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What is this



>no link
As always, OP is a fag.

Link it nigger. And you wouldn’t believe the random shit people say that in retrospect is cool.its mostly monkeys on a typewriter.

Cherry picking.

Corona virus is a type of virus, there’s been more coronaviruses in the past you fucking morons.

It is a type of virus you idiot.

Time travel?

wow. it's almost like he was talking about MERS

There's always been Corona virus

>Implying theres only one corona virus
>Enter CoV-SARS, CoV-MERS, HKU1, OC43, NL63, HKU1 and their various mutation strains....
You're fucking retarded, user.

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Coronavirus is a type of virus you retarded fucks. The world has known about the threat of a coronavirus pandemic for more than a decade. SARS was one such coronavirus. Ps neck yourselves you dipshits.

Epidemiologists have been warning about coronavirus for years

These wipes I bought over a year ago say they kill coronavirus

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I make those too, faggot.

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omg I guess your old wipies were da Jooz all along.
Fucking retard.

Top kek
Get fucked

thennn what is this virus actually called?

Well, SARS is dead outside of a lab, and MERS is rare as hell. The others cause mild disease.

It could be some beer reference, though.

Every single time

COVID-19. Do you retards live under a fucking rock?

put those badboys on ebay for $1000 per sheet

And the fact that the time stamp on the OP's tweet photo coincides with the life of MERS???

there's always a corona virus, brainlet

what we're dealing with at the moment is NOVEL-corona virus

I fucked an African squirter

um acktually the disease that results is COVID-19, the actual virus is SARS-CoV-2

COVID-19. There is an entire fucking library of all the strands on a chart somewhere.

Law of the Mutt

>he has no idea

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Ssshhh. You’re trying to talk sense to gibbering retards. Waste of time.

What is a "novel coronavirus" though?

Digits don't lie

A new strain of coronavirus.

What is words and how do they mean?

EVERY flu virus is a corona virus you retard...

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A corona virus outbreak has been theorized by many since SARS - which was a corona virus.

Fuck, sounds hot. How did it smell?

Fuck out of here schitzo go take your fucking meds

Novel means new, according to the CDC. It was used until the WHO named it COVID-19.

>no source, just calls others retards instead of providing proof

yep thats a bullshit from me batman


I hope the virus gets you and gives the gene pool a slight IQ bump

a coronavirus is a type of virus. There was an outbreak of one in 2013.


bro he's fucking mexican. he's referring to the beer. just needs lime and some salt

1. they knew and
a. let it happen
b. made it happen


Which is why we should call this one the Chinese Coronavirus.


this isn't true. most flu viruses are orthomyxoviridae. corona viruses are coronaviridae. they are different.

yes, there are varieties of coronaviridae.

Corona viruses are RNA viruses. It turns out if you can get zinc ions into your cells it prevents virus RNA transcription. Normally you can't get zinc through your cell membranes. But it also turns out that the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine facilitates Zn++ transport through your cell membranes. Both zinc and hydroxychloroquine are already tested for safety and availability. Problem solved.

That's cute.

Fuck me....

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OMG! How could someone know in 2013 about a virus that was discovered in the 60s??? AMAZING!

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All colds are corona viruses

PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE: neckbeard.xyz/notice/9sv0pVZnfYLs4wJ8t6


Coronovirus (CORVID-19) is a well known virus. We know all about, it’s just that this particular strand has been pesky.

It’s not a completely brand new disease we’ve never discovered and know nothing about

why would it have 34k likes?

I call it the Chink Flu

Nigga the 60s didn't exist. The world only began in the 80s

this is partly true.

a "cold" is a generic name for a mild viral sickness, but it's not necessarily of the coronaviridae variety. many are, but not all.


>It’s not a completely brand new disease we’ve never discovered and know nothing about

if by "not brand new" you mean it was not brand new last week, you're right. if by "not brand new" you mean last november, no, you're wrong. it was first labeled novel because it had not previously been cataloged.

niggers, erm, twiggers arent that smart

>He's a Bernie Sanders supporter
So they really were redpilled

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