When is the right time to lose your virginity?

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right now before you die from the virus

Ideally at 16, but absolutely by 18

When you have a gf that you love

Right now, to me.

When you're married??? Wtf kind of question is this.

ewwww, shes so ugly >.

I waited until 19.

Right now, go out and take what's yours

On your wedding night
> with your wife/husband, that's kind of important

When you get married


When you are married to a person of the opposite sex. Anything else is degenerate.

apprently rosacea is the new makeup trend

after you get married


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To procreate and provide future soldiers to the Reich

When you get that mad pussy HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH easy for a chad bruh, just do it man don't think about it loooooool! Get drunk, have drunk females around and just fucking pull it out my dude, get on the topic of sex and if someone gives you (((the look))) just go for it man it's as easy as that AHAHHAHAHAH cmon' my dude, CMON'!!!!!

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>that italian /cvg/ poster who lost his virginity to his crush last night because of cabin fever induced by the lockdown

irrefutably based as FUCK

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I'm 20 and never even talked to a woman before.

wedding night is the only correct answer
junior year of high school for degenerates

based flaggot


Shortly after death, when the mortician violates your corpse.

What thread was that?

Don’t feel too bad. I’m 40 and the last time I tried to approach a woman and talk to her she got a restraining order against me. That was 20 years ago and I haven’t tried since.

25, when you're settled in your job, have your own home and you and your 18 year old bride are on your honeymoon.

Then after she's given birth have sex every day for the first year. Then once a week there after.

Then, keeping an eye on finances, have another baby every four years. Stop trying when she turns 38.

Same here bro

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It only kills old people.

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It looks like a more masculine David Hogg.


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Doesn't matter. Earlier is obviously better, but being autistic about it is stupid. Just don't tell anyone you're a virgin.


How much makeup does that girl have on. That's crazy.

Your wedding night.


Also heavy smokers, apparently.

1 year old

on monday

I had a girlfriend with soulless eyes like that, psycho alcoholic.

After your second divorce

Thanks user

After marriage to a woman that is also a virgin.

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>lose your virginity?
what for

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Probably in the next week Corona is gonna kill virgins who waited

It's more likely to be the shitty "beautify" filters that most manufacturers install in phones the past few years.

14 years old, and during a field trip. You need to take your girl and sneak away from the main group to fuck her and then return. I did that.

That’s such a nonsense science
I’ve thought about it very throughly.
It’s one sperm and one egg.
The rest of the shit doesn’t matter


About 10:30 PM.

I want to hate you but I can't for some reason.


Ideally: marriage
Realistically: some time in high school, preferably towards the end OR in early college

>why high school?
Rite of passage, confidence booster, good for mental health

>why college?
Tactics for getting pussy in HS can leave you hamfisted and ill-prepared for college pussy, also going into college with a HS girlfriend can fuck you up and that’s not worth it

>why marriage?
It’s best for both spouses and both are happiest when they wait.

Personally, I lost mine at 14 and I have regretted it ever since I took one particular girl’s virginity who, if I had waited, we would have lost ours together. I really loved her, and to an extent I still do. Moving forward from that point, I have tried to keep my fucking to a minimum and it’s fucked me up because I didn’t have a natural progression of “conquest.”

It should have ended with her, but it didn’t—and while it still could end with her, it probably won’t because of the people we’ve become.

I’m much quieter, she’s much more “free,” and I’m a Nazi and she’s a Jew. Still, I love her in spite of it and she has no idea.


When the right bbc becomes available

NEY VAR! Fag got!

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Whenever you can, probably not younger than 16.

13 for me. 45 for you.

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Personally, I'm never losing it. I'm going to die a virgin.

>every four years
Way too few babies. Aim for a baby born every two years.

In a mahogany appointed room administered by adepts of occult practice and under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs before the age of 13. Who does not know this?

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Especially Swedish girls, hnnnnnnnng

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30. We need to stop dumb single mothers and need to be careful with whom be potentially procreate. In the mean time I will use my blow up doll.

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Who's this bitch I keep seeing posted here? She looks to have amerind DNA in her.

Die well, eh?

After you have purchased your wife.

Jannies delete shit thread.

Old man told me, best time to shoot a big deer, or, get some pussy... as soon as you can..

Some tiktok slut properly.

After your are married retard. God setup natural order for a reason. The devil got Jews to tell you fornication is ok and produce porn for the opposite reason.

god speed user

After marriage