Strayan corona stimmie pack

australian neets will be getting a $750 'stimulus package' each because of the corona virus.

what are your plans cunts?

new rims for the commo?
new tinny?
bali holiday?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bonus: AUD will surpass CAD soon as well

Imagine not being insulted by a citizen's "stimulus" package less than 5 figures. Remember what they give (((banks))).

$750 will do fuckall.

Mate 750 is a good pair of speakers for my van and a couple cartons of cigs and VB to ride this thing out in comfort

How these cunts going to pay me? Directbank deposit?

Pic related

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Hey cunt. I got Corona virus in Ausralia 3 weeks ago, now Im sick as shit, can I get me some of those neet bux bro?

Mattress stuffers will accelerate the collapse

Unironically this, and unequivocally based. Alcohol is so useful against viral infections.

you mean $750 doomsday prepper bux

Why don't you ask your horse-faced PM for a hand out or get with a maori?

last time we got more.
all the money goes to the poor so they spend it thus stimulating the economy


can you buy a gun while on neetbux in aussieland?

what did kevin07 give?

> stimulus package...... for welfare recipients

This thread just goes to show you're all NEET leeches despite the fronting

$900 twice i think
$900 for neets and $900 for those getting family tax


fuckin' scomo that dog cunt

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Im going to Coles shortly to stock up. What should I buy?

Bottled water
Hand wash

What else?

tomato sauce/paste
assorted minces
italian herbs
powdered milk

Attached: asau.jpg (480x360, 30.4K)

It's like the words are english but the language is not.

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long life/powdered milk, creature comforts such as choccy biscuits

>Tim Tams fucking oath

Fuck up gronk

Or the other way around fuck me I can't tell.

Forgot frozen veggies

PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE:

Fuck off snow nigger we're full

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how's hapa land? are people panic buying yet?

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It'll probably go to my local friendly drug dealer and he can spend it on something nice.

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Same as I did with the Ruddbux and all my tax returns when I was working, any government payback lumps.
>buying more gunz
Eat a bag of dix Canberra

Nah everything is oddly normal. Even with our 40+ cases people act like it's not gonna spread over here. Saw a dude open a gas station door and proceed to rub his face yesterday.

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>what are your plans cunts?
as much as i would appreciate the cash, i fail to see how it will help the economy in the longterm if this virus continues to cause disruption.
if you're on welfare, then yes.


Low test beta faggot, I bet you own a cat

yeah but everyone is built tough in finland. this is how you survive being outside when it's -20c.

every white homestead has cats fuckwit.
how else do you stop rodents?

Might buy a new flute.

> Rice
> Tea
baby formula to export back to your family in china?

Hey, I have a fridge full of VB as well so fuck off!

All praise the gods of stimulus, for he has sent a package.

lol 'snow nigger'


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It's more due to us Finns believing that what happens in the real world does not apply to Finland, ofcourse not. How could anything happen here? At worst, something bad would happen to Sweden, not us.
Military did pre-emptively ban particulate filter sales for further notice as they use the main suppliers as their reserves. Oddly nobody cares about that either.

I will get nothing, when my business grinds to a halt I might be able to apply for some gibs through Newstart or some shit, I would rather go waltzing with corona than be a neet though.

I'm going to spend it specifically on Chinese prossies and hopefully they'll let me raw dog them for an extra fiddy

Found the herpesfag

might buy 2oz

Bitch, I want some of that redrum!

Nothing gay about herpes bra

You are all fucking fools. The government could have added the zeroes to our bank accounts today. Want to know why they're waiting 2.5 weeks? They want this shit to spread and for you worthless cunts to go out and be in the thick of it. This was already going to be a boomercaust and now they're spending 4.8 billion to make it a neetcaust too. It will cover for stealing everyone's super and balance the budget for decades. It's the wisest move a government who only cares about the economy and staying in power could make and you cunts are falling for it like you're gonna buy some rims and bundy.

You lot deserve to drown on your own lung fluids.

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i drowned in your mum's puss last night lol

The only pussy you've ever touched was your mothers when you literally barebacked her while being born. At least you now finally know you won't die a virgin user.

Gonna wipe me bum

More tax dollars put to good use.

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I wonder why normies think chemtrails are fake news because all planes leave a vapor trail but never question why sky writing isn't done in cursive? Seems like they dare not question it.

Marge in CHains

750 is what I'll get paid working on a weekend lol get off the fuckin dole.
This had an attendance of over 86,000 people, the absolute state

chop chop wagie

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