So anons, what are you plans after china kills our parents and loved ones?
Not a data mining thread at all
stuff my cock in your mother's tight anus
This virus is US-made.
What is this?
Go to the now depopulated jew neighborhood nearby and rape me a khazarian beauty.
Just peel the sticker back it says made in China
killing as many jews as niggers as i can, because the cops and military will all be dead. and then we will finally have a peaceful stable world.
but we have to kill all the jews and niggers. all of them.
Oh, and Puerto Ricans are worthless.
You know what a hapsburg chin is?
It's like that but for your forehead.
I'm still not sure whether that's photoshoped or not.
a mtf transgender man with male pattern baldness
submit my tight fresh anus to our new asian overlords.
I'll probably kill myself since I never became independent or self sufficient
built for bbc
It's a beautiful women bigot, it will give you a bald headjob while talking about perfecting her latest suicide speedrunning tactics
Retire on the land I inherit.
Might plant some corn, basedbeans, and cotton.
You know the Chinese in America are going to get killed in their beds ? Right? I am not expecting anything else. Good thing there are no Chinese were I live so I'll be safe from having to partake.
Buy a house, assuming the market is flooded with cheap homes and I still have a job.
The real question is whether or not you are willing to shoot at the government when they try to death tax everything away from us.
We burn down Confucious Institutes
Two Words: Mad Max
Become like my hero Caesar
Get into shape for the Great Pacific War.
I think I may really consider killing myself after my parents die. I won't do it while they are alive, it would break their hearts. If they pass, I think I will tag along.
Holy mother of fontanel. This is beautiful!
fuck i hate thots
Can someone confirm or deny decisively if it is photoshopped?
good thought but don't forget suicide is like the worst thing you could do if you believe in any sort of higher anything, as it's like a fundamental rejection of the only direct thing given to you, life. or at least that's what some esoteric thought says. they think with suicide comes like eternal punishment, or at least for a super long time /schizo
Thinking about grabbing a shotgun, and maybe some more food. I live downtown in a 100k pop city so I'm probably fucked either way.
I don't get antsy about happenings ever, normie-tier or Yas Forums-tier, but this looks like the big one.
Kill the traitors who took over our country tomorrow, and china dies the day after.
The only thing we can decide is whether we were acting in good faith, or with malicious intent. Check them
the creature from Alien
he has his glasses on or you'd know
Either disappear into the wilderness or join a revolutionary political movement. Idk yet
if someone killed my dad I'd celebrate and buy them something
I own the exact same sword as girl in the middle.
It's fake man...
I think it's only bad karma if you go surrounded with bad emotional vibes. I'm not depressed or with dark vibes, I'm not even sad. I'm just tired. My life will just loop the same until something end it. I'm not sad, but I haven't any real reasons to just keep looping a boring show. I tried changing it, but it's always small sparks and I'm back being the same person with the same behavioral patterns. You can just open the exit door, without being a mega retard with acute negative emotions, you know. Just calmly open the exit door and walk trough it. Take some numb pills or something, and go calmly towards the other realm. No histeria.
You know, after 9/11 there was opportunity to demand changes from the Islamic world but the politicians were corrupt.
Same here, dirty ass uncivilized country should implement a long list of cultural and societal changes. But Ivanka and Jared are bought and owned by China, probably Daddy too.
What is this photoshop you speak of?
Tell me more about
> photoshop
Burn down the ashes.
Remodel their comfy house in the woods and add things like an attached workshop and greenhouse. Also have been wanting to clear a berm out for longer range shooting.
Pay off their tens of thousands in cc debt so the collectors stop harassing me, even though they've both made 6 figures for over 30 years, watch what little equity and savings go to my dumb bitch sister that openly talks shit and cries they don't give her and her faggot kids enough money. Throw the ashes in the trash probably.
Have you tried writing ?
It seems that you have talent for it, i'm not calling you a genius right away but maybe you should polish this latent skill of yours and see where does it lead you
try choking on the cocks you suck instead of numb pills
I get to move out of the basement to the bedroom with a 1/2 bath.
fuck i love sluts
for me it's number 3, and she can pick one from the other two to join us
imagine being an attractive girl, but needing so much attention you turn yourself into bathroom graffiti
couldn't be me
The Mastermind
fuck, kill, marry.
I know you, I recognize that chest patch anywhere
Pledge your souls to the norse gods of Valhalla and your life will be spared