How do we profit off the apocalypse?

What is the thing to invest in if it's actually happening? Gold? Silver? Rhodium?

Attached: Gold.jpg (890x501, 216.17K)

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buy bitcoin

Euros, obviously.

Europe has a fake financial system, it will remain stable as the real systems collapse.

ammunition and weaponry in general

North Dakota supplies most of your sunflower seeds, a lot of your corn, and many other agricultural products. They also supply a lot of your meats. You will all starve now, bitches.

Just start browsing Yas Forums and learn stocks

You can't profit in hell.

Attached: you can't spend hard currency in hell.jpg (275x183, 6.94K)

Why is gold not reacting ?

lol buttcoin? That shit is headed to the dumpster

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Golds doing well, made 12% in about 2 months.

Should have a bought TVIX around mid early February.

Toilet paper

Precious metals are a horrible "investment." It is extremely rare that people actually make much more (real) wealth off of it, huge spikes or decreases in value are generally only short-term and are caused by a sudden interruption in supply (like the silver spike about 10 years ago).

What precious metals ARE amazing for is holding value. If you buy, for example, $1000 worth of gold today, in ten years, it will generally still be worth the equivalent of $1000 in future dollars.

Precious metals aren't for making money, they're for preserving the wealth that you have already in order to provide a cushion for inflation, market crashes, etc.

not telling you satan

Bought uvxy at 20 and sold at 25. Should have held

Bitcoin is going to outperform Gold during the recovery period of negative interest rates and the Fed helicoptering money

I'm investing in companies producing vaccines. Made 35k in 2 weeks.

unironically chainlink satan


Other than that. Dunno how that works and doubtful of its future viability if we're thinking true apocalypse, trading tokens for grain and BJs.


This, this, this. I don't get why so many people don't understand this. Precious metals are savings, not investments.

have some balls and BUY STOCKS.
i put 100€ in ETF´s per month now i will put 1000€ in ETF´s per month. The stockmarket will never be this low again in the next years.


bitcoin is clearly a pyramid scheme

Buy local masks, sell to the chinks

gold and silver are shit...dont let Yas Forums tell you otherwise...wait until the market hits just over 9000 than BUY most any stock apple microsoft amazon telsa for less than half their will hit 9000 by Friday the 13th...

Invest in foreskin restoration therapies.

I say invest in waste disposal once this blows over

Stock up on toilet paper to wipe up all the shit when it hits the fan Satan

Never bought stock before, what should I invest in?

>implying this is the lowest

Yep. MRNA, GILD and VXRT as well.
Had to sell my INO at a slight loss to pick it up at 5 dollarydoos though, but it's already added 45%.

Gotta free up the capital even if you take a loss. This market has had a steep learning curve.

fema coffins

Explain how the stock market, and precious metals aren’t pyramid schemes

buy carbon credits goyim
and please panic!

why in the fuck do people buy this shit when you are right next to the bath tub shower and is a kike trick to get shekels

Paper traders. Most gold, and way more silver is just printed. Kind of like money. It's typically what's traded, not actual physical. There is soooo much less physical than paper. When the heavy players start trying to convert their gld/slv certificates for physical. Is where you'll see shtf and the actual physical value present itself.

Gld $100,000 oz+
Slv $7500 oz+

Think that's out of line? Depends on what happens to the $.

Attached: gldslvadvert.jpg (1920x1080, 159.07K)

If it's actually happening, you invest in guns. What kind of question is that?

SOXL. It's gunna be a pretty good price soon. I wanna pick it up around $134 USD a share, maybe less.


>checked Satan
Lead. Invest in lead.

Sell price-inflated toilet paper to Australia

How do you profit off of a stock market actively cratering? TVIX, SQQQQ, Drip. You're welcome.

I have no idea what those are

Invest in soul harvesting

It can’t hit 9000. The lowest it can possibly go is 13,000, and even that won’t happen.

Ok dumping more into tomorrow
Good luck!

A one ounce Krugerand will get you on that last helicopter out of Saigon...

Give it to old people.
Buy up their land cheap.

PM's only so much has smoked the Earth since it's crust formed, and is available. Either found, or will be found in the future. It's rare and prized be humans for over 6000 years.

The must honest supply/demand thing you could have for $.

The stock market? Your guess is as good as mine user.

Attached: fortuna.jpg (470x470, 26.05K)

i bought 1oz gold and 10oz silver Krügerrand 2 years ago. it´s a shame that i didnt bought more back then. 30% plus since then. this was prob. my best investment ever

Physical productivity. Agriculture. Land

unholy Checked

Or shit coin takes a performance hit because the infrastructure needed to brute force SHA-256 for mining is decimated.

Yas Forums right now is just screaming and crying schizos who are trying to cope, not much else.

you have no idea of which you speak...enjoy this 666 thread and enjoy going over 9000


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Botttle caps my dude

It’ll be lower tomorrow. Bro what are you talking about.

Gold is overpriced now; you're too late to get in at a good price. Silver is a shit investment in general.

Save your money and buy the dip in June when covid is hitting hard.

You're a fucking retard

stop posting itt or else...

Nuka caps preferably

Yeah, which is why I said they're great at holding value. When all your paper fiat currency has gone to shit, precious metals still have intrinsic value because of their scarcity and universal acceptance as currency. They just aren't very good as an investment because they rarely appreciate in value enough to be worth the time, cost, and security of owning it. Again, I'm just saying this in terms of investment. I myself have about $20,000 in gold and silver bullion that I keep around in case of emergencies, but I have no delusions of ever doubling my money on it as an investment.

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>How do we profit off the apocalypse
>Those digits
We take what is rightfully ours, by force.

Lol. You don’t think gold and silver markets aren’t as completely controlled and manipulated as the stock market? The price has nothing to do with with its application, just as as a limited supply asset class. The monopoly precious metals had over the limited supply asset market were infringed upon the moment blockchain tech came into being.

So i‘m a complete dilletante when it comes to investing in stock. How do you even do this? Not asking what to invest in, i mean, actually do it. Is there a website you go to? Then what? Do you need to get an account or...? Can someone pls talk me trough the steps like imm a toddler because i feel like one. Thanks!

Based 1k eoy

Possibly. I doubt it though. I’m not a libertarian so I don’t buy into the “decentralization” aspect of crypto. I just don’t believe in the current globe-homo financial hegemonic power structure. I think there will be a tectonic shift in the next 15-20 years and periods of major uncertainty. I also believe that a lot of up and coming movers and shakers will take refuge in crypto as a limited supply set rather than precious metals
