HAPPENING: (LEAKED) LSU Professor Blows the Whistle on Coronavirus

Leaked video from apparent LSU professor explaining student
had the coronavirus and continued to go to class “this is going to be on the news guys.”


Attached: LSUVIRUSWHISTLEBLOWER.png (665x662, 437.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Holy frick this is crazy

intersting times indeed

bump for interest

You’re literally fucking retarded and just want call to get cancelled


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Jesus H Christ, these fucking left leaning cocksuckers doing this despite the pandemic.

What? So the "big thing" is that some chink got the virus and lied about? Wow incredible damn... whoa.....

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They are everywhere!

All chinks should unironically be deported or put in labor camps

we're already dead

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Based meds poster


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Its more then that cuck, he spent days around other students and, staff

Don't worry LSU professor. Non-white "students" (aka cheap migrant labour and property investment dividends) have been going to school, work and clubs while infected with Corona Chan so frequently here that nobody even cares anymore.

I don't get it.What's so important?

How did this shit get to New Iberia already?

Attached: new iberia.png (1097x674, 202.01K)

you'd have to be an idiot to not understand why all public gatherings and schools should be cancelled to stop this thing

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Der Coofer strikes again


i thought they stopped all flights

So? Are you completely retarded? This shit has happened all over. There was some old Japanese dude who did a similar thing, purposefully infecting people. Amerisharts are so fucking dumb.

Someone needs to be beaten to death with a bag of doorknobs.

The economy is being decimated by kids who don't want to fucking go to school.

A LOT of barely english speaking chinese foreign students here siphoning our education system.

Fuck I want to suck those mommy milkers

Moved to Louisiana from Upper Michigan a few years ago for work. I sincerely hope this spreads like a wildfire. This is BY FAR the worst state I've ever seen. Absurdly high taxes. Absurdly high insurance, because 1 in 5 cars on the road are uninsured. NIGGERS FUCKING EVERYWHERE. And not just black people that I call niggers because I'm racist. I mean full blown niggers. Just a month ago I saw 4 niggers riding a single bicycle with a fucking caged chicken on the back like it was Haiti. Every single day, without exception people are getting shot. Vast quantities of drug addicts and homeless. The small handful of decently civilized, well behaved white people are borderline retarded.

Fuck this nigger filled hellhole.

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Are homeless going to get homes first so that they can self-quarantine themselves if necessary?

Attached: los_angeles_homeless.jpg (1185x800, 230.1K)

This. I fucking hate chinks so much.

Get a fucking grip. You're not 80 years old.

Can I lick them first? *coof*

Well, that shit is going to get ugly soon. They will start attacking the other civilians around them once they start getting ill and no one helps them.
I wouldn’t want to be in San Francisco now.

Typical middle-age liberal professor with bipolar disorder. None of that happened.

>chink: "I had the virus"
>chink on the phone with authorities: "I haven't been showing any symptoms."

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They just released the picture of the student.

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based and medpilled

No one must have told you about the "black belt".
I know you live in Michigan so have probably been to Detroit at least once or twice, if you knew about the nigger population down here I'm sure you thought "Well in the South they're racist and everyone has guns so niggers are probably not as 'uppity' down there." Now you understand why racism is so prevalent in the south: because we actually have to live near them, and whites that grow up in these SAME NEIGHBORHOODS as these niggers don't end up violent (non-race specific) niggers.
The reason why southerners are more open about their racism is they either don't have the IQ to properly comprehend the social stigma attached, or they know other whites already know how niggers are and don't care about the non-racist stigma of some beta bitch that may record them to shame them.

Attached: 3yo racist.png (1124x900, 400.1K)

When he shouted like that, he gave away his mental illness. These are your teachers America.

Fuck! pressing F

Who the fuck said I want it to be stopped, nigger faggot?

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Fucking chinks.

this is to be sure hamburger made of nothing. american delusions creating unhealthy panic symptom in populace using unwell rumors. terrible example for public community and national appearance!

Chinks get the rope

Chinks aren’t human. I don’t blame the groids that are attacking them

what an unprofessional dickhead
hope he gets reprimanded for inducing panic..

He lied about corona he actually has strep

.5 yuan has been deposited to your account

>1 in 5 cars
Go to CA of FL where half the cars are uninsured, driven by illegals or criminal bastards.
>I mean full blown niggers.
Florida, south of Vero Beach to the Keys, Tallahassee and Jacksonville.


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I hate you chinks so much

I work auto insurance and can say that the risks I've worked on in CA FL and GA support this statement.

I have been to Detroit a fuck load of times. And yes, they most certainly act like apes. The difference though is that it was only a portion of them acting like apes. I can't count the number of times I had an interaction with a Detroit nigger that was no different than any interaction with a white person other than skin color. Since I've been in Louisiana I've yet to meet a single nigger that wasn't a walking stereotype. Walking right behind one into a gas station? They slam the door shut rather than acting like a human and holding it open for the next person. In a movie theater? Every single one of them is talking on a cell phone and whooping at every possible moment during the film. At the doctor's office trying to check in? Better get ready to wait 10 minutes because La'Tisha is on a personal call with her baby daddy. Beggars cussing you out because you only had a dollar bill you threw to them rather than the 50 they wanted. I've certainly met some Detroit niggers that acted like animals. But in Louisiana it's literally ALL of them.

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need to make the nipples pink

I don't find her attractive at all, but I want to sexualize her anyway just to express my contempt.

Yeah fuck Louisiana

Georgiafag here. This, unironically.

Based and underwriter pilled

We got corona cases all over sweden now. I live in a city of like 4 k population tops, we got 2 cases even.

BIG if true.

why doesn't she wear a bra?

Fucking chinks spread this on purpose, its a bioweapon revenge for the trade war

Is this shopped?

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