UK AND USA BAN TRAVEL FROM EU: ONLY USA and and British chads may post in this thread

UK AND USA BAN TRAVEL FROM EU: ONLY USA and and British chads may post in this thread

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B..but no german gf

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Brits got out JUST in time holy fuck


fuck the rest

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The rest of Europe will stopover in Canada.


Hey bongs do you guys want Canada? If you kick out the mapleniggers you can have it.

Legal white people? NO WAY!
Illegal mestizos? YES, PLEASE!

they can stay there

>pakis and mutts, fuck the rest

Good show winning Brexit brits. You've earned your place in Trump's new world order. The EU is going to be dismantled and China will be recovering from this for the next 200 years.

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Shut up nigger

always liked u bongs

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What? Are European flights being allowed to come to the uk or not?

Hurr durr what is a passport

>UK bans travel from EU

Quite based. Source on this?

one can only hope user

He banned flights from Europe, not Europeans. They will fly out of Canada or cross the border. Not looking good senpai

haha holy shit the uk too?

sick man of eurasia

yeah but if yuropoors try to fly to yankland via here they will get denied entry

So fucking based

are you a child?

Hello chinkboi. Real aussies are ethnically european and would be allowed in the anglosphere.

Except Brits did not bann travel from Europe. Prepare for the coronna Americucks

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I was really sick today lads. Had to pull over and vomit, but I think I'm gonna be okay.

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I meme around a lot with you brits, but I really do like you guys. We're in this together.

Ireland is not banned

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Japan is G7 and flights are not banned yet.

What aboot leafs?? We aren't banned. Can we play too?

Good luck getting through customs

brits and canucks can do passport checks for us, thank you in advance. schengen niggers can't, and what's more, non-schengen EU members aren't allowed to negotiate separate border security agreements with us so they're fucked until we deem every part of the EU safe.

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shut up ginger potato nigger

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According to zeihan, the new order is:

UK (deal not finalized, but pending), Canada, Japan, Korea, Mexico

That is literally it of countries that matter.


Your fate is in my numbers, if I get dubbles you die of corona

YOu're gonna be ok lad

holy based

Rolling 4 u

this pic is real lol

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>"did you hear something cletus?" asked duke
>"just another manlet spic dying trying to enter america because his country is too shit to live in"

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Ah that makes sense, thanks bro

Does Iceland count?

If 2 of the same numbers then you die, not to corona but to a Pirate attack

That's a deterrent enough for muslims. It would cost more to go to two countries rather than directly to their destination. Plus Canada is probably suspicious of people also. I wonder what Trudeau will do.

Iceland is banned. Only European countries not banned are UK, Ireland and Cyprus


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gonna make a cheeky cup of tea to celebrate this alliance

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All I want to do is shave Boris Jhonsons stupid faggot head. His hair looks so fucking terrible. Even sitting at the same table as ol meme hair himself

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female mounties, what has canada turned into, utter disgrace


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What about us user?

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Big shock,Israel has locked down its borders,kicked out tourists and not allowing anyone in. must be nice to be able to enforce your borders and decide who can come into your country. Jewish privilege I guess. Fucking kikes.

>Be me
>Go to store to find spicy snacks to go with my beer
>Kids all wearing N95 masks or covering their mouths with their shirts
>mfw this is the sort of shit I expect from ass backwards urban scum, not noble country folk
>See one retard coming my way trying to filter "muh covid90210 devil virus" through his shirt
>Immediately spawn idea
>Right as we're passing one another, start coughing violently
>Retard jumps twenty feet in the opposite direction
>Quickly turn into the aisle they keep chips, covering my mouth to hide my smirk

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Source? Is this post Corona?I remember him hyping up France and Argentina and loling at that. Aside from that though his analysis is always quite interesting.

Guess open borders did not work well for the EU.

Seethe harder

Just to be clear, USA is the one on the left.

Japan should join with us.


But why? Why is UK excluded from the ban?

Based IRA poster

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Top lad.

doobles and i die

Sure and the one on the right is Muslim

Because Trump is smart and knows it's better to be friends with the Anglo than be enemies with the Anglo.

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Never been more proud to be a britfag user. To the new clean world!

Wait, so I can still go to Europe?

We will all make it

Why didn't he ban bongs?

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US and UK will sink the chink

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Is this a sign of things to come? We need to get the lads back together. Canada can come too.

Thought you guys were getting blacked too.

What's wrong with the Irish?

> UK and US
So can i take a plane to Toronto then to New York ?


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Ban travel from EU but it is still alright for Muslims, Africans, and sub-human South Americans to still come in. Southern border still sitting wide open too. Everything is going to be fine

Hopefully people start CLOSING ALL SCHOOLS so we actually are worthy of this exemption

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God Save the Queen!

No foreign nationals from the EU allowed.

god save the k- queen, right?



If it gets into Brazil God help you. It could mutate into a more potent form in Brazil.

based and redpilled

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boxer war 2 time

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Its tea time bitches

I hope we never open the borders again

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we havent banned travel from eu


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Imagine naming your child Chad when your surname is Wolf, they must have had high expectations for him
Then he grows up and looks like a complete mutt lmao

Is that a british hairstyle or something? I've noticed a lot of Brits with hair like that.


race traitors the lot of you

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I like you, leaf. You can stay with us.

I've seen worse
he's a 10/10 in Egypt

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Visit your "no go zones" and bring peace to those poor refugees. Touch every handle. Spit on every doorknob. Cough in every store.

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