Leftist women vs Conservative women

Which is better?

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Lefties are better cooks righties are better mothers. It's worth the sacrifice, so your kids are chubby: atleast mom isn't banging five dudes nor did she chop little jonnies dick off to make a little jane..


Both look like dudes and my gf is a trap

Depends if you're attracted to family or not

Girl on the right has a bunch of mosquito bites on her legs.

Not Sexy.

women should not be allowed to discuss politics and certainly shouldn't be able to vote

i like the one that doesnt shit her pants

>Lefties are better cooks

lol they don't cook at all, that's why they're always broke because they eat out every night

>Neither of them are nerd girls.
No real choice.

No such thing as either

Conservative girls are also big poopy pants, are you into poopy, user?


Katilin Bennett shit her pants

honestly Dasha is more likely to post on Yas Forums than Kaitlyn

Im a bit bias because of my scat fetish but right.

Teenage women are better. Old whores that think about politics instead of raising their children are worthless.

Also you posted a kike.

Changing diapers is part of making a mommy. So in a way; kinda I guess.. Lefty girls still are the best mothers. Pick your crazy.

mf righty girls--wtf typo.

irrelevant. a hole, is a hole

apolitical women are the best, they know their place in the world. who the fuck want to listen to a women bitch about politics.

They're both virtue signaling attention whores

Request that a woman delete ALL social media, and no longer wear make-up. You'll see their true colors immediately.

Democrats literally identify as babies and will shit their adult diapers.

>conservative women

oh. that's her.

Neither women are particularly attractive.

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Idk man see yourself

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>a cross

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Which one shits her pants?


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>Lefties are better cooks

Are you fucking retarded? Leftist women won't learn to cook because that's how the patriarchy wants them to behave.

>caring what women think

both are plants for the opposite side dumb shit head

the right by a goddamn mile.

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Conservative, obviously.

Did you make that?

Man.. Disney star wars is fucking something else...

There are no lefties cooks. Dumb fuck.

no evidence its her
only leftist faggots post this picture here

Those are both trannies? Post actual girls OP

Is the girl on the Right the same girl in the gif of the demonic short-haired scrawny kikess trying to steal the microphone?

i really hate the strong alpha woman trope. i dont want my woman to act like a dude, otherwise i would be hooking up with dudes. it's nothing wrong with knowing how to handle a gun, but i don't want some tailgating, beer chugging whore in skimpy clothes.

im gonna have to go with left

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>Did you make that?

Scat is my fetish
checkmate commies

Wow. I'm a large man and I don't shit that much.

Step up your game
you should be taking massive shits

>"socialist" who SJW types hate and call a fascist (Anna is hotter than Dasha anyway)
>Incontinent Libertardian gunbunny

I'll choose a girl who doesnt give a shit about politics.

this pretty much

The right one is acting too masculine and is dressed like a thot. The left is at least dressed more modest.
Cuckservative men for some reason like women that act like dudes.

Both perfect for nigger cock

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are you fucking blind? left is wearing a sailor uniform, infinitely better

Look at the hair, it's not her. Impressive dump though.

>lefties are better cooks
they always get take-outs from the local ethnic eatery

>Caring about a woman's opinion
I find the one on the left more physically attractive

Men are better cooks than ALL women. It's a simple task delegated to them because it's so hard to screw up.

God she’s beautiful.

Must be taking opioids, that’s a weeks worth of shit

Bullshit the 1% shill for communism. They like liberalism, economically right and socially left. It's the liberal lifestyle that attracts the elite, not union rights and higher wages. Sailor Socialism has my vote, since the only people who defend US economically are kikes & kike slaves.

Also before some brain damaged t_d zionist calls me a commie, I'm more economically center like NatSoc or Social Democracy.

this. every liberal women I have dated didn't know shit about cooking.

Asian man talking about small dicks. Lol. This faggot is the definition of tds

>Conservative women

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How dare you insult our precious tom boys. Otherwise I coom and want them gone.

>Lefties are better cooks

Women are women. They use politics as fashion and for sexual strategies.

Judge me how you want but I'd fuck Kaitlyn Bennett.

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>I'd fuck Kaitlyn Bennett.

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i think a lot of them have glamorized this idea of a person that relates to you entirely without considering how gross and headache inducing that would get in time.

I need the Con woman's legs wrapped around my head.

ID fuck Kaitln but never breed she looks like blood type O ..mutt .

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It's not her on that poop pic. Even if it were, it looks more like someone threw someone else's shit on her ass while she was unconscious and took the picture to discredit her. Typical leftycuck behaviour.

Shit bait KYS

doesn't matter.
her fucking grill is all jacked up
thats why she can't smile

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Both are good sex slaves


Any woman who isn't center left has daddy issues or is otherwise damaged goods

'ppreciate y'all

Righty chicks will do anal because they know their man is into it and get off on the kink factor.
Leftie women will do it just to be “rebellious”

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I always wonder how long she was passed out for. if that shit had time to get cold before she ended up squishing it between her legs again.

What a horrible sensation


holy shit ahahaha

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I read that as "you could be taking massive shits" like it was a challenge and I will now live by this credo.

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>Lefties are better cooks
Most leftist I know live off a diet of fast food and doritos

lol what are u smoking

in a conservative household the only cooking a man does is lumps of meat, the boring stuff is the woman’s job

Why is she wearing a welding hood when she's just operating a machine lol, what a dumb bitch

imagine lusting after a girl who shits her pants on the reg

That is mesmerizing

The woman who wont kill their kids in the womb is always better.

Can they both speak English?

complete destruction

Any girl with a firearm obsession is either fuckin crazy or an attention whore

Intensive retardery.

massive shits ftw