Bans travel AND trade from Europe

>Bans travel AND trade from Europe
>Hasn't banned it from Asia
>Hasn't banned it from India
>Hasn't banned it from basically everywhere else


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White supremacist

show your flag yuropoor

The EU will be brought to it's knees by the Anglo-American alliance.

Europe is full of COVID19 infected muslims

noticed this too. I'm fucking done with this kike, this was the last straw. he's so fucking blatant about it.

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he's a moran

Trump hates whites, that’s why he endorsed the pro-amnesty clown Tuberville in the Alabama election. The amount of Americans on Yas Forums right now cheering for their own genocide is hilarious. This is a policy that Paraguay interacted before they started a mass race-mixing.

Clearly he hates blacks and mexicans

Forgot to add
>Mexico and South murica in general not banned

EU=open boarders dumbass


>Yas Forums claims Trump is the most pro-white president
>no wall
>more money given to Israel
>kisses up to Saudi Arabia
>bans Europeans and their trade

You have 1 minute to convince me Trump is /ourguy/


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Largely a meme, not all member states have the same policy.
And also
How does this change what I said?

Why is Asia, India, South America, the ME, not banned?
And not only that.
banning TRADE too

He's a fucking globalist kike. He will NEVER shut the borders down to nonwhites.


India has banned all travel so no need.

You know why. He's putting on a show.

Show your flag on an user board?

Are you retarded?

this actually..white countries..who hates white countries

Is coronavirus not serious enough to ban travel from Europe?

he has no idea what he's doing so he did some random shit to act like he's in control

>No wall
Can you hear me way back there in month 1 of his presidency? trade not banned

Digits confirm.
We're all fucked regardless of where we live.

Because he already banned it from those places you retarded kike

>>Hasn't banned it from Asia
He has. And India is in Asia. Try getting a job, it matures you.

This was a trade war move. Of course the virus is worse in shithole countries but they can't afford to test

china got one and europe has a metric shit ton of faggots in itally and germany that could spread it

your not special you dont get free reign over the world when your some plague carrier faggot. you werent even coming to america so why cry about it


because europe is shit and germancucks need to die

If it was about the virus, he should have banned travel from anywhere else too. The UK has already confirmed cases and rising. I can't see a possible reason why Trump would damage a critical source of income for no reason.

Seething eurocucks

Trump doesn't give a fuck about white people. He's a fucking American, who wants what's best for all Americans. He has no time for your Nazi shit.

Don't you remember who stopped the Nazis? It was Americans. White, black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans.

Deal with it.

Getcha pull

Actually the british were the guys who single handedly stopped the Nazi if you brush up on your history. Hitler would have one if the Brits didn't continue to challenge him on literally every theater of war while the rest of the world licked its wounds and regrouped. Even after being offered several very generous white peace offers.

UK is the exception you moron.

has less cases than the US

>Mexico and South murica in general not banned
He's under a court order there. Or did you forget about the hawaiian judge that ruled this was rayciss?

No, America was over 90% White during WW2. White men fought in WW2. "Minority" groups were statistically irrelevant, and mostly in support roles.

What did Vladigump tell him to do?

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>>Hasn't banned it from India

Oh yes sir.

He is doing the needful thing.

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It was to punish the European Union. Probably also muslims use europe to get into the U.S.

Yas Forums warned you about the (((anglo)))

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America was 90% white up until the 80s. It was always 90% white 10% black with maybe some Mexicans along the Mexico border and pockets of coolies from the railroad days. The Hispanic invasion is a really recent thing.

>allied with saudi arabia
>supports turkey
i'm so done with you lying snakes

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shitholers btfo

europe is going to die and I couldn't be happier

Because fuck EU

>>Bans travel AND trade from Europe
Because EU is going down like Italy. to many people living next to each other.

First case in my province happened a few hours ago she was returning from France. First case in eastern Canada

You retards don't get it. He's saving Europe from the masses of amerimuttgroids that will try to flee to Europe.

Trump loves Europe and Europeans more than anything.

Not Europe, just the EU

Italy + Merkel proudly predicting like 50 millions infected by next week

Restrictions on travelers from China and Iran already in place. China, Iran and the EU represent the current largest outbreaks.

There are 62 known cases in India. This is fewer than any of the four states with the largest outbreaks in the US.

He's barring them in. There is no escape

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Man the demoralization shills are out en force tonight.

He can't ban nonwhite countries because of the court injunction from Hawaii. Until it is withdrawn or decided on by the supreme court he can't do anything more.

Because the virus is spread through contact and no modes of trading are fully automated to where there is no human interaction. Shit hole countries that nobody vacations to will naturally not have it. Chinks are fucking EVERYWHERE in Europe, so it’s no surprise

He hates while people duh!

>Trump also appeared to correct himself on a ban on cargo. In his speech he said, "There will be exemptions for Americans who have undergone appropriate screenings and these prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo, but various other things as we get approval. "

>A few minutes ago, the President tweeted, "...please remember, very important for all countries & businesses to know that trade will in no way be affected by the 30-day restriction on travel from Europe. The restriction stops people not goods."

not trade

He wanted to do a china ban from December, but he was racist clams the democrats

Wow! What a fucking shill thread.
He banned travel from Europe because Europe is the most infested with Covid 19. As if you didn’t know that. Many of our newer cases are connected to the Italian outbreak. China is the other massive source, but it’s already cut off.

And let’s face it, it’s mostly only white countries that have enough money to travel all over the place all the time. You don’t see tons of people from Ecuador bringing Covid 19 to the United States.

>white counties
Pick one.

It‘s already much worse in the US than in any other European country except Italy. It‘s all a show for the imbecile.

China, Iran already banned.

Germany, Spain, Italy and France have more cases at the moment than does the US. With much smaller populations.