Be Honest, Anyone now racist against chinks?

Never really was a racist even after being on this board for years. However, since this whole corona virus thing I find myself to have such hatred against them that I think I'm a full blown racist against chinks. Thanks to the ant people, my vacation is ruined. Already bought the tickets and hotels to travel and now can't reschedule my vacation days anymore with my work. I actually hope WW3 breaks out against china where I would be happy to kill as many of them as I can and even die for GOYY if it means I get to kill them in combat. Seriously fuck chinks, they're worse than niggers and poos at this point.

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Chinks gave Europe the Black Death too.

Always have been. Asians belong in Asia.




They are all the same to me. They pretend to be white. They get plastic surgery. They abduct white girls in Korea. They groom girls. It's all so fucking disgusting, and I can't stop the countless vermin that get away with this.

All I can do is observe and report. Hopefully some dumb woman wakes up and sees what is happening.

damn didn't know that, yet another reason to fuel my racism against these fucking ants

no wonder the japanese went for them in WW2, too bad we didn't ally with them and help them in Manchuria. That was our only shot the past century to save the world

now what differentiates a viral disease from a biological one?

you're finally undoing the ((brainwashing)).

this is a natural and healthy feeling. basically, you are waking up to the fact that hostile and foreign tribes are currently inhabiting the land where your tribe is living.

yes ,you have a visceral reaction of disgust when you see a chinese person now. soon it will be for all non whites.

I don't know and I don't care. All I know is right now I fucking hate the chinese

Bu bu but my waifu...

I wouldn't say worse but they're are now equal to niggers.
Filthy insects.

The difference between a chink and a nip is forever ingrained in my mind. One gives deadly batshit virus, the other gives anime tiddy

I've always hated Chinks.

> now

It doesn't make sense to hate them. They don't choose to make their country the way it is. Mainly you can fault the chinese government - but some blame also goes to american corporatism. Why are all those jobs and industries going to China? Because they are cheap. Why are they cheap? Because they treat their own people like crap...

Do you know what you get when you treat your own people like crap? The Coronavirus. Cheap can be damn expensive in the long run.

Attached: China worker hot iron.webm (640x360, 1.89M)

say what you want about niggers, but they never blew up a disease so large that it cancelled my vacation. I wish we can pack up all the niggers here and drop them into china. It would be such a pleasure to watch the chinese get car jacked and fucking nig stomped none stop.

It's the proper reaction towards anyone not of your race.
I don't know why I ever thought they were human.

i'll take the nips anyday. The nips are the master race of asia for sure.

>Pro tip: the corona virus was conceived in an iphone sweatshop

"Racism" is a word created by communist jew and mass murderer Leon Trotsky to shame those who were against jewish communism.

This word holds no power over me nor does it mean anything to me.

With that being said, I avoid chinese like the fuck plague. I constantly scan ahead when at the supermarket or Walmart to make sure some coughing chink isn't in front of me.

I accidentally walked in front of some 50 year old white cuckold and his chink bride---who was wearing a white mask--in Target last week. Scared the living fucking shit out of me and I immediately put my nose in my shirt and walked on the opposite aisle of them.

I accidentally met them as I went into another aisle and I immediately did a 360 and noped the fuck out of that aisle.

Corona virus gonna make you into a good goy. Just sign up with your local recruiter goy and do your duty for pissreal.

Post chinese lifestyle videos.

Attached: Workers in china.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

the only way the americans are possibly at fault for this is for not joining the japs and wiping them out at the 2nd world war.

Whites are getting smarter. We can see through their artifice.


Nah. Asians are based for the most part.

It's not racist, it's a self-preservation based on being able to form logical threads. There was a Chinese holiday not so long ago and despite what they tell you, many of them traveled home.

would take chinks over jews in a heartbeat

In China they don't waste money on burdensome safety regulations.

Attached: Escalator fail.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

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> now
as if I needed any more of a reason

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i seriously might, if trump deploys to asia to fight the chinese i will happily be a good goy and enlist if it means I get a SAW or m240 with a couple thousand rounds.

How can you be racist to a bug? Answer you can't user relax.

Fuck off, chink


t. gook spy

in china they live like ants in the dirt. I could give a fuck about what regulations they have

yeah. we've just been brainwashed to accept all races. but i do believe that whites are evolving, slowly, whether we like it or not, to bring out that "racism" (AKA self preservation) gene again.

If we had told them to treat their people better (instead of handing them our jobs) the virus would not have developed. In letting them abuse themselves, we are being dragged down to their level.

Attached: Chineese escalator.webm (400x220, 443.76K)

I've always despised chinks, but this shit makes me want chink genocide, their entire race needs to be eradicated down to the last man.

also feel good vid. thank you for that

Chink bugmen have been a fucking plague on humanity for a long time.

I am not racist against Chinks

i thought that was jews?

not even once

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fucking china should be nuked if this was done on purpose

>in china they live like ants in the dirt. I could give a fuck about what regulations they have

When you catch the coronavirus you'll care - that's the point. We are paying the price for the way Chinese treat each other.


never forget that this thing is a bio weapon. Dont let any simp fool you or bully you into thinking anything else

i broke up with my chinese gf over this shit. fuck her chinese nationalist parents

This happening just confirms it all

i don't see any solution though except total extermination. First off, the chinese citizens definitely wouldn't listen to the americans. There's too much disdain against our country that even if we did try to give them genuine solutions they wouldn't want it cause fuck the americans. The only solution is total and complete genocide. You're right we should let the way they live continue, but there is only one way to stop that user..

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try wave pool you fucking dunce

oh my GOD. i fucked FOUR ITALIAN MEN, it was SOOO different, like UGH, the way he fucked me was like perfect.

it was jews that created the black plague

Militaryfag here, the US Army has injected all of us with the virus. We're all getting deployed soon, our Instructions are to sneeze and spit on everybody.

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Thousands of korean women are sold and traded as sex slaves on your soil you fucking dimwit Amerimutt

>They abduct white girls in Korea.
The fuck? I've digested pretty much everything there is to know about the Asian countries and never heard of this. Sauce?

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>First off, the chinese citizens definitely wouldn't listen to the americans.

So the chinese people WANT squalid housing, no safety standards, and working conditions that drive them to suicide? Is it easier for you to recommend genocide then to even think that through? Forget about what the chinese are - what are you?

Seriously no one on Yas Forums is aware that a Harvard prof by the name of Lieber was arrested last month for selling bio research to the Chinese and for his connection to the bio weapons lab in Wuhan?

I'm a chink American here and even I now fucking hate those retarded backwards ass mainlanders eating fucking bats and causing this fucking shit.

I had lower level tickets to the Bulls Celts game to see my man Coby White tear up another team and now this fucking shit ruins everything. Fucking disgusting mainlanders.


> Tortured and bayoneted your grandfathers for sport.

you have some strange opinions
on the other hand I'm you's to retards, so who am i to say

I am

Yas Forums is so out of the loop lol. Way more advanced places to read the news nowadays.

sorry Chan

China is that way

make a thread user. that plus the researcher arrested in canada for stealing a virus.

big shit is happening once this settles.

I'm only racist against mainland Chinese, as they're the worst people of any race on the planet. Mainland Han Chinese, specifically.

metal as fuck

Fuck you I was born here in Chicago and I'll stay here forever

>China caused a worldwide viral pandemic due to their eating habits
>people still make more fun of American eating habits

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In Korea we always knew chinks were below humans, now the world can see too.

>They abduct white girls in Korea

i think you're confused

t korean

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I don't hate Koreans, Japanese, but the chinks...

Always was it’s just an excuse to act out
The way chinks treat human life like animal life horrible

I have nothing against the ones from Taiwan or Hong Kong it's the mainland ones that continue to act arrogant as fuck, are a possible security risk and continue to live like animals