Corona virus is literally the comfiest possible happening for us prepped lonesome NEETS...

corona virus is literally the comfiest possible happening for us prepped lonesome NEETS. by never going outside we are completely safe and it wont affect the world enough to take down the internet, meaning we can just shitpost in safety while we watch the world eat shit.

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Still need to get groceries...

No shower. True NEET.

Most Americans have stores of food. We will be fine.

>That pic
>No fucking shower
You fuckers disgust me.

Every time I see this Pic I just think how much fun it would be to fill the entrance shaft with concrete

Where do you shower in there?

I don't have a bunker I have a studio apartment in California


electricity and telecomms go down my mission is a fail
dad will be dead but, i'll be free to roam and loot like a nigger

Fuggg, how does a guy like me get a hole like that?

I could go a few months without groceries, the problem is deciding when to sop buying new food and eat my stores. What if I start eating my stored food now, but it doesn't get really bad for months when I run out. It's very stressful for me. Have you ever read The Burrow by Kafka? It's like that.

sponge baths, dude. I only shower twice a week, but I sponge the crotch, and armpits daily. It's fine.

>12 gauge and rifle
>2k rounds
>stacked with supplies
>rural Ohio

I am buckled in bros

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I can easily stay hygienic with baby wipes and the kitchen sink. Holy fuck you faggots are pathetic.

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>Rural Ohio
>12 gauge, rifle, 4k rounds
>stacked with supplies

I am buckled in. My street is a dead end.

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I run an internet only gun and ammo store out of my house, so I'm pretty comfy too. A couple months ago, toilet paper, coffee, canned beans, and rice were on sale at the local supermarket, like a crazy good sale, so the wife and I bought 9 months worth of everything. Super comfy, as long as the package donkeys that come by don't contaminate us.

I prefer to die right now rather than to live without fresh baguette and cheese !

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Starting one of those myself. As a webdev I can get it up in 24hours. Also, a few dirty tricks allows me to sell... well, I won't give it away.

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I am a shut in neet but I am so fucking poor that I only have one bag of rice to eat for the rest of the month. If this shit really is going down I am not going to be very comfy I am too poor for comfy anymore.

>crawls into bunker to avoid virus
>took it in with him though
>calls ambulance
>they refuse to drag you out of your death pit
such is life

Unless you're nearby people who do have contact with the infected and the airflow recirculates such that it pools and you get it too. Duh faggot. That's what happened on the cruise ships. If you're in a shitty ass apartment or house you're gonna get it.

Just need to talk with my IT guys and I’m close to working from home.

to be fair frenchbro, you guys have some awesome cheese. but hang in there, you will eat cheese again, focus on living and making it through this. get groceries that don't expire, canned food. DEENZ

I've already switched over to only eating things that I buy/prepare myself. I can still replenish my stock since stores are still normal/operation, but where I am, eating out at this point would be a stupid idea. Many confirmed & suspected cases in my area already and there are probably tons of people who have it but aren't showing symptoms yet/not diagnosed.

It's the best happening until mommy or daddy get sick, mortgage or rent doesn't get paid, then you get to play "NEET in the street"!

I am pretty close to playing neet in the street desu

Online shopping from Walmart, buddy

Supply chains are being frayed as we speak.

AI sentinels will begin roaming rural areas for pockets of resistance

>NEET in the street
Pretty fun game, not gonna lie.


you are already infected

corona chan waifu dot jpeg, ewhatever

>My street is a dead end.
So is your life.

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Have fun getting raided

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Wow, doubled your ammunition count in seconds. Incredible!

My nigga

Shop Yas Forums on the back computer with Pepe Browsing and Wojack inside the ladder tube please

I've seen this shit coming for 15 years. Back before 2008 I was living quite paranoid, but I had an epiphany after the economy got itself together and decided I wanted to stop living in fear. I got married and had my wife shit me out a few kids. I've been very happy these last several years, though I've been aware that The Happening was always waiting for us. It appears that this could be it. The big event that gets a shitload of people sick, crashes the economy and slowly unwinds our global civilization. As the rule of law breaks down, the more antisocial among us will take the opportunity to inflict violence. As logistics break down expect people to starve.

It could get very ugly in the coming days, and so I hope that if things start trending that way and this doesn't blow over, that God ends things swiftly with that fire the Bible promised.

Pretty much this. My gf was pissed I couldn’t get some supplies because preppers bought out the store of some items. I told her not to worry, that’s why raiding exists.

I'm hikikomori, life is just one flat plain for me, nothing good happens, nothing bad happens, nothing happens. I never go anywhere, and no one ever visits me. This virus changes nothing.

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BASED and boulangeriepilled. bonne chance contre le virus, que Dieu bénisse votre âme

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>sick-proof bunker
>walls of sponge to soak up piss and vomit
>perforated steel floor over system of gutters
>all food glued to the ceiling
>recycled water only, don't want germs coming in
>filters made of the finest toilet paper (recycled, of course)
Anything else?


Lol all you need are guns and ammo. Shoot others, take their shit.

The water pumps will eventually stop making you super vulnerable carrying 20kgs of water from the nearest source and weapons, you'll be observed by criminality who'll be rather sick of eating the local cat population by now, they'll follow you back to your bunker and if they can't starve you out, a can of petrol (Gas) and your air vent will have a date with destiny....


and 90% of these are chink numbers
>hospitals built in a week start falling apart
>quick chang think of something
>"we cure everybody on our hospital, we now close, all people from hospital cure no possible to get reinfected"
>hospital collapses

Corona can spread through water pipes and groundwater.

>prepped Neets
Yeah sure and with what money you piss poor Neckbeard ? You fags cant even afford a flat but larp here as some kind of survival specialists.

if i had to wake up and go to a job tomorrow i would blow my brains out without hesitation.

There is literally no one here that has anything like this.
Aside from a nuclear blast. Having one of these would be pretty Fucken stupid.

>tfw overweight NEET

I'm 100% prepared, I don't even need food

Nothing stopping you from domming a hazmat suit to do your grocery shopping.

where are they? where are the survivor stories on YouTube, as a cash grab? where are the interviews with the heroic survivors, and then tragic fight they went through told over sad music?
there aren't any. wonder why that is.

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Not really a great story when you just went through something that acted like a flu.

I don't think this is the catastrophe that will do it, but I definitely hope something big happens that makes your flow of neetbux stop and you actually have to fend for yourself.

You won't, you'll just die like the pathetic fuck that you are.

I have some Neet buddies who already piss their pants because there is lees of the cheap shit to buy and they cant afford normal toilet paper and food. Already asked me for money.

NEETS shall inherit the Earth


>doesn't know about A.D.E.

Wasn't this like the beginning of Zombieland?

t. rust player

You want a shower just so you can get naked, you fucking freak.

Hahaha, the only exposure I will get is when wagies come to deliver me food

Based and AIpilled.