expect the stocks to drop 10,000 points tomorrow in light of the latest speech by Trump.
Fed lowering rates and pumping money in isn't going to save this one. It's over
expect the stocks to drop 10,000 points tomorrow in light of the latest speech by Trump.
Fed lowering rates and pumping money in isn't going to save this one. It's over
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10k c'mon be reaoistic. I'm a doomer and I don't see 10k tomorrow. 3k at the absolute most
good, the sooner everythings crashes and burns, the sooner we can rebuild a new beautiful world
anyone against chaos and regrowth are kikes,niggers,satanists or all 3
fuck yes
FINALLY some good news
When are we buying back in? Ive been waiting years to pick up cheap dividend paying stocks
LOL, 10.000 loss and the USA ends on the same day. The circuit breaker exists for a reason.
They will probably just freeze the markets for a week if it looks like it'll drop more than 7%
stfu u fearmongering larpflaggot mcnigger
shit son, you think its bad now, wait till april earnings start coming out after this shitshow
The market would shut for the day before that came to pass. Why do imbeciles parade about their ignorance?
Yeah so, fuck the economy lol.
Ron Paul could of saved you.
buy in when it goes below 22,500. It will hit 22,500 before it hits 27,000 again
Stock market is gonna die tomorrow.
Boeing's commercial division is fucking finished.
With airbus right behind them
Oil will be worthless since none is going to be buying jet fuel, $15 a barrel probably.
Oil stocks are a bust.
Investment banks are done for.
Saudi Arabia may have to sell a ton of their sovereign wealth to bail out armaco by the end of the year.
Total devastation for tourism industry around the world.
Car producers are officially fucked since Europe makes so much euro, jap and American car shit.
What stock should I invest in? Help a dumbfag out!!
about to break 23k
Siri xm
>What stock should I invest in?
real estate management companies since they're the only people that can make it through hyperinflation and a possible jubilee
At the end of the day, only bank defaults matter.
When banks start defaulting is when the wheels of the machine are falling off and the system is about to crash.
For a quick profit? Precious metals.
Longterm? Literally anything that pays dividens. The market is going to rally waaaaaay past where we are now eventually so whatever you can pick up cheap in the next few weeks/months is going to make you bank a couple of years down the line.
Airline stock. They are going to get smashed tomorrow and probably into next week even longer, wait that out and buy back in. United or British Airways, an airline that has a good chance to survive, a lot will be killed off by this, no joke.
They will shut it down before it hits 1500 down because it’s a sham anyways.
>Boeing's commercial division is fucking finished.
It honestly should have been dead a year ago.
>With airbus right behind them
Airbus is a better bet for success than Boeing
>Oil will be worthless since none is going to be buying jet fuel, $15 a barrel probably.
Oil wont go below 25 a barrel, Saudi Arabia wont let it. That is the floor they need to pump it
>Oil stocks are a bust.
Hell yeah they are, at least until Saudi Arabia and Russia sort their shit out
>Investment banks are done for.
No way man. GS isnt going anywhere
>Saudi Arabia may have to sell a ton of their sovereign wealth to bail out armaco by the end of the year.
no man. They will be fine
>Total devastation for tourism industry around the world.
Only until people figure out this shit only kills Boomers. Millennials can finally afford to travel
>Car producers are officially fucked since Europe makes so much euro, jap and American car shit.
People will still buy cars.
What will a market crash mean for gold? A sell off for market losers to get liquidity? Or is Peter Schiff right?
It will hit 20k and I will buy in at 18k.
Junior gold mining companies but wait until the market bottoms out, keep an eye on the stock prices of the gold mining companies.
Gold is the only haven left. No interest in cash, oil is dead, and stocks are too tumultuous.
Guys we're going to hit 19k lmao
Uhh I'd wait until 12k user.
>>expect the stocks to drop by 10,000 tomorrow
Are you trying to say the Dow will dip 10k? Not sure what you mean by "the stocks". Do you attempt to read often?
The state is what is keeping white from killing niggers and Jews . Death to the state. Long live whites.
I dont think it sinks to 18, but if it did, I would buy all in before that at 20
>Millennials can finally afford to travel
>banned from travelling thanks to drumph
It's gonna tumble down down down until it hits 18k
You are insane
trading will be halted within a hour of the opening bell
Good. Let this fraud of a market collapse on itself.
incrementally if you are a noob is recommended there is only Bobo but you need 200+ IQ to understand this concept no such thing as a bull only lower asking prices on a magical piece of paper
Societal collapse Friday inbound
Gold is the only real valuable. Schiff is 100% correct.
look at dow futures
Buddy of mine made decent profit off of diversifying his portfolio amongst medical research labs, look online to see who is working on a coronavirus vaccine and go from there
It will never reach a 10k drop tomorrow, being the circuit breakers exist
Does this mean bonds will soar?
March 9, 2020
March 13, 2020
Who cares. Buy the dip nigger
Who's buying the dip
its still a falling knife, the dip (bottom) is when earnings get fucked from this
Peter Schiff is always right.
SH - literally the inverse of the market. Fucking retards
I'll buy the bottom, but this isnt the bottom
>bonds will soar?
The only bonds that are soaring are osrs bonds.
US markets won't collapse tomorrow. EU travel ban was the right thing to do. Investors and bankers are not that stupid.
>all these retards
you physically can't lose that much in one day, at -20% trading is halted for the day.
with that said futures down 900 and all tells me blood is in the air tomorrow
If you're not over 40 with a 401k then there's zero reason to give a flying fuck
when corona stops spreading exponential, and only spreads linear. easy