Chelsea Manning attempts suicide in her jail cell and is resuscitated by guards

Was this an attempt to "Epstein" Manning????

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No. Men usually follow through with suicide as opposed to women who just threaten.

He has stated he would rather starve then not testify. No this...just sayin we've seen this high profile stuff before

>tranny attempts suicide
shocking lmao

Wait he's in jail again?


Nah just another member of the 41% club

I thought this freak was pardoned by King Nigger.


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OP is a brainwashed retard

i love hot sexy shemales who pass but the ones who don't are so fucking gross

The time has come, Execute order 66!

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>resuscitated by guards
Nah, he/she'd be dead if it were.

>i love hot sexy shemales who pass

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yeah this, please explain burgers. heaps of his tweets were posted here i think in the 2016 maybe 2018 election about we got this etc. anyway hopefully she kills herself soon cheers lads

Shes been suicidal several times and has nothing to contribute to the prosecution that the prosecution doesnt already know. Shes only being held as a formality cause won't testify to a grand jury. The feds dont even need her cause they have every communication she has ever had with Assange. This just her losing marbles cause jail is rough time.


Just posting this because i was asked for source in the last thread re manning always being a fucking fruitcake so they may see it here. But i have no sympathy for the lunatic, he wanted so badly to be a hero and didnt give a shit about what that meant, he deserves everything he gets, I'm a big supporter of Assange, but this guy was a mental case he should never have got involved with

kill yourself you retarded faggot

Fuck off edgelord. Traps arent gay.

>resuscitated by guards

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Wait...he is back in jail? When and why did that happen? I'm not complaining mind you, that faggot needs to rot for what he did...but why is he in jail now?

you have an extremely demented definition of the term "trap"

Traps are 100% gay and so are you

Pretty good chance.
Shit just judging by the amount of shills in here already somthing is real fucky

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Nope just a normal part of trannie life. They kill themselves.

>Traps arent gay.

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>he's been suicidal several times
A mentally ill faggot whose delusions are encouraged by everyone around him, attempts suicide? Who'd have guessed that would happen?

Trump (more likely kushner) is trying to quietly get him extradited to the United states.

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If only Gamers Rise Up was still around

ew so hot


>click on thread for the tranny hate
>stay for the good tunes

Thread Theme

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All trannies attempt suicide


He's in jail for contempt of court for refusing to testify to a grand jury on Wikileaks.

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Why are most transwomen always so big? Not just get, but just big in every respect. Big bones, large muscles, fuck their body shapes put even men to shame

>this episode again
First the recycled swine flu plot, now this.

Wasn't this guy turned into a tranny as some ritualistic punishment?

the HAPPY EASTER one gets me everytime. is god testing me to accept these monstrosities? or am i encouraged to cleanse them with fire?

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It’s a real burden on the soul desu

grab the flammenwerfer

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Poor kid, that's so fucked up dude.

Double jeopardy?

How old they gonna grow lads place your bets

one of my faves

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The tiny ones go into porn. See Nyxi Leon, born as Dalton Frakes.

How can normies not see that this is a bit fucked up?

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But I'm not in porn

I bet it got a boner.


They can. Through blue check twitter mobs, and HR departments, we've created "wrongthink" in this country, and others, where you can be fired and ruined for speaking the truth aloud. But the people still know the difference between rain, and someone pissing on their leg. This fear-based regulation of thought won't hold forever.

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Lmao distopian society buddy

>tranny attempts suicide.
imagine my fucking shock.

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>can’t smack kids for bad behaviour because “muh child abuse!!!!!1111”
>can have them on shit that severely fucks with their bodies and brains
>is perfectly fine to do that, with society going along with it

Fuck me, just nuke the entire planet now, and get the Armageddon over and done with.

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what happened di they fall backwards and get a mild concussion