California user here

Yeah I’m thinking I’m /ready/

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Those are some nice looking funs.
What are they?

Get one of these, won’t get banned as quick as those 2 death machine guns

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Failed abortions

cucked ARs

>What are they?
early attempt at state enforced homosexuality

meme guns
how do you let this happen to you

Lmfaoing at your emasculated "guns"

That just fills my brain with so much fuck.

bullet button pansy

Get mogged.

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Fuck compliance

such a badass

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I'm just a humble NEET. How viable are boomsticks? Seem the most retard friendly.

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Your rifle ain't anything special m8

You have any ammo to go with that?

I know I'm from the UK but what the fuck. Why is your buffer tube sticking out, what sort of stupid law is this avoiding.

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It's better than yours

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cuck states don't let you have a collapsible stock or pistol grip

Ready my ass. How many rounds do you have?

Glow harder

this is bait

nice toys, got any ammo retard?

hope you have the parts to uncuck your guns when shit hits the fan.

This glows. Nobody owns anything and none of us care or need to know if you did.

No sticky-outty things allowed on guns in CA

I mean how many rifles*


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Jesus christ those are hard to look at

>the absolute state of commiefornia

lol wtf is wrong with your fucking rifles lol

mate you just have to pull the charging handle and the bad guys melt away

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>obeying CA law


Those Aeroprecision mounts have been known to break.
Geissle and ALG handguards, very nice.
Looks like an SWFA LPVO?

What barrels? Criterion makes a nice one but my WOA out shoots even my Douglass barrels.

how much different does it feel to wield one of these compared to a normal version?

So cringe

CA user here too

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Staring at this pistol too long will cause blindness in Californos.

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What do you got for close combat?

>implying unlawful laws are now upheld by men
Guess we're at an impasse, faggot.

OI YOU GOT A LOICENSE FOR THOSE ACCESSORIES THAT MAKE YOUR GUNS ALMOST FUNCTIONAL?!? And god help you if you have any mags that hold a worthwhile number of rounds. And if you've got enough bullets for those things to make them anything more than tactical paperweights, I'm gonna rape your ass in prison personally when you wind up there. 2nd amendment is long gone, retard, quit larping like you still live in the US with your little loophole accessories that'll just be banned too. You gave up your right to bear arms, all you're doing with this shit is trying to convince yourself otherwise because the alternatives are "be a man and stand up for your god-given rights" or "be a pussy, like you are now, but honest with yourself and acknowledging of your pussy status". Might as well move to Virginia if bending over for new and exciting breakthroughs in gungrab bullshit is what gets your dick hard.

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Castrated AR-15s.

sup Xavier

Funny, you're a funny motherfucker. Go stand in the corner.

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lmao at your retarded grips

I hope your state rots.

No short range? No handgun? Chest? Smoke screens?

just buy non California complaint parts, the law won't matter once the guns come into play.

Not as cringe as keymod...

California fag...well done

Excellent with a good choke

>t. Skeet B class shooter, B class Sporting shooter, hunter, mainly with shotguns, Beretta 682 Gold E and SV-10

What's with the buffer on that ar? you're not allowed one? holy fuck you're worse than us for gun control.

Its whatever. Not mounting a bunch of furniture on it anyways. Post your cool shit larp faget.

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Would an SVD Dragunov style stock be too pistol grippy for Califags? You could thicken up the top of the stock to cradle the buffer tube.

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California is a shit hole and they deserve every death from Coronachan

gonna be fun bros. keep the happenings happening!

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>reflex sights
This guy is gonna make it. Obeying laws designed to make you helpless, shockingly, tends to make you helpless. CAfags are already fully disarmed insofar as the law-abiding ones go, they just don't realize it yet.

Coronavirus who? Lol

how about you nogunz seethecucks pony up and post yours if you’re so tough than

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“I have a vagina!”

Do you like that third generation or second generation grip better? To me it looks like third is better

Maybe second looks better but I'm talking about shooting the thing

Looks like a misfire waiting to happen

Hiding the 10 round mags in shame.

Can't wait to see what you retards come up with as all of the little tweaks you make instead of manning up and taking your rights back are themselves banned. In 20 years califaggots will have slingshots with one detachable limb because "TECHNICALLY IT'S NOT A SLINGSHOT IF THE ATF SEE IT" and a fucking magnifying glass strapped to the handle so they can find their tiny ballsacks and tell themselves "I TOTALLY STILL HAVE BALLS, THERE THEY ARE"

Muzzle brakes, real mags, pistol grips, telescoping stocks.
In California?

*laughs in florida*

It's more like the vagina of a t-girl.
It's something resembling a vagina that has been crafted from a mutilated penis.

Honestly a disarmed California will just make it easier when the time comes.

California is run by faggots that wish they were European and want European style gun laws even though all of our crime is caused by niggers and spics.

>can't reply correctly
>than vs then
What the fuck is the thing in your picture? Is that an airsoft gun? Why is it painted red? You deserve to watch your family get raped, killed, and eaten (in whatever order).

that is the gayest AR i've ever seen

Why not just buy a .243 or .308 hunting rifle? That shit looks gayer than you.