>People are really losing their minds over a 97% survival rate
People are really losing their minds over a 97% survival rate
That's with medical care.
Italian stats:
50% require hospitalization
10% go into ICU
The US is not capable of providing treatment at anything close to that volume, so the death rate will increase, as well as the death rate from all the other reasons people end up in a hospital. On any given day there are only 300,000 empty hospital beds across the entire country.
good I hope the genetically weak die off and this increases ethnocentricism among whites.
I dont think it be unreasonably to guess at a 75% survival rate without access to medical care.
>3% death rate
Mate, back in 2007 my guild got like 7 warglaives from 35 illidan kills, the warglaives had a 3% drop rate, and yet we got more than we expected.
All hell breaking loose in the US.
Somehow we are immune. What a time to be a leaf
This virus is just test
You know the niggers and spics will get priority at hospitals right?
Just drink some more water you homo
U.S. population: 327 million
3% of U.S. population: 9.8 million
Population of New York City: 8.4 million
Population of Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston combined: 9 million
Imagine if the entire population of New York City died or if the populations of Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston all died.
Imagine thinking everyone will be infected
>48 million hospitalizations
>48 million hospitalizations
>48 million hospitalizations
>48 million hospitalizations
>48 million hospitalizations
>48 million hospitalizations
>48 million hospitalizations
>already hear story about getting over budlite virus
>nigger from walmart completely fine
>nigger still breathing air
imagine 1 tenth of LA just dropped over dead, and they were all piece of shit boomers... YEP i'm thinkin BASED
cool mental gymnastics
brainlet take
what happens when there are 643 sick as fuck coofers for every 1 ICU bed? You'll find out in 2-4 weeks! HAHAHA!
>just imagine
it is a 97% survival rate if you actually trust the numbers from the Chinese government which go into calculating the survival rate. Do you actually believe the Chinese with how many have caught and died from Coronavirus in their country.
>if you actually trust the numbers from the Chinese government which go into calculating the sur
you're a doublenigger and i wish it were strong enough to remove you from this world.
My warehouse has warnings and hand sanitizer everywhere. Bunch of old managers terrified they'll get infected.
If they're not testing in America I doubt your communis ice box even has the kits they're selling fast
>the kits they're selling fast
how fast
makes it a good target for arson when SHTF.
Also if I was a doctor or nurse during this time. There would be a lot of "accidental" deaths under my watch in the ICU.
The Chinese government is well known for its corruption. Yet you think they are telling the whole truth this one time. Please tell me you are not that stupid.
put more words in my mouth faggot, you're really good at it.
daddy pls give me more words
yummy yummy in my tummy
Since you put it that way
whats the difference between the chinese gov and you? lol
People are saying China is bullshitting numbers but why would SK, Japan, and HK be on it as well?
Current estimates of an infection rate between 20-60% of U.S. over next year.
At 3% death rate that would be between 2-6 million Americans dead. For reference, Spanish Flu killed 575k iirc.
Now, the guesses for death rate by experts has been somewhere between .2 and 2%. We're still looking at a death toll of at least hundreds of thousands. Plus the economic effects. Fuckin hell.
wow, you sure got a cool id despite having such a shitty habbening baby post.
Japan wants Olympics. They're lying.
HK does what China says. They're lying.
SK might be accurate but I doubt it. They're probably lying.
I’m worried about hospital capacity being over saturated and that survival rate going down m8. You’re a stupid normie.
Also Chicago anons need to be VERY careful for organized black raiders
imagine thinking that China would quarantine 40 million for just the flu bro
Worst Korea started mass screening to catch mild and asymptomatic cases, and when selection bias was removed, the death rate dropped to 0.7%.
So, even less than that.
it's a 97% survival rate if you actually ignore all the mild cases of corona -- the fact they only include those with severe enough cases to be tested
Is this the long awaited boomer genocide? Dear god I hope this is true.
>boomers should be around 30
>basically your dad
how could you
go suck your dads dick right this instant
>plus the economic effects
That's what's going to kill us. the virus only kills boomers so it's quite baste TBQHF, but having large amounts of the workforce stay home for weeks on end (which is entirely necessary and appropriate) will have a long term impact for sure. travel industry may take years to recover
meaning the survival rate is more like 99.3%
my dad is a tough one. He'll be fine. Although I gotta make sure my family stocks up on vitamin c.
>99.3% chance you live the rest of your miserable life
Burgers should think about their 10Y Bonds going down like a german Submarine hit by a waterbomb.
Chinks own you, you know? If they decide to sell those bonds still worth 8 Trillion USD because they sense now is the time to wreck USA as the global power No1 they will do so.
Prepare for the biggest assfisting in economical history
hopefully it his the spic and nigger communities hard. The majority of them don't know about virology nor quarantine procedures.
cool redditspacing
i bet your twitter is SOOO BIGGGGG
It's what I'm most worried about. Other than my little brother (on dialysis) and boomer relatives. Obviously not exactly excited at the prospect of testing my own luck with coronachan either, nor my wife and kid, even if it's unlikely that our cases would be severe. This shit is big time. Best thing we can say is that hopefully this will be a learning experience so that when the super flu inevitably slithers out of chink land we don't end up with civilization totally crashed.
That's cute but Coronachan isn't going to kill enough of us to stop the nuclear arsenal from raining down on Chinks. When we go down, the world goes with us.
dont know whats reddit and dont like twitter bcc of reasons, but i like oanda
Yup. Fuck em.
We are not immune just a few weeks behind
ok touche, but pls make sure to glass saudi wahabia and turkey twice, just to be sure
Just don’t get shot or stabbed, cause the hospitals can’t help you anymore.
Isn't the mortality rate in Italy around 31%?
This is what happens when a society allows the top two death groups to hold all the political power.
based tbc raider
You know Whites will be effected most since half our voting demographic are old ass White boomers.
>Imagine if the entire population of New York City died or if the populations of Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston all died.
What gets me is that I still just don't know how real this all is. If I need to be hitting the road out to the countryside. I'll probably die still wondering. I don't have anywhere to go anyway.
>97% survival rate
According to the government who doesn't want additional panic over the true 44% mortality rate.
>Whoa coronavirus is so scary let's just destroy the economy because we might get a sore throat.
These idiots don't understand that all of this panic is doing way more damage than any virus is capable of doing. Yes Amazon and Wal-mart will survive, but small businesses won't. Good job you fucking pussies.
Literally everyone still in denial for this shit is a US flag. Why? Oh yeah, they are all 60 year olds from t_d.
Just get it early when hospitals still have room. Crisis averted.
Yeah this is a good point. 90% of our politicians are fucking 70 years old or older. If everyone was a reasonable age like say 50-60 there'd probably be less scare mongering.
this is ideal, accelerate. Fuck reformists.