towards a virus.
That means you, whomever you are reading this anons shitpost. You need to buy a gun. Go out tomorrow and buy a gun. The more guns we have out there, the better America is.
if any of you try to come near me and touch me, I will do everything in my power to get all my body fluids into your mouth, nose, ear hole and especially your eyes.
I wont stop till my blood is swirling in your eyes.
Ok, Redit Rabbi.
That's great and all, but you should also buy a gun.
Guns are good, not having a gun is bad.
If you're so worried, buy a gun.
>Remember that White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, whatever. We all own guns
Take your lies elsewhere.
Every black home has a gun. These are lies.
Seems like every race there has people that owns guns.
You should buy a gun. guns are great, guns are life, guns are god.
>implying I don't already own 32 and have cases of ammo stacked deep
Guns are for whites only. Non-whites are non-citizens and have no rights.
Implying those slit eyes chinks could hit the broad side of a barn
Good man
But you should keep buying them whenever you can. You can never have enough guns.
Okay Cody.
You can believe whatever you want user, I don't care. I only want more guns out there.
>implying felons and illegals are gonna snitch on themselves
>I don't care
You should care. RaHoWa is coming.
Good. Tired of amerimutts retaliating Asian immigrants who mostly mind their shops and send their children to school. Take it up with your government you fat lards
Good for them. I don't give a fuck.
I'm unironically one of them lel
>I will station there.
You know what the best protection would be? Going the fuck back.
They'll still vote Democrat.
This is all part of their endgame.
This is how it should be, obviously.
Unfortunately our nations have been taken over by child raping jews and goynigger traitors.
>I fight from high place.
>gook extermination by niggers
>all niggers arrested
>beaners deported
Not denying that, you seem to think I care. I don't. I only care about these beautiful weapons being as common as water.
It could be a wedge issue. The district in the article is represented by Judy Chu who has been very any gun.
They are stocking up in case niggers and spics start the anti-chink raids. People try to act like a majority of this attitude comes from whites but anytime I see it or hear it, it's a nigger or spic saying they'll punch a Chinaman if they come near
>talk shit about white people while being too brainlet to build your own country
Why are non-whites so low IQ?
>inb4 shanghai IQ stats
Lying doesn't change the fact you come from a shithole.
How many "racists" are just weenies that come here from Redit to shitpost for screencaps to take back to Redit?
Fuck chinks.
Found one.
It's time to prepare against the inside threat to American democracy. It is time for Intern- I mean, Corona Quarantine camps for the Asian communities that are harboring violence against real Americans!!1!
I'm on the side of weapon manufacturers. Fuck people who don't own a gun. Buy a gun.
>non-whites are non-citizens
faggot kys
Oh no guys... They want the freedom to gunz.
Lmao what bullshit, they are the typically the most anti-gun group in the US
"Rules for thee and not for me"
Everyone should, I hope you own guns.
>they are the typically the most anti-gun group in the US
Arcadia California has suffered from home invasion robberies for a long time. The Chinese keep loads of cash in the house and they don't always call the police. This may finally be the event that breaks them of their ways.
>toppled over drunk pole talking shit
Why are we letting chinamen scum buy guns? They released this fucking virus.
>weaken enemy with bioweapon
>activate fifth column
We let everyone buy guns. Money is great. Buy more guns user.
Look up. Look down.
No, better keep looking up.
Born and raised LA reporting in
Zipperheads in SoCal have always been the most heavily armed.
San Gabriel Valley has always been heavily slant eyed.
They also have immunity to shoot the darkies.
Give them more guns and ammo.
Fake news paranoia saying there's a spike in gun sales.
Look up footy of Koreans in LA riots for a good time.
No need to fear them, they do the Lord's work every time they pull the trigger
You should visit East Asia and you’ll be educated. Amerimutts are dying in the streets by the thousands. Entire urban areas are decaying and infested with rodents. Wake the fuck up you dimwit cracker boy. You’re so weak, your government is so pozzed, you don’t even have a homeland anymore.
fucking dirty chinks these are the same ones who vote straight blue down the ticket for all the gun banning california demoshits
in times of panic and emergency gun shops should require you produce voter registration to prove you dont vote against guns. they should then reject all sales to faggot banners
good luck getting an open carry license kek. if the chinks think the cops will favor them they got a good thing coming.
Koreans armed and on the roof again.
Feels good man
They don't have miles of highway between them and the niggers.
We don't have that many Koreans. We've got lots of Taiwans, Hong Kongs and Mainlanders now.
disgusting piece of shit antigun liberal. i hope they redflag your ass and steal your guns with the same laws you voted for
I envision a future in which guns are simply impossible to get rid of due to the sheer number of them in existence. The task becomes a moot point because for every gun you destroy, a thousand can be found to take its place.
>Asians vs. Everyone
Who would have guessed?