Yas Forums humor thread

Yas Forums humor thread

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That's not funny

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Lmao you pathetic rapists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

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OK groomer

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>not "yeah, ok"

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Harold would not appreciate that

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We would teach him to appreciate it.

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Sums up most conservatives these days. They aren't actually for conserving anything.

That is creepier than it ought to be.

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i love how this meme is developing

Post some face, any face.

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What would a 2050 liberal be for then?

Stay mad leaf cuck.

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Impossible, he was actually paid.
>debate club president

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>What would a 2050 liberal be for then?
Liberals are just slow-motion Satanists.

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Accurate but needs to be improved.

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I guess that's why Africa is the most hyper advanced and richest continent on the planet. oh wait, they're rolling around in the dirt and their own feces

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Serbs are total fags. Must be all the creepy admixture. Sad!

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Got any more?

you have to go back

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comedy is subjective, murray

Feeling cute, might level Tel Aviv later

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How is this being done? It's visually intriguing.

Haha! That's a funny wojack edit! Truly the pinnacle of the board culture!

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>carpet bomb in a trainer


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friendly reminder you are immune to coronavirus if you parents contracted the Y2K bug.

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>Dylan Klebold as hall monitor

>Wiener in charge of sexual health

>Kaltenbrenner heading the dept. of theoretical physics

>Holmes teaching theater, David Duke on African American studies

Never change, pol. I unironically wish this university existed.