Masonic Infiltrator AMA

Since the world is looking fucked, my depression is getting worse and I may have Kung Flu fuck it.

For the last ten years I’ve been infiltrating the Masonic society of the UK, I’ve gotten to the highest levels and learned things you faggots will not believe. I’ve kept this plan to myself the whole time, I joined because of my family having all been masons, and I was instantly trusted since I grew up around them all.

Ask me anything, everything is on the table for this. Just a word of warning it’s not the Jews, it goes much deeper guys.

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yeah yeah you know the drill
larps are supposed to be funny, start spewing your rancir stupid shit so i can have a break from the doomsayers and that bloody corona virums

how deep are we talking? deeper than Moloch and Saturn?

Deeper than the Mariana Trench.

elaborate. whose pulling the strings?

1. What's the event the shabbos goys are all scared about?

2. Give details on the Anglo-Saxon mission.

3. If it's not the jews, why do they get all the central banker positions and international corporate conglomerate and you shabbos goys don't?

4. Go deeper and prove us wrong.

Okay do they have an entrance exam to determine if you can be a mason?

The people pulling the strings are who you’d expect, the extremely rich and powerful. The only ones I know who do not have a seat currently are Zuckerburg and previously Steve Jobs (yes he wasn’t a NWO dude.)
The end plan of the masons is to create a “utopia” free of prejudice and hate. But this is going to be accomplished via systematic culling, things will happen to spark a war here and there, people will die randomly or go missing and a virus will pop up every few years.

do masons perform sacrifices?

It’s mathematically and genetic based. I got in via the genetic reasoning, loyal family=trust.
However the mathematical way is much more interesting. They essentially create a simulation of your life and using a fuck ton of math they calculate your lifespan and usefulness to the cause.

Yes, a lot of children and animals. I’d say the ratio is 20 goats to 3 children.

Kinda doubt that HRH The Duke of Kent would shitpost on here.

What happens at the Masonic initiation ceremony?

>The end plan of the masons is to create a “utopia” free of prejudice and hate

You all are are massively deluded, you claim to have control and yet can't even manage to get a utopia now despite being able to influence shit like having loli harems. The level of incompetence you all have at the highest levels is beyond imagination. You shouldn't be anywhere near any levers of control.

1. What are the racial qualifications?
2. What is the cause?

who do they offer sacrifices to? Where do the children come from?

No racial qualifications, Based on how useful you will turn out to be.
The cause is to create the utopia of the world, via any means.

Just how much gay sex goes on in the cult?

Who the leader for this utopia?


Truly poor LARP.

roughly typing, what does their version of utopia look like? are they satanic?

how many world leaders are part of it?

The sacrifices are to many pagan gods, in each they make you recite a chant after consuming some weird alcohol. I’ve done it twice now and that stuff is weird, I’ve drank some very powerful and weird shit but that was something else, like liquid hyper LSD.
Also the children all the mysterious disappearances that happen, sometimes they just take them from orphanages.

Did you get the secret schedule for the spaghetti potluck??

This fucker doesn't know anything. It's a fucking larp.

Quite a lot surprisingly. Entrance ceremony into the grand lodge is essentially getting gang rapped and covered in blood.

They haven't realized that people by nature observe their world and react to their circumstances and thusly will always create a shifting opinion on "utopia"?

I’d say around 80-95% of them are in on it, idk exactly but a lot of the British aristocracy are in on it especially the royal family.

It could have been a good LARP, but you went too far too fast.

which pagan gods specifically?

>it’s not the Jews

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this. /thread

So wait, the Queen got gang raped and covered in blood?

>I have pretended to be retarded for the last ten years
congratulations you played yourself

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Each race does what they are best suited to do. Niggers and spics get to do manual labour, Asians get to further tech and the whites essentially just get to relax.

Women aren’t allowed in.

is there any way of confirming you're a member?

What rite are you brother?

Did they touch ur weiner whilst they put it in ur boipussi?

it appears they are complicit in the fall of the european races, so how does that work?


Become a shriner and convert to crypto-islam for the memes next. also how did the old man cock taste?

>not the Jews

This thread is a good way of confirming he isn't.

>it’s not the Jews
nigga fuck outta here

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This post alone shows you're larping. Oh well was a fun read

How come you dont know levels are referred to as degrees?

the jews are another piece on the chess board, but they typically aren't pawns like us.

Tell me about the grey ayy lmaos. I keep seeing them and I'm trying to figure out if they're real or if I'm getting mkultra'd and the glow in the darks are beaming shit into my head at night.

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>The end plan of the masons is to create a “utopia” free of prejudice and hate.
Yeah, sociopaths always cover up behind "noble goals". You can't solve a problem which is caused by your existence here (life being shit).
Hate and prejudice is natural, mentally ill inbred retards micromanaging everything isn't.

Some jew or other idiot created an utopian concept and the organic robots will implement it. It's probably very hell-like.

LOL also checked

of course they're real. what is your experience with them?

>liquid hyper LSD
Fresh adrenochrome.

Bullwer Lytton's The Coming Race explains it: they kill anyone who doesn't fit with their 'utopia'.

Did you just admit to getting gang raped in your boipucci?
... But seriously, did you? And have you fucked other dudes? What is the utility of all the gay raping? Why do they do it?

for sure

Redpill me on Saturn please

wtf I love masonry now

what about order of the Eastern Star?

yeah eastern star is female freemasonry here

abduction experiences off and on for at least the last 3 years (though there was a lot of metaphysical experiences when I was very young just no ayys that I recall). I'm usually only able to remember bits and pieces. Managed to fight of the paralysis enough to have a mild scuffle with them once. They never communicate with me. They always seem to do stuff to try and freak me out or mentally program really negative shit into my head. It's been weird.

Everyone dies. Not everyone really lives.
Dying for political bullshit is better than working 40 years for political bullshit.

I cope by eating. Every day after work I stop by the grocery store, buy some food, and eat it all. I need to lose half my current weight. What I'm saying is that however you're currently coping, it's healthier than what I'm doing.

desu the human animal needs a community. so get into something that'll require all your body and mind. the battle never stops, the only difference is that here the fighting is with money and propaganda instead of with crew served equipment.

If you live alone I highly recommend getting a roommate, 3+ roommates if you're under 30. it'll stop you from going off the deep end. Reach out thru your veteran network and find a guy who's struggling in the same way you are. Worked for me. Sort of.

Talking won't solve shit. Reading on the internet (although interesting) won't solve shit either. Here, have the summary of what I've gleaned from my (thoroughly amateur) studies of Old Testament religion. A summary of a good life, hope it helps:

> Rise before dawn 6 days a week
> Walk 3.5 miles or study (read out loud a new chapter) before dawn
> Maintain your house and possessions in a clean and ready state. Military readiness for functionality, cleanliness for pride and joy.
> Understand that G-d wants every person (yes you) to conquer the world to perfect it and glorify G-d. However, there is disagreement about what "conquering the world" means.
> Understand that G-d did not want angels. G-d wanted humans, sinful and flawed beings. That's who he created, that's who he put in charge of the Earth, and that's who he commanded to follow his commandments.
> Don't get (((married))) but do have a spouse. Having smart children is the single most important thing in life. It's justified to lose everything else in your life if it'll result in smart children. Have as many as possible. Masturbation is equivalent to murder.

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OES isn't masonry. But England still bans it for stupid reasons.

>NUOH- Jesus God.
Johnny Derp's greatest role.
>You will never hang out with Hunter S Thompson while he fires an Artillery Luger in response to his neighbour's birdshot bouncing off the porch
Feels bad man, like we missed an era. An era where people were still alive.

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you're still having these abductions? sounds fucked bro, I hope that gets better for you

>no plastic knives
England bans everythign for stupid reasons.

>They always seem to do stuff to try and freak me out or mentally program really negative shit into my head.
Like what?

>it’s not the Jews
It's the Jesuits. Or ayys maybe?
What about the UST?

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No point in going into detail anymore because the shill brigade will derail the whole thread. I'm just waiting for an answer from mason user.

What's your favourite band? Brits have good music

OH SHIT, he stopped posting!! Think he got suicided guys?
Im worried bors.

owl farm. Yeah I know what you mean but it wasn't as it seems. dude was a glowie or apart of a glowie project I'm pretty sure