/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1925

► Detected: 126,273 ► Died: 4,633

WHO declares _PANDEMIC_

Virus can live in the air for several hours

NY cancels St. Patrick parade first time in 258 years

Stockholm stops testing "to protect other patients"

Trump says he's prepared to use full power of federal state

Virus invades nervous systems

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

15 million to die, $2.4 trillion recession

WHO: Detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

China faces shortage of testing kits

01:10: 114 new cases and 6 new deaths in South Korea.
00:31: China’s National Health Commission reports 7 new cases and 1 new death across the mainland, excluding Hubei province. The death occurred in Shaanxi province.
00:31: 8 new cases and 10 new deaths in Hubei province, China.
23:25: First case in French Polynesia. The patient is Maina Sage, a member of the French National Assembly.
22:54: 1 new case in Kittitas County, Washington state, United States.
22:50: 1 new case in Iowa, United States.
22:47: 24 new cases in Saudi Arabia.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Tom Hanks and wife have coronavirus

Normies status: woke

► China 80,790 (3,158) ► International 45,029 (1,449): Italy 12,462 (827) Iran 9,000 (354) S. Korea 7,869 (66) France 2,282 (48) Spain 2,277 (55) Germany 1,908 (3) USA 1,301 (38) D. Princess 696 (7) Switzerland 652 (4) Japan 639 (15) Netherlands 503 (5) Sweden 500 (1) UK 456 (8) Belgium 314 (3) Australia 127 (3) H. Kong 126 (3) Canada 104 (1) Iraq 71 (7) S. Marino 62 (2) Lebanon 61 (2) Egypt 60 (1) Thailand 59 (1) Philippines 49 (1) Taiwan 48 (1) Ireland 43 (1) Indonesia 34 (1) Argentina 19 (1) Albania 15 (1) Panama 8 (1) Bulgaria 7 (1) Morocco 6 (1) Norway 629 Denmark 514 Qatar 262 Austria 246 Bahrain 195 Singapore 178 Malaysia 149 Greece 99 Israel 97 Czechia 94 Iceland 85 UAE 74 Kuwait 72 Brazil 68 India 62 Finland 59 Portugal 59 Slovenia 57 Romania 47 S. Arabia 45 Vietnam 38 Poland 31 Palestine 30 Georgia 24 Chile 23 Algeria 20 Russia 20 Croatia 19 Pakistan 19 Oman 18 Ecuador 17 Estonia 16 C. Rica 13 Hungary 13 Peru 13 S. Africa 13 Serbia 12 Azerbaijan 11 Brunei 11 Macao 10 Latvia 10 Slovakia 10 Belarus 9 Colombia 9 Mexico 8 Maldives 8 Afghanistan 7 Luxembourg 7 Macedonia 7 Tunisia 7 Bosnia 7 Cyprus 6 Malta 6 Dom. Rep. 5 N. Zealand 5 French Guiana 5 Paraguay 5 Senegal 4 Cambodia 3 Lithuania 3 Bangladesh 3 Martinique 3 Moldova 3 Nigeria 2 S. Lanka 2 Bolivia 2 Burkina Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Jamaica 2 Chan. Isl. 2 Faeroes 2 Honduras 2 Saint Martin 2 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Jordan 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Ivory Coast 1 Congo 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Mongolia 1 Réunion 1 St. Barth 1 Togo 1 Turkey 1

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Digis an world is kikl

Can survive on surfaces for 2-3 days in 98 degrees fahrenheit. It isn't going away in the summer. Get ready boys.

Where's that twitter thread where an Italian doctor talks about not admitting people over 65 or with comorbidities? I need to redpill my normie friends before it's too late!

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we're going to be okay. we'll be laughng a p-preppers in no t-time. h-heh.

Coronavirus: Trump suspends travel from Europe to US

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Trips decide which head of state dies first

What is everyone drinking tonight to celebrate?
and have some music

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Treudeua needs to ban all flights from US now!

>Prof. Shi is the director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

China calls her "mother of the devil" and accuses her team of creating the virus. Her lab is 20 miles away from where the Wuhan outbreak began. SAY SOMETHING NICE TO CORONA-CHAN'S MOM.

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Imagine this virus lasts all the year.

People would be used to not go out much, work and study from home ,etc. The culture would change and NEETs would rule the earth. Thanks Corona-Chan

Do we deserve this?

>nba cancelled
>unis closed
what's next

Maduro-kun thinks that Corona-chan is a bioweapon.
Blames "European imperalism" for all pandemics in history.

Hello guys, I’ve developed telegram bot to tracking ONLY new cases and death, no shitty news and other stuff.

t.me/coronavirus_timeline or @coronavirus_timeline

Pic strongly related

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Jazz have to be Fucking banned from games for at least 2 weeks!

I finally saw infowars opinion on corona

and i now realize that its a man made hoax

but potentially a real virus.

i havnt seen anyone personally get sick in my real life

but alex jones made it very clear this is all so that way so that they can shut down society using the fear they create through the media and things

and then once the food production is slowed down and nobody is working etc. they can then take you into their fema camp
its like ya sure it could be a real virus and a real threat but thats exactly how they want you to react so they can shut down all of the economy and roudn you up to their fema camp by having all the supplies

and then declare their new world order under obama

anyone calling for more quarantine/lockdown is dumb!!

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Saint George, Blaise, Aegidius, Denis, Eustace, Erasmus, Cyriacus, Christopher, Vitus, Pantaleon, Acatius, Barbara, Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Margaret. Pray for us.

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DOWN 17.55%
>DOWN 17.55%
DOWN 17.55%
>DOWN 17.55%

AUSTRIA ARE YOU OKAY??????????????

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seems like a scapegoat

Can we get some Tom Hanks memes please

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>COVID-19 positive man works at Ciena in Kanata
>my professor works at Ciena
>interacted with her multiple times recently

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The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.

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about time we had a happening

any word on the olympics

very little time left to make amends with your maker.

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It's officially over

Everyone country should immediately declare marital law to get it over and done with. It is an inevitability anyway.

>Tom Hanks infected

Take your vote now, Yas Forums. Who will be the first dead celebrity?

Literally built for BBC

>Imagine this virus lasts all the year.
Then how the fuck do people get food?
If this lasts more than 6 months this is an extinction tier event

Season's over

>Asking for a grocery store update
Lookner needs his 11pm lunch break, can a /AHSG/ vet go get that jew some publix, preferably one of the Geoffs and not local resident Kyle.

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time to move to Antigua

I really do love /ourgirl/

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>went to pick up my meds yesterday
>the lady in the pharmacy was coofing
>currently have a low grade fever
>first confirmed case in my state today

oh fuck me lads

if my parents won't self isolate with me in the next 2 days i feel forced to leave
do you agree with that?

Tom hankie

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thank you sweden very cool

>any word on the olympics
heard they were deciding whether to cancel them as well.

Its in Mississippi now too fuuuuuuuck

Took me all day, but I finally managed to sell my Switch and buy a Maverick 88. Please tell me I did good, anons.

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This is the last chance to adequately prepare. 3 weeks of rations and enough weapons and ammo to protect your family. With a proper bug-out plan less than an hour away from your home, and extra gas if you have to move.


now why would you go and say a thing like that?

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daily reminder that the wuhan lab is literally sponsored by george soros kek

>Then how the fuck do people get food?

Amazon drones

Boris. Farage takes over.

Fucking close enough.

you are a smoothbrain, in any case the CCP has been officially blaming the USA as the cause and origin of the virus for a week now

>Corona-chan Vending Machine
>NEW MEGA LINK: mega.nz/#F!GWADQaRS!3yuOGCae39EvDkVH3a5tyQ
>Thank you based user for doubling the collection.

Send me new coronas to add to the archive.
If you want something, find it in the archive.

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The funniest thing is that a Swede reacts in such a way. Topkek

Kuwait has suspended all commercial flights until further notice

This virus is US-made.

Thank God. We'll make a man of you, yet.

REMINDER: Go buy rice, water, toilet paper, soap, and other products as soon as possible.

Shelves are emptying like no tomorrow.

It is too late you fucking retard


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I dont believe for a second Tom hanks is infected. Fucking hired liars.

They have been told to be "infected" so when they recover they can go, see guys! Its not so bad! Nobody panic!

>corona chan will kill anons

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why did Trump allow travel from UK? Have they banned Europe from the UK as well? what is the point of allowing the UK in?

>Ooh, my little deadly one, my deadly one
>When will I get the virus, Corona?
>Ooh, you make my nostrils run, my nostrils run
>Got to wipe it off on the bus, Corona

>Never gonna stop, spit it up, such a dirty bind
>I always cough it up, for the death of the older kind
>My, my, my, aye-aye, whoa!
>M-m-m-my Corona

>Come a little closer, huh, a-will ya, huh?
>Close enough to get in my eyes, Corona
>Keeping it a mystery, it gets to me
>Running with a temp that's now high, Corona

>Never gonna stop, spit it up, such a dirty bind
>I always cough it up, for the death of the older kind
>My, my, my, aye-aye, whoa!
>M-m-m-my Corona
>M-m-m-my Corona

>When you gonna give to me, a gift to me
>Is it just a matter of time, Corona?
>Is it d-d-destiny, my chest feels weak
>Or is it just my lungs are confined, Corona?

>Never gonna stop, spit it up, such a dirty bind
>I always cough it up, for the death of the older kind
>My, my, my, aye-aye, whoa!
>M-m-m-m-m-m-m-my, my, my, aye-aye, whoa!
>M-m-m-my Corona
>M-m-m-my Corona

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U r a good boy user

What do you think has been discussed in the previous 1924 generals retard?

hazmat delivery service. People will disinfect their own food by thoroughly cooking it.

rice aint food dude

it has a negative impact on your body and bloodstream

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patrick stewart

Defend your home to your last breath until all invaders or you are dead

When is Metokurs next stream?
I don't know his schedule